The main varieties of apple trees for central Russia

The undoubted leader among all the fruit trees of our world is the apple tree. Both at the equator, where hundreds of tropical plants still grow, so in the northern cities of the planet are these wonderful plants whose fruits are incredibly useful. Caring for an apple tree is easy; it quickly adapts to any weather conditions and soil. However, in order for everything to be good, it is important to choose the right kind of tree, always based on your geographical location.

varieties of apple trees for central Russia

In our country, a temperate climate predominates. Therefore, most often gardeners are looking for apple varieties for central Russia. For many years, experienced botanists worked on the creation of such trees, and today there are far more than a dozen of them. All types of winter apple trees differ from each other in the size of the fruits, their taste, and growth characteristics. However, apple varieties for central Russia have high frost resistance, their branches are strong and strong, and the trees themselves are most often tall.

Before you start listing all types of apple trees that grow in temperate latitudes, it is worth paying attention to several important points. A brief description of the varieties of apple trees will help you grow a tree on the site without any problems. So, the trees from this subcategory are divided into three types: early, medium and late fruit. The first apple trees begin to bear fruit in the third or fourth year of life. Trees from the second category delight with juicy apples after five years after planting. Well, late fruit bloom by the age of ten.

It is also worth noting that apple varieties for central Russia can bear fruit in the middle of summer - in which case they are called summer. If apples appear on branches in August, then this is an autumn variety. But winter apples begin to ripen by October and, as a rule, are distinguished by a reddish color and a sweet taste.

varieties of apple trees for the middle lane

The most common variety in our latitudes is white filling. We pick apples from such a tree in the middle of summer, in extreme cases - at the end of July. They differ in light green skin, on which there are many white specks. The fact that this is a summer variety immediately becomes clear to its taste: the white filling contains both sweet notes and a slight tint of sourness, which perfectly refreshes on a hot summer day.

Autumn varieties of apple trees for central Russia, unlike their summer counterparts, are characterized by a yellowish skin tone and an incredibly sweet taste. Often, such fruits ripen outside the tree - they need to be picked and put in a warm place. Only after a certain exposure will the apples turn yellow and pick up the juice. Among the autumn varieties, Belfler, Antonovka, Altai crimson apple tree are worth mentioning.

characteristics of apple varieties

Winter varieties of apple trees for central Russia ripen exclusively at home, and if they are not removed from the branches in time, they will begin to rot and crumble. Among the names of such varieties you probably know Bogatyr, Renet Simirenko, Cinnamon striped. Apples collected from their branches are stored for a long time and have a sweet, slightly pungent taste.


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