Application "Fruit Vase": manufacturing options.

This article will introduce the reader to the methods of making the application "Vase with fruits and flowers." Parents of toddlers will learn what exactly children should be able to do at different periods of their lives according to the requirements of the kindergarten program.

The development of skills of children of different ages

At the beginning of the school year, the gifts of autumn are studied in kindergarten. Educators introduce children to fruits, vegetables, berries, autumn flowers. On walks, children watch the harvest. During classes in the visual arts, this knowledge deepens and is repeated. Children, drawing fruits or vegetables, already carefully examine their structure, shape. Understand what a flower is made of.

Children also sculpt fruit from plasticine or create crafts from natural material. During the applique class, the children of the younger group paste the fruits cut by the teacher on a piece of paper or on a plate. In the senior and preparatory groups, children already own scissors and can cut out the fruit necessary for work according to templates or by independently drawn contours.

Applications are made in different ways: from paper and folding napkins, from fabric and three-dimensional figures, by mosaic method from scraps of paper. Natural material is also used. In this article we will look at how children of different age groups can perform the application "Fruit Vase", see samples of finished work.

Textured Vase

This application was made specially on a dark background so that the textured paper from which different fruits are made looks more contrasted. It can be smooth, ribbed, glossy, compressed, shiny.

fruit bowl

Such work is performed by children of the senior group of kindergarten. For this, details are cut according to the template from different types of paper. Children of this age should already understand that they can be glued not only nearby, but also so that one partially covers the other. During the preparatory work, the guys examine still lifes, and they are told that those fruits that are located in the back of the picture are located further in the depths of the vase, and those that are drawn in front are closer.

The application of a fruit vase presented in the photo is performed by children as follows. First, bananas are pasted, then - a green corrugated apple, an orange and a bunch of grapes next to it. Last stick pear. At the very end, a vase is glued. Next to it, you can make a chrysanthemum flower, thanks to this you get an original application of a vase with fruits and flowers.

So that the children know where the borders of the vase go, its contours are applied in pencil on a sheet of paper. Children should place all the fruits inside this contour, and the flower outside.

Cut off method

Such work is done with a mosaic of pieces of paper. They tear off their children from a whole sheet of colored paper. The contours of a vase can be outlined with a simple pencil. Children begin by gluing a vase and an orange rim. Children already make fruit on their own, visually determining their boundaries.

Before starting work, you need to explain to the guys that partially the fruits are in the vase and they are not visible, therefore the contours of them below are even.

applique vase with fruit branches

This seemingly easy application of a vase with fruits can be done only by children of a senior preschool age. They need to clearly understand where to bend the contour, because the fruits should not be "prickly", that is, pieces of paper should not stick out from the part with sharp corners. And so only older children can try.

Printed apples in a basket

This is an interesting work done in different techniques. A complex basket of woven strips of paper independently cut by a child along lines of paper. But besides the fact that they need to be cut into several pieces, you also need to properly weave them together.

If parents want to make such a picture at home with their child, then thin branches can be used instead of paper strips, gluing them in decreasing order. You will get the application "Vase with fruits and branches."

applique vase with fruits and flowers

But apples do printing. To do this, cut the fetus in half. Dip one half in red paint, and the other in green. When the prints are completely dry, a basket is glued on top. The last apple can be printed on top of the picture. Such work can be done by children in the older group.

Decorative composition

Application of a vase with fruits is done in a combined way. The background is painted with gouache paints. This is a wallpaper and tablecloth backgrounds. Then separately depict fruits that are cut along the contour with scissors. You can do all the preliminary work the day before class. Everything will dry out well and will not get children dirty.

applique preparatory group flower vase fruit

In a lesson on applications in the preparatory group, a vase with fruits (flowers) will only have to be glued. Place the parts in the contour of the vase outlined in advance. Fruits are diverse: some partially overlap others. At the very end, attach a vase.

Collective application

Sometimes the teacher plans joint work of children. At the same time, the application of a vase with fruits is done by all the kids. The responsibilities are assigned by the educator in the younger group, and older children agree on their own.

Do such a great job on whatman paper. The background is painted in advance. In order for the fruits to be voluminous, you need to cut the same details according to the pattern - the contours of pears and apples. They fold in half, and the fold lines are well smoothed.

applique fruit bowl decorative composition

Then the parts are glued together in halves, and the last and first are glued already to the background. The leaf also bends in half, and one of the parts remains un glued. Details are placed on a whatman paper in a random order, at will.

If you liked any of the presented compositions, then you can try to make such an application at home. Add a few autumn flowers to the still life, and such work can be attributed to the exhibition in kindergarten or elementary school.


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