How to find and use the Azura Star in Skyrim

One of the most valuable artifacts in Skyrim is the Azura Star. This magical item, in fact, is an endless stone of souls that does not disappear after use. To become the owner of the artifact, you will need to complete the quest "Black Star". How to do this will be discussed in this article.

quest Star of Azura

Adventure Start

The quest to find the Azura Star in Skyrim will be available as soon as your hero reaches the eighth level. Moreover, the task is activated in various ways. The dragonborn can hear about the shrine of Azura from innkeepers or meet a pilgrim who will tell about the goddess. In addition, if there is no desire to wait, then go to the statue yourself. Then the quest is activated as soon as you get to the place.

Azura’s sanctuary is hidden on a mountain south of Winterhold. It is easier to get to it along the road going from the entrance to the city. Just behind the Whistling Mine, a barely noticeable path leaves to the left. Follow it, so you get to the place. Along the way, you will meet several ice ghosts and trolls, so be careful.

Near the statue of the goddess you will find the priestess Arania Ienith. She will tell about the magician Meilin Varen, who defiled the sanctuary of the goddess and must be destroyed. After the conversation, the task of finding the Azura Star in Skyrim is activated and it is time to set off to meet new adventures.

to whom to give the Star of Azura

Quest completion

After talking with the priestess, go to the Frozen Hearth tavern in Winterhold. There you will find Altmer Nelasar. The mage will not want to share information about the artifact with you, so convince him or intimidate him. Then he will mark you on the map the location “Depths of Ilianta”.

Go there, but do not forget to stock up on protective potions and artifacts, because inside the dungeon you will find many strong necromancers. At the end of the location you will find the skeleton of the magician Meilin Waren and a broken artifact.

Now you need to decide who to give the Azura Star to Skyrim. It depends on your choice which souls the object will be filled with. If you choose Nelasar, you will receive a Black Star as a reward. This artifact is charged with the souls of intelligent creatures - magicians, vampires, robbers. If you decide to restore the item with the help of Arania, then you will get the usual Skyrim Azura Star, which is filled like a simple soul stone, through the killing of undead, animals.

Azura Star Search

Final battle

When you take the artifact to the priestess or magician, you will be asked to undergo a ritual of purification. For this hero will be transferred inside the stone. Here, the Dragonborn will have to fight Meilin Waren. This adversary is strong, and he is also protected by three Marquise Dremora. So the battle will not be easy. Therefore, stock up on protective and healing potions.

If you wish, you can not kill the daedra, but immediately run after the magician. Then you do not have to engage in battle with strong opponents. But in this case, you will lose the rare ingredients - the hearts of the daedra. After defeating the mad mage, you will return to Skyrim, and this will complete the quest.

Black Star Azura

How to use Azura Star in Skyrim

Unlike ordinary soul stones, this artifact does not disappear after enchantment. It simply empties and can be quickly recharged. Thanks to this player, you will not have to carry a “million” soul stones in your inventory. After all, one artifact is enough to impose enchantment. The main thing is to charge a magical item in time.

How to fill the Azura Star in Skyrim? There are several ways to do this:

  • Before killing, cast Soul Capture on a creature.
  • Destroy the creature with any weapon that has the Soul Absorption spell cast.

Note: for the Star of Azura to be charged, it must be in the inventory. In addition, if you have other stones, then small souls will fall into them. Moreover, if you capture the lower creatures - wolves, mud crabs, then to reload the artifact to the level of "Great" will require several kills. In this regard, the Black Star has a significant advantage. The souls of higher beings are, by definition, “Great”, so reloading such a star is much easier.

Use the filled artifact on the pentagram like any other soul stone. In addition, the subject is charging magic weapons. To do this, select the enchanted sword or bow in the inventory, press the "T" key and select the Azura Star as a source of charge. After use, the artifact will again be empty, and to use it again, you will need to commit a new kill.


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