Famous and not so sweet quotes

Do you know the feeling that without chocolate and candy you cannot live a day? And sometimes, already lying in your bed, you cannot fall asleep, knowing that somewhere out there, on the very top shelf in the kitchen cabinet, you hid the "sweet bunny" from yourself. Sweet! No, today we will not write about cake recipes, cooking homemade cookies, beloved meringues, soufflé and tiramisu. Today in our publication we will talk more about spiritual food, but the topic, believe me, will be the sweetest. So, some, original in our opinion, quotes about sweets are presented to your attention.

Quotes about sweet life

Children's immediacy

There are really many reasons to love sweets, and, in our opinion, one of the most significant is the opportunity to feel like a carefree child, to return to a happy childhood, when the most pleasant memories were connected with sweets. As adults, we still often “sin” sweet, seizing problems. Trying to distract ourselves from troubles, we not only seek consolation in sweets, but also gain strength, no, not physical, but moral.

One very sweet girl, our contemporary with you, a children's writer from Belarus, Nadeya Yasminsk wrote: “The boy knew: when a person is upset, he eats sweets to plug holes in them. And now he understood why in the box all the candies are of different shapes: there are round, square, and rectangular. After all, you still do not know what it will be, this sad hole. " How directly and sweetly these words sound from the lips of a sweet child! How wise, simple and accurate children are! After all, as you know, "the mouth speaks the truth of the baby." This quote about sweets is like an axiom that becomes an indisputable revelation. When we teach a child to adapt to the world around us, do not forget to learn from him. Why? Only children know what they really want, they know how to achieve this, and they always don’t take courage and courage to fulfill their dreams.

Quotes about sweet life

Passion about sweets

“If I eat a lot of sweets, then I will not be plump, but sweet!” Smiled We continue our “sweet” topic. The following quote about the sweet life of the famous Russian artist Nikolai (Nikas) Safronov is simple and concise: “Life is good if everyone goes to work in the morning and you go to the pool.” “Here there is not a single word about sweets,” you say. Learn to read between the lines, dear reader, and you will see in this expression elements of the so-called sweet life, with no pressing problems and worries, you will see the life of a wealthy person who can afford the Bahamas, and sleep before dinner, and a cherry on the cake. But do not rush to grieve, because they, nevertheless, are lucky, oh how difficult it is to preserve the taste of a sweet life, not to make it ordinary and fresh. As you know, the best is the enemy of the good!

“Why is life sometimes so bitter and ugly, because you can’t have sweets every day!” And in confirming these words, we quote the talented Vladimir Mayakovsky and his work “The Tale of Pete, a Fat Child, and Sim, which is Slim”: “They drink tea in a colorful mug. Workers don’t have money, Sime rarely has candy, but it’s sweeter than a whole box for Petya. ” A quote about sweets in one line will show the essence of life.

Anything can happen

The famous travel writer Robert Stevenson wrote: “The only difference between a good dinner and life is that sweet is served at the end.” By sweet we mean not only sweets and gingerbread, sweet moments of life are our memories of the first kiss, the long-awaited birth of a child, the journey, the kind words of a loved one. It was a beautiful quote about sweets, it inspires, makes you smile and, most importantly, think about life.

Quotes about sweets


In conclusion, summarizing what was said, I would like to add that one should not confuse addiction and the desire to treat yourself sweet. It’s even not bad at all that you sometimes want to eat a piece of cake or a couple of sweets, but do not forget: “The cake will be in the mouth for two minutes, in the stomach for several hours, but on the hips - alas, all your life!”

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F32713/

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