World of Warships. Mod "Lead Point": new features

Today, the World of ... series is one of the most popular and successful in the world, especially when it comes to the first part, World of Tanks, also known as the "World of Tanks." Here you get the opportunity to control a tank made in the maximum accordance with real prototypes, and you will fight with real opponents. The "World of Combat Aircraft" offers you a similar opportunity, but only at the helm of well-known aircraft in realistic air battles. And in all these games there was a lead point. However, in the last part - in the "World of Warships" - it is absent. But where did the lead point disappear? And do you need it in this part?

What it is?

lead point

For those gamers who are unfamiliar with the terminology of the previous two parts, it is worth immediately explaining what the lead point is. When you shoot at an enemy, you need to aim, naturally, at the sight. However, this only works for a stationary target - if you shoot in this way, then your shells will be behind the enemy who has moved from the place. It is for this that there is a lead point that allows you to shoot at moving targets more accurately. Without it, everything would have been much more complicated, especially when it comes to the “World of Combat Aircraft”, since it is there that the speeds are extremely high, and getting into the enemy is far from as easy as many would like.

Lack of lead point

warships lead point

However, this article is about the World of Warships project - the lead point is missing here. The developers were guided by the fact that the ships of all three types of military equipment are the slowest, so aiming will be much easier. That is why the lead point was decided not to enter at all, and gamers were at a loss. It would seem that the ships are rather slow, but the shells still very often fly into milk, even if your opponent does not make any maneuvers to dodge. So the enthusiasts immediately got to work and developed a solution to this problem. A mod appeared, which was called quite simply - “Lead Point for World of Warships 0.5”, which immediately gained incredible popularity.


lead point for world of warships 0 5

So, a huge number of people began to download a modification of “Lead Point 0.5.3” and other versions suitable for a specific game client, which allowed to significantly increase their accuracy. Naturally, you want this too - especially in those days when it seems that absolutely everything, even shells fired in the most aimed way, are flying absolutely the wrong way and never find your chosen target. Well, all this can be solved quickly and efficiently - by installing the modification on the game World of Warships. “Lead Point 0.5.3” is an extremely popular mod that has been tested by more than one hundred players, so you can safely download and install it, and this article will tell you how to use it.

Using Modification

lead point 0 5 3

The lead-in mod is extremely easy to use, but you can hardly guess on your own what exactly needs to be done. Therefore, use the simple instructions. First of all, you need to understand that all actions must be performed already in battle - after installing the mod, go to any battle where you will need to make a competent zoom at the very beginning. The direction does not play absolutely any role - you just need to bring any point as close as possible so that the system can read data, in particular, the projectile’s flight time. As soon as you make the maximum approximation, you just need to press the Alt button - this will allow the system to calculate and save all the necessary data for the current battle. That’s all, now you can switch to other shells so that the Lead Point mod can re-calculate. And after that, you can shoot pretty accurately at moving targets.


world of warships lead point 0 5 3

However, you need to immediately realize that you will have to do the same operation in every battle in the game World of Warships. The Lead Point mod stores the data that you provide to it, but this data is erased immediately after the battle is over. So do not forget to zoom in every time to the maximum and press Alt, otherwise you may expect a surprise when right in the middle of the first collision with the enemy you find that your shells are flying not where you would like them to fly. And you will no longer have time to complete all the necessary operations. So if you want to shoot accurately - take in the habit of activating the lead point before each fight.

Modification Features

lead point 0 5 3 0

It is immediately worth noting that there are certain problems for some monitor formats - the fact is that the modification was created for the most common one - 16: 9. If you have a monitor of a different format, for example 5: 4 or 4: 3, then using the modification may cause problems. To avoid this, you need to download certain fixes for your specific monitor - most often they are available on the same resource as the modification itself, and sometimes even come in the same archive with it. Having selected the necessary files, move them to the appropriate folder called gui, which can be found in the same directory where you installed the mod itself. After starting the game, you can use the mod on the screen for which you used the fix, without any difficulties.


mod lead point

However, at the moment there are certain problems with the use of this modification, since it was created unofficially - accordingly, the developers did not pay attention to it when they created patches for the game. As a result, it turned out that the new version, which is needed in order to play comfortably on the network with those opponents and allies with whom you want, is not compatible with any version of the patch. What does it mean? This means that you will have to rely solely on your own eyes and hands to shoot ahead of the curve and hit moving targets. Of course, this suits many gamers, because they did not even use the lead point when it was freely available. But the question now is not about them, but about those people for whom this modification was very important. Is there any way out for them? In fact, there are even two ways out, and both of them will now be examined in more detail.


So, the first option to resolve the issue is to use cheat. In fact, the principle of operation of the modification and the cheat is similar, but there is one extremely important difference that you should always remember and under any conditions. The mod is a harmless addition to the gameplay, it is usually approved by the creator of the game and is used simply to improve the experience received from the game. As for the cheat, it is absolutely illegal, and its use is monitored by the administration and special systems. If you get caught using the cheat, then you will most likely receive either a warning or immediately ban your account. Thus, you need to decide on your own whether it is worth risking your account in order to be able to get a lead point and more accurately shoot ahead of schedule. Or is it better to learn to cope on your own and not endanger yourself. If you still decide to download and activate the cheat, then you will not need to study for long - the principle of action is the same as with the modification. It’s just that it’s absolutely illegal, as it gives the player a much greater advantage over those gamers who do not use it. Actually, as in any other case with cheats. However, there were two ways out of this situation, and if this does not suit you, then you can consider another option.

Paid modification

The second option is a paid modification, which is practically no different from the free version. Naturally, there are differences - firstly, it works on the latest version of the client, and secondly - you have to pay for it. Actually, this is all that can be said about it, because you already know how to handle such a thing, and the only question here is, are you ready to pay money for using this opportunity? Many gamers prefer not to invest real money in virtual entertainment at all, especially when it is not about game content, but about some unofficial addition. Moreover, the developers were initially right - the ships in this game are moving much slower than the tanks and planes in the previous parts. Naturally, here the whole pace of the game is significantly reduced, so this advantage gives you far from what it might seem at first. However, with a competent approach and logical thinking, you can quickly figure out how exactly the enemy’s ships are moving, as well as how your guns fire with these or those shells. Accordingly, you can get the hang of it and have an imaginary lead point in front of your eyes at any necessary time. And you do not have to risk your game client or pay real money. Mastery is the ideal answer in this current situation with a lead point and the game "World of Warships".


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