Spray "Felway" for cats: instructions and reviews

Felway is an excellent tool for normalizing the behavior of cats in various stressful situations. During exhibitions, trips, when a new person appears in the house, you can use, for example, the Felway collar for cats. All products containing pheromones of this brand are completely safe.

cat feline

After using them, the cat receives a peculiar signal that there are no reasons for panic and anxiety. Her emotional state is normalized, and the instinct of marking with urine and scratches is suppressed. The animal begins to play again, his appetite improves. “Felway” for cats has only positive reviews. All who used it, note its effectiveness, safety. A positive result is usually visible quickly enough.

Feline features

Before considering the drug “Felway” you need to understand why these animals leave marks and what role pheromones play in their lives. It has long been noticed that cats are territorial animals. They laid the nature to mark their habitat. For these purposes, they use visual labels, smells and pheromones. The latter are a natural chemical compound secreted by cats. Pheromones are very important in the communication of these animals with each other. They are also required in contact with people. For example, when a cat rubs against the owner with the front of her head, she marks him, showing that he is her property.

Pheromone functions

Facial pheromones perform many functions. They are responsible for the relationships of several animals, geographical orientation, normalization of the state, etc.

It is pheromones that give cats a sense of security and tranquility, help them to master and adapt. Any changes that have occurred in the habitat of the animal cause them panic, as their marks disappear. Therefore, they begin to actively mark the territory, fearing that other animals will claim their rights to it. It is inherent in nature. That is why cats mark the dwelling in which they live.

felway for cats reviews

To avoid all this, there are many specially formulated drugs for these purposes. One of them is Felway for cats.


As an active substance, the preparation contains a synthetic analogue of pheromone of the facial glands of cats F3 (10%). In addition, ethanol (90%) is included as an additional substance.

Spray properties

Felway for cats is very popular. After all, he is able to quickly and effectively calm your pet, normalize the work of the cardiovascular and nervous systems. It perfectly suppresses the cat’s fear. It has an antispasmodic and sedative effect.

felway for cats instruction

Due to the presence in it of a synthetic analogue of pheromone of the cat's facial glands, the animal calms down. It stabilizes the emotional state, reduces or stops stressful behavior . The drug "Felway" is completely safe for cats, the owners do not need to fear for the health of their pet.

Spray application

So that after using this drug, the positive effect is manifested quickly and at full strength, it should be used according to the instructions. Spray "Felway" for cats should be sprayed at a distance of 10 centimeters from the subject. The height of its application should be 20 centimeters from the floor. By the way, it was not chosen by chance. It is at this height that the nose of the animal is usually located.

The instruction recommends applying “Felway” for cats no more than 2 times daily. And so for a month. If your cat begins to rub its face against any object, then stop spraying it. Before spraying the spray, the animal should be removed from the room. You can let in no earlier than 15 minutes after the completion of the procedure.

cat felieve spray

Please note that only objects should be sprayed. Spray should not be applied to the cat itself. Spray "Felway" need in small quantities. Just one click will be enough. Before use, the bottle must be warmed to room temperature, and then shaken several times. It is recommended to apply the spray primarily on doorposts and furniture corners. After all, it is their cats that are most often tagged.

If there are electrical appliances in the room, they should be turned off and allowed to cool. Before turning them on, make sure that they are completely dry.

As observations show, the first positive results you can notice about a week after the start of using Felivea. After you start using this drug, you must not forget to observe the behavior of the cat. If you stopped spraying and after some time your pet again began to mark the room, as well as furniture with urine, scratches, etc., you should start using it again.

Diffuser "Felway"

Not only the spray, but also the Felway diffuser for cats is very popular and in demand. A similar demand for it is associated with its effectiveness. A positive result after the start of its application is noticeable quickly enough. In addition, it is completely harmless, and its cost is reasonable. It is available to every cat owner.

cat feline diffuser

The use of a diffuser is quite simple. It only needs to be plugged in. After that, the substances contained in it begin to evaporate in the air of the room. Cats feel great and gradually calm down. Their emotional state is normalizing. One bottle of "Felivea" is enough for about a month of active use. The area of ​​its impact is approximately 50-70 square meters.

How does he act

The Felway Diffuser for cats is a great alternative to a similar spray. In its effectiveness, it is not inferior to the latter. In addition, it is just as safe, and its operation does not take much time and effort. With its help, you can quickly normalize the behavior of a cat and improve its health.

This is possible due to the fact that “Felway” contains analogues of pheromones of the facial feline glands. They “inform” the cat that there is no reason to worry. The substances contained in the preparation suppress the animal’s desire to urinate the corners of the room, furniture, doorposts, etc.

felway collar for cats

It is recommended to use a diffuser in the following cases:

- when changing the situation in the house or place of residence;

- when weaning kittens from a cat;

- after visiting the veterinarian;

- in the presence of several cats;

- when a new family member appears in the house.

If any of the above happens or should happen, it is recommended to use the Felway diffuser for cats. He will be able to help avoid negative consequences.

Application procedure

Using this diffuser is very simple. Even a child can handle this. First, remove the cap from the bottle, insert it into the diffuser and tighten until you feel a slight resistance. After that, it should simply be inserted into a power outlet. That's all. See how simple it is. But note: do not insert the diffuser into those outlets that are in hard-to-reach places.

felway for cats analogues

This device must be turned on for 4 weeks. If necessary, the vials should be replaced.

During the operation of the diffuser, you should carefully monitor the behavior of your pet. If the cat has signs of anxiety, she has become ill-fed, her behavior has become unusual, be sure to consult a veterinarian.


According to reviews, “Felway” is effective, it is completely safe and easy to use. It allows you to quickly normalize the behavior of your pet. Many pet owners are happy to have purchased a Felway for cats. Analogues of it, of course, exist. In particular, you can call Help cat. But it is not so effective. Thanks to the Felway drug, many cat owners breathed a sigh of relief. After all, their pets stopped marking, their health returned to normal.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F32742/

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