Holidays in Vietnam with a child: tips and tricks. Reviews about holidays in Vietnam with children

Almost all families want to please themselves with a couple of weeks at sea. After all, it is such a pleasure to bask in the hot sunshine, sip a delicious cocktail and enjoy juicy fruits. In the midst of winter, Southeast Asia is best for this purpose. But what if you have a small child? Is it possible to relax with him in an Asian country and return in perfect health? Let's try to give you some recommendations for families with children in exotic countries.

Vacation in Vietnam with a child

Vietnam: clean beaches and helpful staff

If you plan to take children with you on holiday to Southeast Asia, then opt for Vietnam. Here, your family will definitely be comfortable and convenient. Holidays in Vietnam with a child will not be a test for you, as is the case in many other Asian countries. This is due to the fact that this area is not yet so popular with tourists, and here you will be surrounded by the constant attention of the hotel staff. Let's find out what people who have already managed to visit these parts say about vacation here.

Firstly, Vietnam has beautiful beaches, even within the city they are amazingly clean. You can swim with children and not worry about the purity of the water. Also in the country there is practically no theft, which is very convenient when you relax with your child (you can’t get anywhere from the heap of necessary things, you have to take this heap with you).

Secondly, judging by the reviews, you can relax in Vietnam at any time of the year. This Asian country has a fairly large selection of resort areas that are ideal for relaxing in different seasons. In addition to the main resorts, you can choose several islands and enjoy a vacation in seclusion. Here you will appreciate the crystal clear water and deserted beaches, where you do not have to look for a free sun lounger and umbrella.

Thirdly, a vacation in Vietnam with a child is convenient because for very little money you will receive a wide range of services, including a children's menu. This fact is important for mothers with babies, and older children will be happy to eat dishes from the national Vietnamese cuisine. They are not as sharp as in Thailand, and are mainly represented by broths, noodles and rice. Add to this a large amount of fruit - and the ideal daily diet for your crumbs is formed. Such a healthy diet in conjunction with the warm sea will have the most beneficial effect on the child.

Vacations in Vietnam with a child

Which Vietnam resorts are most suitable for families with children?

If you are planning a vacation in Vietnam with a child, then you should carefully study those resorts that are most suitable for your goals. They must meet the following requirements:

  • proximity to cafes and restaurants;
  • maximum proximity to the international airport;
  • the cleanliness of the beach area;
  • gentle entry into the water;
  • calm sea without big waves;
  • lack of sand fleas and other blood-sucking insects;
  • An abundance of walking entertainment for the child.

Perhaps we did not include something in this list, but each mother herself will add the missing items based on the knowledge of her baby.

If you believe the reviews, the ideal resort for families with children is Phu Quoc Island. It is almost completely devoid of noisy nightlife and is chosen by couples with and without kids. Of course, the prices here are a bit high, but hotels have a class of four stars, and an abundance of entertainment will save on excursions.

A good choice for couples with children is Nha Trang. It is closest to the airport and has pristine beaches stretching for many kilometers along the entire city. Here you can even choose between the three main beach areas, all of them, according to tourists, are well equipped and provide everything you need for a comfortable stay.

Of course, many Russians prefer Muyne and Fantiet. These resorts are located seven hours from the airport and are literally filled with our compatriots. It is full of Russian restaurants with dishes familiar to the child. But the sea here is not quite suitable for kids - it is restless almost all year round, therefore windsurfers from all over the world come here. If this fact does not bother you, then you can safely go to the hotels of these resort areas. According to the reviews, the most optimal age of the peanut, if parents decided to spend their holidays in Vietnam with a child, is 4 years.

Vacation in Vietnam with a child of 5 years

Sanitary rules for rest in Vietnam

Sanitary rules in Vietnam should be respected, resting not only with children. Like the entire Asian region, Vietnam is susceptible to various infectious diseases. Therefore, do not give your child water from the tap and wash his hands as often as possible.

If you go out for dinner or lunch outside the hotel, then washing your hands will be very problematic - in many cafes there are simply no sanitary rooms. In this case, you will be saved by antibacterial wipes and antiseptic solutions, they should always be at hand.

Do not give the child unwashed fruits - they may contain bacteria that cause not just an upset stomach, but more serious consequences, such as salmonellosis. Also, do not get carried away with a large number of fruits, especially exotic ones - they can cause an allergy in a baby.

In addition, experienced travelers advise mothers not to feed their children with seafood - they are often the strongest allergen. What else can ruin your holiday in Vietnam with a child? Reviews of tourists often contain information that in this corner of the globe constantly have to fight against blood-sucking insects. How to get rid of this scourge? First of all, purchase special insect repellents, and it is best to buy them locally. Such funds are more effective, otherwise your baby will be bitten, and may even catch any infection.

When is the best time to relax in Vietnamese resorts with children?

Experienced tourists are advised to go to Vietnam from September to November. During this period, the rainy season ends, and the heat does not yet become suffocating. Although in this country, hot weather is much easier to tolerate than in Thailand or Bali due to low humidity.

From March to May, quite pleasant weather is also established in Vietnam. The temperature ranges from thirty degrees, and the sea warms up to twenty-eight degrees Celsius. But in the summer, vacation in Vietnam with a child can be spoiled by rains. This is especially felt in the center of the country. Fukuoku is less prone to showers and winds, and you will also like other smaller islands that are scattered within an hour's journey by boat from Nha Trang during this period.

Vacation in Vietnam with a child of 2 years

Difficulties with children

If you plan to spend money on holidays in Vietnam with a child, the reviews of tourists should be your reference book before the trip. They very colorfully described not only the charms of such a journey, but also its difficulties. But they are.

