Vinyl siding - specifications. Siding panels: sizes, price, installation instructions

If you decide to install vinyl siding, the technical characteristics of this material should certainly be studied before starting work. It is important to familiarize yourself with the features of the cladding and find out its price. Before purchasing, you should familiarize yourself with the basic sizes and colors, which will make the right choice.

Description of vinyl siding

vinyl siding specifications

This material is a panel made on the basis of PVC. Their main purpose is facing the walls of buildings. Vinyl siding, the technical characteristics of which should have been known to the master, was invented about 60 years ago. Over this period, the material was significantly improved and gained great popularity among consumers. Today, this cladding is presented on the building materials market in a huge variety of colors, as well as textures. This material is also called vinyl plastic. You should be aware that when you purchase a cheaper vinyl alternative, you are buying a cladding that contains more than 70 percent recycled materials. PVC in normal material contains about 80 percent. By purchasing low-quality goods, you get panels with poor technical and operational characteristics. This indicates that they will serve you for a short time. You must make sure that the manufacturer did not use more than 5 percent of the secondary raw materials, which in this case should be contained in the lower layer of the sheet. The normal cost of the material will indicate this. The lower layer also contains calcium carbonate, which is 15 percent of the total. As its main purpose is filling the structure of the canvas.

If you decide to use vinyl siding for decoration, its technical characteristics should be studied in advance. Thus, the composition of the material also contains titanium dioxide, which is added to the upper layer. It is contained in the sheet in the amount of 10 percent. This additive is necessary in order to achieve a stable finish structure. Among other things, this component provides color consistency and prevents the destructive effects of sunlight. Among other things, the composition of the material contains butadiene in the amount of 1 percent, as well as all kinds of modifiers. Each manufacturer uses the latest components in a different volume. The necessary shade is given to the canvas by pigments. Before purchasing it is important to know that in different series of material there may be a different shade. Therefore, it is necessary to calculate it extremely accurately so that you do not have to purchase trim from other series.

Trim sizes

siding vinyl instruction

Vinyl siding, the technical characteristics of which will be known after reading this article, may have different sizes. The length of the panel from different manufacturers can vary from 2, 5 to 4 meters, while the width varies from 20 to 30 centimeters. The thickness of the sheet can be equal to 1-1.2 millimeters.

Vinyl Finishing Cost

siding panels

If you decide to use vinyl siding when decorating the facade, you will need instructions for installing it. It is presented below. However, it is important to know the cost of the panels. It can be indicated per sheet or square meter. Upon arrival to the store you should know how much wall area you should be ennobled. This will determine the necessary amount of material for the acquisition. The price for one panel can vary within 128 rubles, while the price per square meter is 181 rubles. We are talking about Russian-made siding.

Preparatory work

Siding panels cannot be installed without certain tools. The master will have to prepare a puncher or drill. This will depend on the variety of ground. For example, if the wall is based on aerated concrete, then it will be possible to get by with a drill, whereas if there is a monolithic structure or a brick wall, it is recommended to use a hammer drill.

vinyl siding block

Using a power tool can significantly speed up the work. This is true, especially when it comes to a screwdriver. What to use - a hacksaw or a jigsaw, the master must decide on his own, it will depend, again, on the type of material. If we are talking about aluminum or metal, then a hacksaw will make it easy to cope with the work. Do not do without roulette and the building level, as the elements will have to be customized in size and aligned vertically. It is important to stock up with some more tools, among them a hammer can be distinguished. If the siding is mounted on nails without the use of a crate, then an electric drill and a screwdriver will not be needed.

Wall preparation

vinyl siding colors
If you decide to use vinyl siding to decorate your home, you will need instructions for installing it, you can familiarize yourself with it in this article. Initially, it will be necessary to work on the surface, eliminating cracks, defects, mold, fungus, as well as rotten boards. If there are individual elements of the facade plaster, you need to make sure that they are well fortified. Plaster should not peel off walls or crumble.

Features of the installation of the lathing

Before starting work, it is necessary to choose one of two varieties of crate, on which siding can be installed. Each of them has its positive and negative sides. If you choose wood, then such a frame will cost less, it will be easier to mount it, in addition, it is considered environmentally friendly. However, there are also disadvantages expressed in fragility. The bars are attached directly to the wall, while providing a distance for laying facade insulation material.

vinyl siding stone

You can choose a steel frame, which will show durability and reliability. Among the negative qualities, one can single out the high cost and the need to use a drill, which complicates the process. To install such a crate, you should use brackets that are fixed to the wall with dowel nails. After them, vertical profiles are fixed using self-tapping screws. Heat-insulating material, if necessary, must be selected depending on weather conditions in severe weather. In the first and in the second case of the crate, the insulation material must be glued or fixed with plate nails to the wall of the building.

Installation of ebb and angle profiles

If you will be covering with vinyl siding, you will need to fix the tide along the perimeter of the working surface. Corner elements on self-tapping screws or nails should be fixed on the surface, after which the remaining parts of the ebb can be fixed. It is important to ensure an overlap of 12-20 millimeters.

About 35 millimeters must be retreated from the technological ebbs of the ebbs, and then a point should be noted that will determine the place where the start profile is fixed. Next you need to draw a straight line and mark the place of drilling. Between the screws should not be more than 25 centimeters. In order to ensure smooth installation of the lower horizontal profile, use the laser level. External and internal corner profiles should be installed 3 millimeters below the top cornice and 5 millimeters below the starting profile.

Window openings

vinyl siding

If you will be installing siding panels, it is important to frame the openings correctly. Work should begin with sizing the window. These parameters will be needed for cutting siding. The chopped start profile should be fixed to the window unit . The lower and upper panels should be cut at a right angle and fixed, the side should be strengthened at an angle of 90 degrees. The J-profile should be cut from the inside so that a tongue of 25 millimeters is obtained. After it, you need to bend it so that the water flows into the side platband.

Features of installing horizontal panels

Vinyl siding under the beam, as a rule, is mounted horizontally. The process must begin with a start profile. The first panel must be mounted in the lock, the upper part is fixed with nails or self-tapping screws. The following rows should be fixed in the same order. When working with a hammer, proceed carefully; damaging the PVC panel is quite simple.

Fasteners should be installed in the central part of the technological hole, between the profile and the head it is necessary to provide a gap of 1 millimeter. All manufacturers of vinyl siding say that when the temperature changes, the material changes its parameters.

Installation of vertical panels

Instead of the starting profile, the edging should be fixed. It installs a J-profile. The siding is mounted and fixed edging profile. Siding is installed, and then checked by level. Start work from the corner element. A gap of five millimeters should be left between the J-profile and the end of the panel. Vinyl siding "stone" also implies the need to ensure such a gap. If both directions are used on the facade of the house, then a border profile should be applied at the junction.

Wizard Recommendations

Vinyl siding, the colors of which can be all kinds of, should be strengthened with the help of nails or self-tapping screws made of stainless steel. You can use fasteners that are made, and then coated with anti-corrosion agents. Screw in or hammer in nails must be perpendicular to the wall, while there should be no bending and curvature. The fasteners should not be installed all the way; it is important to ensure technological clearance. 1 millimeter should remain from the cap to the lining surface. After the vinyl siding of the block house has been installed, it is necessary to once again check the facade for the absence of errors. Choosing vinyl siding during the purchase of cladding, you provide the walls of your house with reliable year-round protection from external negative factors, and the rooms have a comfortable microclimate.


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