Dalmatian: breed description, character, reviews, photos

Dalmatians are fascinating at first sight. If you meet this amazing dog on the street with an unusual color, a smile immediately appears on your face and your mood rises. Of course, everyone saw the popular Disney cartoon featuring spotted favorites, which left the dogs loyalty and good nature in their memory. However, not everyone knows how the Dalmatian behaves in real life. Description of the breed, character and much more, we will just consider in this article.

Dalmatian breed description

Breed history

Until now, scientists have not been able to determine exactly where the Dalmatians came from. However, almost all researchers are convinced that this is a very ancient breed of dogs that existed before our era. There are several versions of the emergence of these amazing dogs. The most popular is the version from which it follows that the Dalmatians appeared on the Balkan Peninsula, in Dalmatia, from where they actually got their name. However, some believe that this breed arose in India, and came to Dalmatia a little later. But Dalmatians became especially popular only in the 18th century, in England, which is why many scientists consider this country the second homeland of spotted dogs. Here, these dogs immediately earned the recognition of noble people, and they began to put them in the accompaniment of the British elite carriages. They also became excellent hunters and housekeepers.

Dalmatian: breed description

Dalmatians belong to the group of large dogs. Outwardly, he is graceful, elegant with well-developed muscles. In nature, there are two colors of Dalmatians: white with black spots and white with dark brown spots. It is imperative that representatives with black markings have dark brown eyes and a black nose, and dogs with brown spots have an order of magnitude lighter eyes and a dark brown nose. Surprisingly, the Dalmatian, whose breed description is very unusual, is born snowy white without any marks, and spots appear already with time. And also, if an adult representative of this breed looks into the mouth, then you can also see spots there.

Dalmatian breed description photo

The coat of spotted dogs is very thick, short, with a noticeable brilliant shimmer. The height of the Dalmatian reaches: 55-60 cm - a boy, 49-58 cm - a girl. Their weight is not very different, it ranges from 23 to 27 kg, respectively, males weigh a little more. Spotted dogs have a rather long head with rounded ears of medium size. Their tail is not twisted and almost reaches the hocks.

Dalmatian character

Dogs of this breed are friendly, very active, intelligent and sociable. The Dalmatian will become a good friend for his master. He is very energetic and does not like to be bored, so he constantly needs to devote enough time. If you are not ready to play with him, run and constantly give him your attention, then think before you get such a pet. Representatives of this breed are very loyal to their master and are always ready to follow him, while they treat strangers with all caution. However, they are also prone to independence and sometimes they can decide for themselves. But still, the owner for them is the meaning of life, as if they were created in order to please him.

Dalmatian breed description character

These wonderful creatures are able to be sad, they are very worried when they part with their master. They are also noticeably offended when they shout at them or punish them for something, but rather not against the owner, but at themselves for upsetting him. Dalmatians, the description of the breed, the nature and history of which we have already examined, love everything new, they quickly get bored of the same type of life, so remember this when acquiring such a friend.

Spotted Dog Intelligence

They are easy to train, they learn a lot in everyday life, which they then willingly use. The Dalmatians have a very good memory; they can remember not only teams, but even some events. Spotted dogs can even work in a circus and perform various amazing tricks. Agree, not every dog ​​is capable of this.

The Dalmatian accumulates most of his experience from his master. These dogs are able to find a "common language" with people who have the most diverse character. They grasp everything on the fly and quickly get used to human habits. As noted above, the Dalmatian is a relatively obedient dog, but if you do not play with him and come up with something new for him, he may get bored, as a result of which he will stop listening to you and become a restless dog.

dalmatian breed description reviews

Dalmatian care

Spotted pets are very clean, they will never climb into the mud or in a puddle, so you have to bathe your pet only 2-3 times a year, using a special mild shampoo. The peculiarity of these dogs is that they molt all year round. It seems that their coat is short and there will be no problems with this, but this is not entirely true. This wool will be everywhere with you, as the pet is very energetic and does not sit still, therefore it is recommended to comb the Dalmatians almost every day, if possible, because in this case the main part of the coat will remain on the brush, and it will be minimized in the apartment . Do not get too hard a brush, as this can lead to injury to the skin of the pet.

There is nothing complicated in caring for such a dog, the main thing is to get used to it. In no case should we forget that the Dalmatian, a description of the breed, photos and character of which you can learn from this article, requires constant walks. Relaxing on a picnic, walking by the river and even simple jogging will only benefit him, otherwise the pet may get bored and start spoiling your things.

Dalmatian breed description for children

Owner reviews

Everyone who was lucky enough to become the owner of such a pet as a Dalmatian, confidently and unanimously insists that this is a very friendly dog, a good helper and just a faithful companion. Many write that the spotted pet gets along well with children, moreover, it becomes their guard. He will also be happy to take part in teaching the child to walk. A Dalmatian dog (breed description) is very suitable for children. She will not miss the opportunity to play with them, because for her this, as well as for young children, is a very important factor.

Many advise to regularly inspect the pet’s skin, as representatives of this breed are prone to allergic reactions, redness and other skin diseases, and have a special ointment with them. It is also necessary to carefully ensure that your Dalmatian (description of the breed, reviews about it and the features of the content of such a dog can be found in this article) is not in the street for a long time in severe frost, otherwise it can easily freeze your ears, as they are too thin for him.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F32761/

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