The child’s head is hot, but there is no temperature: is it worth the alarm

When a child appears in the family, young parents have much more reasons to worry. After returning home from the hospital, they have to carry out all care activities on their own. The first bathing, the first lure, not far off and the first steps. And the most unpleasant thing that can happen is various diseases. Parents are very worried about any signs of fever in the baby. For example, if a child has a hot head and no temperature, what does this mean?

the child’s head is hot and there is no temperature

Common problem

In fact, almost every mother addresses such a question to a local pediatrician. After all, everyone knows that high temperature can be fatal, since the tiny organism of the baby is still incapable of self-regulation. Overheating in a matter of hours can lead to serious consequences or even death of the child. Feeling that the baby’s head is warmer than usual, mothers are taken to measure body temperature. In this case, the normal readings of the thermometer are usually not reassuring. Parents continue to search for the answer why the child has a hot head and no temperature.

A little physiology

Everyone knows that a hot head indicates that the baby has a fever. But we must take into account that the child has just been born. Before birth, he lived in other conditions, in the aquatic environment, and the mother's body maintained a temperature of 38 degrees for him. After birth, he fell into completely new conditions, where his mother is the source of heat and nutrition. What are we doing at this moment? Wrap the baby in diapers, then in a blanket and apply to the chest. Opportunities for cooling the tiny little body does not remain. And the process of thermoregulation has not yet been completely formed. As a result, one should not be surprised that the child has a hot head and no temperature. Therefore, there is no reason to worry too much, but on occasion, show the child to the pediatrician. Let him make sure once again that the baby is healthy.

how to dress a baby

Improper care

We have already said this, but let's come back again, because this is the key point. At the birth department, doctors pay a lot of attention to ensuring that the child does not freeze. They dress him, cover him with a blanket and forbid his mother to open it again. At this point, such a measure is justified, because the body has not yet adapted to drastic changes.

But a young mother accepts such behavior as the norm. As a result, and after discharge, she continues to warmly dress the baby. He is still constantly in a supine position and is not able to control the degree of his comfort himself. Only with a cry can he report that something is bothering him. But if the baby is hot, he usually sleeps more. Therefore, to prevent overheating, you need to pay attention to the air temperature in the room and on the street. Usually pediatricians recommend dressing the baby as themselves, plus one layer of clothing. That is, if you are comfortable in home trousers and a T-shirt, then the child can lie in a cotton suit, covered with a flannel diaper.

Thermoregulation Issues

In infants, thermoregulation is carried out due to the oxidation processes in the brown tissue of the fatty layer. This process can hardly be called perfect. Later, the thyroid gland allows you to generate the amount of energy that is necessary for proper heat transfer.

There is another mechanism. If the baby begins to freeze, the baby’s muscles involuntarily contract. Due to this, the body temperature rises. Therefore, if the child’s head is hot and there is no temperature, you must first adjust the amount of clothing that is worn on it and the temperature in the room.

Heat transfer processes are very different in adults and in children. We have an increased temperature accompanied by active sweating. In a newborn, this process is still completely undeveloped, therefore, at elevated temperatures, the vessels of the skin expand, which enhances heat transfer.

In addition to the fact that parents periodically panic about the fact that the child has a hot head and that there is no temperature, they may encounter increased indicators after taking measurements. Acceptable temperatures in infants are considered indicators from 36.4 to 37.2 degrees. Moreover, for a newborn baby, 37.5 is a normal temperature, and you should not panic about this.

baby month

What should alert

Experienced mothers know that sometimes the child’s forehead becomes hotter, and after a while it comes back to normal. The reason for a hot head may be because the baby is overly active. He is crying, excited or busy with his toys. In this case, the mother should take the baby in her arms and walk around the house a little with him. Distract his attention with a calm song.

If the child is a month old, and you notice for several days in a row that he has a hot head, then you must definitely show the baby to the doctor. In addition to colds, there are a number of problems that can stimulate a local increase in temperature. Children's body is unique and sometimes unpredictable. In any case, you should be alert for excessive sweating and hair loss, insomnia, anxiety and irritability of the crumbs.

