Apples Golden. Variety of apples Golden Delicious: description, photo

Apple lovers who distinguish between many varieties know when to expect each one to go on sale. They are also aware that they can find Golden at any time of the year. But at the same time, many believe that the varieties of these fruits differ only in taste and density.

Grade Features

Golden apples
Golden apples are not very appreciated among gourmets due to the lack of characteristic sourness and softness, but they have a lot of fans. Not even a specialist will immediately notice them on a shelf in a supermarket or in the market. They differ in a rounded, but somewhat elongated conical shape. Their peel is dense, it can be yellow or golden green. A distinctive feature is the small black dots that cover the entire surface of the fruit.

Green fruits have a sour taste. But with full maturity, it changes significantly. The taste becomes tender, sweet. Specialists often call it "honey." The pulp of this variety of apples is greenish in color. It has a juicy structure.

The considered variety of apples Golden is perfectly stored. That is why it can be found on sale all year round. Even in the summer, when the harvest of new fruits has not yet ripened, they sell last year's fruits, which still have a pretty decent presentation.

Beneficial features

Golden Delicious Apples
Like many other varieties of apples, Golden is recommended by many doctors. It contains in sufficient quantities substances that have a positive effect on the condition of nails, hair, and are also responsible for bone growth and even ensure the preservation of vision.

The presence of vitamin C in these apples helps to strengthen the immune system and fight against viral diseases. By the way, lovers of throwing bits of fruit along with seeds deprive themselves of the huge amount of iodine that they contain. Only 6 medium seeds provide the daily rate of this element. Also, many will be interested to know that in each fruit a little more than one gram of protein and fat and at least 30 g of carbohydrates. Like other varieties of sweet apples, they are useful for people suffering from diseases of the liver, kidneys, cardiovascular system.

Separately, it is worth noting that even those who adhere to the diet can eat Golden apples. 100 grams of this fruit contains 112 calories. By the way, apple juice is also considered a diet drink. 100 grams of liquid contains 47 kcal. But note: you can only drink juice made at home. Manufacturers add a considerable amount of sugar to the product to change their taste characteristics. They also artificially lighten it.

Even allergy sufferers can safely consume this variety. It has no enzymes that can cause an unwanted reaction of the body.


Golden apple variety

Golden Delicious apples appeared more than 100 years ago (back in 1890) in the United States as a result of selection. Since the 30s of the last century, they began to be actively grown in France. That is why this variety is considered European.

Of course, most citizens are not interested in how Golden apples grow. Photo trees are unlikely to ever come in handy. But the villagers and owners of cottages are often interested in how these trees will look when they grow up. It is also important for them to find out where you can buy quality seedlings of this variety. It is better to purchase them in specialized nurseries.

Appearance of trees

Like many other winter varieties of apples, Golden belongs to the medium-sized. It has a wide crown, which has the appearance of a pyramid. Young trees have a pronounced conical shape, which becomes more rounded with the onset of fruiting.

Branches are densely leafy. They depart from the trunk, usually at an acute angle. Under load, they often sag. Apples can form on the glove or on individual short rods. Fruits are located on branches of all ages.

Crown of Golden apples of dark green color. Experienced gardeners note that last year's growths often form numerous ovaries. And on each of the gloves one should expect 3-4 apples.


Apples Golden photo
When buying high-quality seedlings, the crop can be obtained even in the second year. The first few years are fruiting regular. And then it will depend on weather conditions and tree care.

The Golden apple variety is considered highly productive. For example, from a hectare of seven-year-old trees, under favorable conditions, you can collect up to 300 quintals of fruit. The yield of one tree can reach 300 kg of apples. At the same time, they hold well on the branches before collection and do not fall.

The largest fruits weigh up to 170, and the average weight ranges from 120-150 grams. In dry years, they can noticeably decrease in size. The pulp of each fruit contains from 14 to 20.5% solids, 10-13.7% sugar and 0.5-12 mg of ascorbic acid per 100 grams of product.

Golden apples are harvested, as a rule, in late September. But consumer maturity comes after another 20 days. Only after this time, with proper storage, all facets of the taste of these fruits are revealed. They must be stored in rooms with sufficient humidity, otherwise they may begin to fade. At the same time, their presentation is lost, but they remain as juicy.

Fruit use

Variety of apples Golden Delicious
Thanks to its excellent taste, Golden Delicious apples can be consumed both raw and baked, and in the form of dried fruits. Fans of these fruits make compotes from them, squeeze juice, make jam, jams, marmalade and marshmallows.

Often people engaged in the production of cider choose Golden Delishes apples. True, according to the classical recipe, other wild species of these fruits are necessary, but for home cooking, in which sugar, yeast or other additional components are used, it is quite suitable.

Golden apples are also suitable for charlotte or other stuffed pies. They can be baked and given as food even to the smallest children. Mistresses choose this particular variety when they plan to bake apple pies. Such popularity is due to their high juiciness and sweetness. Also, many note that from the apples examined, there is no sore mouth and teeth do not begin to hurt, as from other more acidic and hard varieties.


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