Russian folk tale "Fox and Heron"

The tale "The Fox and the Heron" emphasizes the relationship of people, showing this on the example of animals. Like many other folk works, it teaches us to distinguish good from evil.

Fairy tale fox and heron

Childhood tales

Russian folk tales are familiar to everyone since childhood. Favorite heroes of these tales are animals and birds. Each of them is endowed with human character traits and is easily recognizable in society. It is easier for children to find good and bad qualities in animals than in humans, especially since their social circle is still too narrow. And if they begin to look for bad traits, then they will be forced to look for them in the character of close people.

So, the next heroes (the tale "The Fox and the Heron"). Animals are bright, with a clearly defined line of behavior. And it is felt that between the characters displayed in the name of the tale, relationships will develop, but what they will be is interesting.

About a fairy tale

The fairy tale “The Fox and the Heron” allows you to sympathize with the mother, who loves her children, who cooed with them, fed and warmed with her body, played with the chicks. She is forced to agree with those insidious proposals that came from the hungry Fox.

No one ever doubted the meanness of this red cheat. But how did she manage to outwit a loving mother?

It turns out that by fooling Fox, she manages to get herself food (she, contrary to her promises to give the cuckoo's chick and take on another's education, simply eats the poor children). A mother will never want to believe in the death of her children. She always believes in the best. But until his last chick does not resist the threats of the Fox. Thanks to Heron, who was able to help her advice, Dove. The Swamp bird sacrificed herself, substituting her head for a cunning beast.

The basic idea

The main thing in the work of Russian folklore “The Tale of the Fox and the Heron” is the confrontation of cunning and arrogance. What is the best way to do this? Good advice, a hint on how to act and what to answer. The enemy is always treacherous and dodgy, he is vindictive and tries to go ahead.

It is not known what will happen to the surviving nestling, whether the Dove itself will remain untouched by the Fox. I would like to believe that the chick will grow up and be able to escape with her mother, flying away from her nest.

Tale heron and fox Russian folk tale

A fairy tale is a lie ...

The tale "Fox and Heron" evokes a variety of feelings. First, the bewilderment and condemnation of the Mother Dove for softness and gullibility. When she gives up the second chick and informs Tsapla that the Fox is eating her children, the reader is overcome by hatred. How is this possible: Dove gave chicks to certain death and knew about it! But when the bird invites Fox herself to climb the tree, the reader feels admiration and pride in the nascent sense of responsibility of her children.

Of course, I do not want to believe that the wise Heron can suffer from the vile inventions of the Fox. Only one conclusion can be drawn from everything read: you can never relax with the enemy, you need to be alert.

Is it possible to give advice to Dove, how to keep all children whole and healthy, how to respond to the actions of the Fox? Advice and request that I want to express: do not betray those who helped. The heron would be alive, the Dove with the remaining chick, too. The dove, as is characteristic of most women, does not know how to keep its mouth shut. No wonder they say: "My tongue is my enemy."

A review of a fairy tale does not have characteristic distinguishing features from a similar type of creative work, which briefly narrates about the story and story. More emotions of the author of the review are added, recommendations are given to some heroes how to act in the corresponding situation.

Composition will find its readers, those who will use it as educational moments for their children. Probably, for everyone, too, will find a lot of instructive.

Review of a fairy tale

Truly, the fairy tale “The Heron and the Fox” is a Russian folk tale, since, like all works of folk art, it has a hidden meaning and subtext.


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