Which is better - Bodrum or Marmaris? How to make a choice?

Turkey is a wonderful country to relax. Russians in the local resorts accept with love and pleasure, considering them “their own”. But when you choose a supposed vacation destination, your eyes run wide: there are so many beautiful beaches, interesting cities, amazing landscapes! Which is better: Bodrum or Marmaris, Kemer or Fethiye? Let's try to figure it out.

Merry marmaris

This city is an ideal place for young people. Couples who have not yet acquired offspring often pay attention to resorts in this part of Turkey. Marmaris or Bodrum: what to choose? Both cities are filled with discos and a variety of entertainment, but the first settlement has a significant difference. It is the main dance floor of the entire Aegean. In the season, to the sounds of mixing a variety of musical hits, the crowd masterly, as a whole, moves.

what is better bodrum or marmaris
In addition, Marmaris is one of the most beautiful harbors in this country, so lovers of beauty will love the scenery here: wooden sailing yachts are slowly moored near the border of blue water open spaces and silver sand. The city is surrounded by a small but very beautiful pine forest, which sets off the majestic cliffs and sleeping hills. The climate here is mild, so high temperatures do not create discomfort: the heat is almost not felt. Every second vacationer is our compatriot. And if 10 years ago it was possible to meet exclusively British or Dutch in local bars, today Marmaris “spoke” in almost all languages ​​of the world with a significant bias towards Russian.

Youth Bodrum

It’s very difficult for people in their prime, who love entertainment and dancing, to decide between these two resorts. Bodrum or Marmaris? Where the youthful atmosphere is better, it is difficult to answer, since in both cities nightlife boils until the very early hours of the morning. In Bodrum, for example, the largest disco in Europe is located - Halicarnassus. This is a huge club that is located on the coast in the open. It offers stunning views of the ancient fortress and the night sea. The best musicians perform here, large-scale laser shows are held. The dance floor can simultaneously accommodate about 5 thousand people. All entertainment is located outside the hotels, so those who crave peace and quiet will also be comfortable here.

marmaris or fethiye
If you like cruises and don't know which is better - Bodrum or Marmaris, pay attention to the first resort. Throughout the season, there are yachts that take vacationers on excursions in the direction of the Greek islands - Kos, Lesbos, Rhodes, Symi and others. The name of the city has long been a well-known brand: the Bodrum kebab sign can be seen even in Thailand. In ancient times, Halicarnassus was located in its place - the capital of Caria, which became famous for the first mausoleum built in the history of mankind, which was called the miracle of the ancient world.

Universal Kemer

City for families. If you like to see the sights, then select Kemer. Marmaris or Bodrum can also boast of unsurpassed masterpieces of architecture, but this place is still special. Kemer's embankment is simply dotted with unusual sculptures: fishermen, astronauts, thoughtful gentlemen and having fun children. The highlight of the park is the Rain of Love fountain. Half of the local population considers the building immoral, threatening to demolish to the base of the foundation, other residents turn a blind eye to the resort "disgrace".

Bodrum Marmaris or Fethiye
Killing time in Kemer is not difficult. If you want to dance - go to foamy parties, want to relax - pay attention to numerous hammams, dream to amuse children - water parks and dolphinariums are open for you. Tourists are also offered excursions to the mineral springs of Pamukkale, trips to the ancient city of Mira, where Saint Nicholas lived, as well as jeep safaris and concerts of Tarkan, which traditionally tours in the summer along the local coast.

Elite Fethiye

Quiet corner of the coast. Fans of beautiful natural landscapes often hesitate: Marmaris or Fethiye? Pine forests in both cities are beautiful and colorful. But, despite this, Fethiye has many features. Firstly, there are the most beautiful mountains. Secondly, the sea is so clean that the resort is often called the Turquoise coast. Cozy sandy and pebble beaches, attractive blue expanses of water are the main criteria for choosing Fethiye.

Kemer Marmaris or Bodrum
Legends are captured in every stone. As the Greek myth testifies, in ancient times these lands were a kind of “love nest” for the shy daughter of King Agenor and the god Apollo. Also, this place became famous for its predictors: forecasts of local clairvoyants have repeatedly influenced the course of world history. Shopping lovers do not even need to doubt where to go - to Bodrum, Marmaris or Fethiye. The last resort has long been famous for its street shops, souvenir shops and a large-scale oriental bazaar where you can buy the cheapest jewelry, rich furs and magnificent handmade Turkish rugs .

Where are the best beaches and nature?

