How many children sleep at 3 months? Daily routine, nutrition, development

Children are our joy, pride and hope. At any age, they are special and beautiful. The article will focus on three months of age. This is the first serious date that parents look forward to. By this time, it is already necessary to go through many examinations, pass tests and visit some narrow specialists. At this age, parents will find out if their child is healthy or if there are any developmental disabilities. How many children sleep at 3 months? What should be their regime? This will be discussed.

how many children sleep in 3 months

3 months medical examination

At this age, the child must be shown to the pediatrician and to such narrow specialists as a neurologist, orthopedist, ENT and surgeon. By the age of three months, any baby should be interested in their own hands. If this does not happen, you should inform your doctor.

At this age, you need to pass a urine and blood test to the laboratory, as well as undergo an ultrasound of different parts of the body. Three months is the time to get vaccinations, which you need to prepare in advance for. If you cannot visit the doctor, he may come to your home to measure and examine the child.

how much does a child eat at 3 months

3 months baby's sleep

How many children sleep at 3 months? For a child, this is very important. If we talk about night rest, then it can last up to ten hours. In the afternoon, the children sleep four times: two long and two short sleeps. Long - no longer than two hours, and short - for half an hour.

How many hours does a baby sleep at 3 months? In general, the baby at this age sleeps fifteen hours. But just like a newborn, the baby falls asleep for a long time - for half an hour, eating mom's milk.

Sleep is still the main condition for the normal development of the child. If the baby sleeps the prescribed time, then during the wakeful phase he is cheerful and active, as he feels good. How many children sleep at 3 months and is it worth it to wake them up if the sleep continues beyond normal? No, you should not disturb a child if he sleeps and does not wake up to feed. The kid himself knows when it is time for him to wake up and eat.

3 months baby regimen

Baby food at 3 months

How much does a child eat at 3 months? The baby eats only breast milk or eats mixtures. Although there are known cases when parents administer complementary foods at three months of age, this is a gross mistake, and the childā€™s body is completely unprepared for it. And because of such a negligent attitude of parents to the baby, he may develop diseases.

How much does a child eat at 3 months? If we are talking about the multiplicity of breastfeeding, then usually it is at least eight feedings per day. If we compare how much the baby eats at three months and at birth, the number of feedings is noticeably lower. During feeding, the baby can be distracted from the chest and go about their business, for example, watch what is happening around or fumble their hands. A break between feedings at night for at least three hours.

Some babies who eat the mixture can sleep all night by three months, and eat during the day with breaks of three hours between feedings. At three months, the total amount of food eaten increases to a liter per day.

3 month old baby

3 month baby regimen

By the age of three months, the child begins to form his own daily regimen, which parents must adhere to. By this age, the amount and duration of sleep, feeding and wakefulness changes. Mom should make it a rule to carry out all the actions at the same time.

The regimen of a child at 3 months includes sleep, feeding, wakefulness, walking, bathing, hygiene procedures, massage, cognition of the world. About 15 hours are spent on sleep, breastfeeding - at least two hours a day, the rest of the time is taken by hygiene procedures, walks, massages, bathing and cognition of the world. Moreover, the time of sleep and walk may coincide.

which baby is 3 months old

3 months baby

Which baby is 3 months old? By this age, the interests of the baby are expanding, since he already knows a lot: he manages to learn the world and watch what is happening around him. The child is fond of his body parts, mainly handles. The kid believes that mom is part of him, and he cannot live without her. The baby is very upset if he does not see his mother next to him.

A 3-month-old baby begins to suck on a finger and gnaw a fist. He also has a lot of saliva, as the first teeth are just around the corner, which is why there is increased salivation.

The weight and height of the child at three months, of course, varies, and all individually. When it comes to boys, they are about sixty centimeters in length and weigh about six kilograms. For girls, the figures are lower by a couple of centimeters and two hundred and three hundred grams.

If a doctor prescribes vitamins, they should be drunk in courses. Before vaccinations and after them, the child needs to be fed, since milk has a calming effect.

At this age, it's time to carry the child in a kangaroo or ergo-backpack, so that he can know the world around him. But if you are going on a long trip, you need to take a stroller with you, as with a backpack it will be hard.

baby 3 months

Three-month baby day

The daily regimen of a three-month-old baby is not as diverse as, for example, a six-month-old baby. So, the day of the baby 3 months is as follows:

  • 6.00 - feeding.
  • 7.00 - game and communication.
  • 7.30 - air baths.
  • 8.00 - the first dream.
  • 9.00 - breakfast.
  • 10.00 - wakefulness.
  • 11.30 - the first walk + sleep.
  • 12.00 - air baths.
  • 12.30 - lunch.
  • 14.00 - sleep.
  • 15.00 - a game.
  • 17.00 - walk + sleep.
  • 18.00 - wakefulness.
  • 18.30 - evening feeding.
  • 20.30 - a dream.
  • 21.00 - bathing, hygiene procedures, massage.
  • 21.30 - feeding.
  • 00.00 - a dream.
  • 00.30 - night feeding.
  • 01.30 - sleep.

Each child wakes up at night to feed according to his regimen and individual development. Some babies eat only once at night, and some three or four.