What to do

First of all, forget about the panic. Every mother is inclined to think about the worst, even when her baby is objectively okay. If the child is a month old or less, this situation indicates that he is hot. The baby needs to open and provide an air flow to the body.

Ventilate the room in which the newborn is regularly. Recommended temperature should not exceed 23 degrees. Make sure that clothes are made only of natural and breathable fabrics. In the summer, spend as much time as possible with the child outside. You can ask grandmothers how to dress a baby, they have good experience. But in the open sun for a long time it is not recommended to not overheat the child.

But once again I want to emphasize that there are no reasons for panic. Constantly monitor the temperature of the baby and regularly measure it. If the head remains hot for a long time, then you need to seek help from a doctor. But the temperature of a certain area of ​​the skin can be an individual feature. This is usually not a sign of illness. Therefore, it is better to think about how to dress the baby correctly.

hot head in a child without fever

Why does a child have a cold forehead

Considering why a child has a hot head, you can not ignore this question. Young parents are frightened if they find a completely cold forehead in the baby, sometimes with perspiration, and the back of the head is hot. This phenomenon may have a number of reasons.

  • Hypothermia. Check for a draft in the room. This is especially true if the child has already begun to crawl.
  • SARS is another reason. Most often, droplets of sweat appear on the forehead in this case.
  • Increased intracranial pressure.
  • Poisoning. In this case, nausea and vomiting are added.
  • The development of rickets.
thermoregulation mechanism

Reasons for the development of rickets

A hot head in a child without temperature can be one of the main symptoms of the development of this ailment. Therefore, if the baby wakes up every night because his pillow is wet from sweat, and you clearly feel the heat coming from your forehead, you should definitely consult your doctor. The consequences of rickets can be very serious, especially if you do not correct it in time. As the disease develops, the bones of the skull become thinner, and the eruption of the first teeth is delayed. The child’s ribs are covered with tubercles, hair begins to fall out, and bald patches appear. In the later stages, lower limbs become curved, and growth and development are slowed down.

That is, a hot head in an infant can be a variant of the norm or indicate the development of a serious ailment. Therefore, in any case, consultation with a specialist will not hurt.

the child’s head is hot and the body is normal


This is another disease that can be assumed in the presence of such a symptom. If the child has a hot head and a normal body - this may indicate the development of diseases of a neurological nature. Usually, a neuropathologist at the first examination notices signs of hydrocephalus and prescribes further examination and correction.

What are the signs of brain dropsy or hydrocephalus? The following symptoms should alert:

  • hot head and excessive sweating;
  • enlargement of venous vessels in size;
  • tipping the head back;
  • frequent and profuse regurgitation and vomiting;
  • frequent causeless crying and grabbing his hands on his head;
  • form, excessive throbbing or drooping of the fontanel;
  • violation of muscle tone.

Hydrocephalus is a very serious disease that requires immediate correction. If you have at least minimal suspicion or you observe similar symptoms, then you should immediately notify the local pediatrician. Timely therapy allows you to completely cure hydrocephalus and the baby will grow up healthy. Otherwise, the disease can lead to the development of deviations in the mental state of the baby.

why does the child have a hot head

Instead of a conclusion

The mechanism of thermoregulation in babies is still far from perfect. Therefore, do not panic if the baby is hotter or cooler than you. Pay attention to the air temperature and humidity in the room. Doctors recommend a series of measurements of the baby’s temperature over several hours. After that, it will already be possible to conclude.

Famous pediatricians recommend parents to bathe their child more often. This normalizes blood circulation and tempers the baby. Be sure to regularly massage. And not always for this you need to invite a professional massage therapist. It will be enough to carry out the procedure on your own in the evening. Mom’s hands and her attention need little more than a therapeutic massage, which carries the usual healing functions. Give your child a plentiful drink. Water normalizes metabolism, helps regulate temperature. And spend as much time as possible in the fresh air.


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