Do you want to stay in an elite luxury hotel and do not know which is better? Bodrum or Marmaris will offer you quite expensive tours. Fethiye is also known for exquisite rooms and luxurious restaurants. Will have to fork out for the all-inclusive package. For a budget vacation option, Kemer is suitable - this is the most popular destination among our compatriots. As for a beach holiday, the resort is not suitable for hanging out with children. The coast in Kemer is mostly pebble, so the kids are not comfortable sunbathing here. But Bodrum and Marmaris, famous for the wonderful sand, will delight the children. Children will be busy building sand fortresses and figures all day - you can easily sunbathe and swim.

Turkey Marmaris or Bodrum
Marmaris and Fethiye have stunningly beautiful nature. Here, the majestic peaks surrounding the resorts are rich in cedar and pine trees. The aroma of needles and tar not only relaxes, but also helps tourists to improve their health. People who suffer from respiratory diseases come here. The local air has a beneficial effect on asthmatics, as well as on vacationers, prone to bronchitis and pneumonia.

Climate difference

The weather at the resorts is significantly different. For example, opening a season in Kemer is best in late spring. Only on the eve of the first summer days, the average daily temperature rises to + 28ºC. The sea in the last decade of May is also quite warm and quite suitable for swimming. There is nothing to do in Marmaris before May either. People choose this direction in the second half of the month, when the air and water warm quite well. At this time, the climate here is dry, the weather is stable until the beginning of autumn.

Bodrum or Marmaris in September
As for Bodrum, the season starts here only in June. Summer is not as warm as in other resorts: the temperature rarely rises to + 30ºC. For tourists who can not stand the heat, this is an ideal place. But families with kids choose to relax more sunny resorts. It is better not to visit Bodrum or Marmaris in September: there are not so many vacationers here as in the summer. In early autumn, it is windy and cool. But Fethiye welcomes you from the beginning of May to the end of September. At this time, the air temperature here is kept at + 26ºC. The water is warm and comfortable for swimming.

Choosing a place depending on the purpose of arrival

Turkey is rich in numerous entertainments. Marmaris or Bodrum you can choose depending on the purpose of arrival. The first resort is a fertile place for lovers of water rides. A great many diving clubs are located here: experienced instructors will teach you all the nuances of deep diving, and will give you the necessary equipment. And what beauties open at the bottom of the sea! Marmaris is also suitable for those tourists who like to fly over the sea surface by parachute and spend time on cruises. This city offers excellent conditions for families. As for Bodrum, then lovers of antiquities and melancholy walks, ancient tombs and ancient architecture should stop at it.

Bodrum or Marmaris where is better
Fethiye is chosen by those tourists who love scuba diving. Unlike Marmaris, diving is unusual here: vacationers can explore the many underwater grottoes, enjoying the great variety of marine life. But Kemer is a good place for unhurried walks. Here you can conquer the mountain peaks and seek solitude in the depths of pine groves.


If you like antiquities and don’t know which is better - Bodrum or Marmaris - choose the last resort. As already mentioned, it is simply filled with various rare buildings. The highlight is the Halicarnassus Mausoleum. It is also a favorite vacation spot of European bohemia: the city is famous for its many expensive restaurants, chic apartments, luxury yachts and boats. Marmaris is better known for interesting historical excursions to ancient cities. There are many natural attractions: deep caves, loud waterfalls, beautiful sand spits, pristine reserves and secluded islands.

Marmaris or Bodrum what to choose
Marmaris or Fethiye, you ask? If the first is a paradise on earth, glorified by natural landscapes and wonderful seascapes, then the second is a godsend for an archaeologist. As in Bodrum, there are many interesting historical buildings: sarcophagi, dilapidated temples, medieval castles. As for Kemer, it will please fans of hiking trails. There are beautiful mountains and canyons. For tourists tired of the beach sun, this is a fertile place.


Bodrum or Marmaris, Kemer or Fethiye? The choice can be made on the basis of many criteria: depending on the climate and nature, the availability of entertainment and excursions. But to summarize, Marmaris and Bodrum are more youth recreation areas. The first attracts clean sandy beaches, the second - a romantic azure coast, which attracts an army of artists and poets to rest. Kemer is suitable for tourists with an average income. This is a great place to relax and improve your health. Fethiye is a resort for people who prefer comfort. Here you can enjoy solitude, calm, elite relaxation.

Bodrum or Marmaris
But Turkey is not limited to these four recreation areas. You can visit other cities. Alanya, for example, is considered the hottest resort, Antalya is known for its many shops and entertainment. Belek is famous for its VIP service, Side for its romantic atmosphere, Istanbul for its oriental flavor, Kusadasi for its vibrant nightlife, Uludag, Palandoken and Sarykamysh for its ski slopes. Come to Turkey! This country will offer for everyone what they like. Wherever you go, be sure to find what you want.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F32764/

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