A childā€™s wakefulness consists of communication and games. It is worth noting that this is an approximate mode of the day, and not every baby should adhere to it, because everyone already from this age is an individual. Some items may overlap. For example, very often a childā€™s daytime sleep coincides with a walk. In the fresh air, children sleep very well, especially in the winter season.

baby day 3 months

3 months baby's head

As mentioned above, by the age of three months, the child is able to independently hold the head. Some children reach this ability by the first month of life, and, as a rule, this is only especially diligent. But if at three months your baby does not hold his head - this is cause for concern, and it's time to consult a doctor.

The child learns to turn his head in different directions, reacts to sounds and turns to noise. If we talk about the girth of the head, then compared with the previous month of life, it increases by one centimeter.

Very rarely, but still there are such children who have a fontanel overgrown by three or four months of life. But most often this happens closer to the year. If the child develops normally, the doctor can prescribe vitamin D to him to avoid the development of rickets.

baby's head at 3 months

What to give to a three-month-old baby?

What to give to the child in 3 months? It was said above that at this age it is too early to administer complementary foods to the baby, but if he is gaining poor weight, the pediatrician may recommend the administration of fruit juices. To comply with the doctorā€™s recommendations or not is everyoneā€™s personal business. But one thing is very clear: you need to introduce a new product for a child no earlier than the first vaccination. First you need to be vaccinated, and after a week, introduce juice into the baby's diet.

The first thing a child should try is apples, and they can be either homemade or store-bought. It is necessary to give Ā½ teaspoon of juice, diluted with water, between the main feedings. At 3.5 months, you can introduce mashed potatoes, starting with Ā½ teaspoon, but only after consulting a doctor.

how many hours does a baby sleep at 3 months

Child development at 3 months

At three months, the baby becomes interested in the world around him, he observes the movement of large objects. The child can focus on bright and memorable toys. At this age, the children begin to listen to the sound of the rattle and respond to extraneous sounds.

By three months, the baby can react to the appearance of loved ones, smile at them in return. During this period, a period of recovery occurs, as the baby begins to actively move, walk and smile at everything that brings him pleasure.

The kid can be scared and startle if he is scared. At this age, the child is interested in rhythmic sounds, listens to music, people talk and reacts to different intonations in the voice of adults.

what to give to the child in 3 months

3 months baby care

At first glance, it might seem that three months is a serious date. But on the other hand, he is the same baby as before. Therefore, special attention should be paid to caring for it.

At three months, the baby reacts to weather changes and mom's behavior. It would seem that for no reason the baby can be capricious for a long time or, conversely, sleep very little. Treatments related to care include the following:

  • Face wash. After the baby wakes up, you need to wash it with warm water and wipe your face with tampons. You need to constantly change them, wiping each eye, nose, mouth and ears. The nose and ears should be cleaned daily with cotton towels dipped in liquid paraffin. The nails should be trimmed as they grow back so that the baby does not scratch itself.

  • Bathing. A baby (3 months) should take water procedures daily before feeding. Water temperature - 37 degrees. You can bathe with soap and foam no more than twice a week.

  • Massage and hardening procedures are very important in the first year of a child's life. Typically, the pediatrician in the clinic introduces the rules for their implementation. This is necessary in order to strengthen the baby's muscles and immunity.

how many hours does a baby sleep at 3 months

3 months baby chair

Attention should be paid to the stool of the child. If the baby eats motherā€™s milk, then his stool is regular, uniform and in consistency resembles sour cream. The frequency of the stool can be completely different, and it is considered normal if the child poops one to five times a day.

If the baby is on artificial feeding, then the chair he usually has at the same time.

What can a child do in 3 months

As mentioned above, a three month old baby is a serious date. By three months, every baby should be able to:

  • Good to keep your head up.
  • Laugh.
  • Turn over on its side.
  • Lie on your tummy, resting your hands.
  • Interested in their pens.

If the baby does not know how to do something from this list, parents should contact the doctor to analyze whether the baby is developing correctly or not.

Many children by the age of three months already know how to hold the toy and turn over not only on their side, but also on the back and tummy. But if your child does not know how to do this, this is not a reason for frustration, because maybe your baby is a sloth, and he will begin to show such abilities a little later.

how much does a child eat at 3 months

How to develop a baby in 3 months

A 3-month-old child wants to touch everything and quickly get to know the world. And the way parents develop it and deal with it affects the full development of the baby. In order for the child to develop faster, parents must help him.

Between the bars of the crib, you can strengthen mobile toys, in which the baby will be interested. The child will try to reach them with arms or legs.

It is necessary to give the baby to touch different fabrics, for example, silk, cotton, wool. You can hang objects at different heights. It is also necessary to develop tactile perception. For example, put on a scratch first on one, then on the other handle.

You need to constantly talk with the child, sing songs to him and recite poems. Also, do not forget about physical development: you need to do a crumb massage and perform daily exercises.

how many children sleep in 3 months

How to entertain a baby in 3 months

You can entertain your baby in many ways, for example, with toys or your own skills. The child can calmly and carefully listen to music or fairy tales for five minutes.

You need to constantly play with the baby, give him new toys. Itā€™s a good game when parents try to take the toy away from the child, and he begins to pull it towards himself.

On a walk, the baby needs to be introduced to what is happening around. The child needs to show different pictures and name what is shown there. Only when playing, you need to be careful and offer large toys without sharp corners.

How many children sleep at 3 months? We already have an answer to this question, and we can conclude that a child of three months is no longer a baby who is constantly sleeping. At this age, children begin to develop and become interested in the world around them.


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