For example, a vacation in Vietnam with a child of 2 years old will be complicated by the difficult road to the final destination. Please note that you will have to survive not only a ten-hour flight, but also a transfer to the hotel. And it can turn into a hellish journey, because after the plane you have to shake on the bus for at least seven hours. In some cases, the journey takes up to nine hours. Can you imagine what such a vacation in Vietnam with a child will turn into? Reviews about the quality of the Vietnamese roads clearly characterize this trip: bumps, traffic jams, lack of asphalt ... Therefore, think carefully before taking such a baby with you.

Another difficulty is medical care. Of course, before you leave, you will get medical insurance, and in case of difficulties, you will even be allocated a doctor who speaks Russian, but still the qualifications of Vietnamese doctors leave much to be desired. If you believe the reviews, they may not know many drugs and symptoms of the disease. Therefore, if your baby is weak in immunity, then you should refrain from traveling to Asia for several years.

Travel to Vietnam with a two year old child

Remember: if you are planning a vacation in Vietnam with a child, 2 years is not the best age for such a tiring trip. Keep in mind that kids do not tolerate long flights and transfers. In addition, for many parents it turns out to be a big surprise that their children are motion sick. Moreover, your baby's motion sickness can only be on a bus or, for example, on an airplane. And you will find out about this on the way, and you won’t have any medicines with you.

It will be difficult for a two-year-old baby to choose special food; you will have to take it with you from Russia. And this is not always convenient, in addition, the period of adaptation of a two-year-old child to new climatic conditions will take at least ten days. That is, the whole vacation the baby will be sluggish and inactive.

There will be nothing to entertain a two-year-old child in Vietnam: all recreation areas and parks are designed for older children.

Is it possible to go to Vietnamese resorts with a three-year-old baby?

So, imagine that you planned a vacation in Vietnam with a child. Your baby is 3 years old recently. Is it worth going on such a long journey across the sea and the sun?

Of course, two and three years is not too much difference for children, but still a three-year-old baby will make the trip much easier than a year ago. You no longer have to carefully select the food, the child will gladly eat pasta and soups. They are amazingly delicious and nutritious in Vietnam, and they don't cost too much. This is very convenient, because children have the habit of being brutally hungry at the wrong time.

Judging by the reviews, with a three-year-old baby, it's best for you to go to Nha Trang. There are many cafes and restaurants, many of them work until three in the morning. If you decide to rent a room in a guesthouse instead of a hotel, then appreciate the proximity of shops and the cheapness of products at the resort. Generally, living in a guesthouse allows you to prepare meals for your child yourself, and this is very convenient when he is only three years old.

The best entertainment for the three-year-old peanut will be Winperl Park, located on Bamboo Island and is part of the hotel. If you stay at this hotel, you can visit the park almost every day. Your kid will definitely find something interesting there, although most attractions are designed for an older age. From Nha Trang to the park there is a cable car operating from eight in the morning.

Vacation in Vietnam with a child of 3 years

Will a four-year-old be interesting in Vietnam?

Still, the best age to plan a vacation in Vietnam with a child is 4 years. During the flight, you can take it with games and drawing, it will already be easier to transfer a long transfer to the hotel.

Food does not cause you any trouble. In some institutions you will have the opportunity to use the children's menu, but for his lack of problems, too, will not arise. The child will be happy to have a bite at McDonald's or local cafes.

After studying the reviews, we came to the conclusion that with four-year-old children you can afford a lot of entertainment in Vietnam. A variety of attractions will be available to the child, you can go to the water park or oceanarium. Often children can be entertained with a water puppet show in Hanoi. Yes, and for adult excursions the kid can be taken for company. For example, he will surely be delighted with boat trips.

Five years is the best age to travel to Asia

According to the reviews of experienced tourists, an ideal vacation in Vietnam with a child of 5 years is ideal. You can afford absolutely everything. Many of our compatriots even rent bikes and freely move around different provinces with the whole family. This significantly saves money on taxis if you are relaxing in Mui Ne or Fantiete, which are located at some distance from the main infrastructure.

About vacation in Vietnam with a child of 5 years old, tourists leave reviews quite often. From them you can find out the best cafes and restaurants where dishes are served that best meet Russian taste preferences. Although you should not rely solely on reviews, because all children are completely different, and their tastes may not coincide.

Vacation in Vietnam 2 years

Little "Hollywood" - the best amusement park in Vietnam

It is impossible to tell about all the entertainment for children in Vietnam, but we decided to mention the most basic ones. Winperl Park is the most amazing place in the whole country. Here you can wander for several days and never see the end of this fabulous territory. They get to the Bamboo island, where the park is located, by funicular.

Inside the park is divided into several main zones:

  • aquapark;
  • amusement park;
  • aquarium
  • indoor areas;
  • children's room with animators;
  • cafe-restaurants and other interesting places.

In the evening, tourists usually stay at the fountain show. It begins at seven in the evening and causes unforgettable emotions.

Hanoi. Puppet theater

Judging by the reviews, there is practically nothing for the kids to do in Hanoi, but a theater on the water is worth a visit. Children experience great delight watching all the dolls who chat about something and fight from time to time. The show is accompanied by good music and colorful special effects. Here you can eat fast food and various sweets.

Monkey island

Almost all tourists are unanimous: kids in Vietnam should be brought to the island of monkeys. It is located near Nha Trang. Here you can not only walk and enjoy the numerous monkeys striving to select a camera, but also watch the daily circus performance with different animals. The island has a cozy beach. So you can always swim and lie on the sand, if your baby is tired.

Vacation in Vietnam with a child of 4 years

Do not be afraid to take children on a trip to Asia, because you give them an invaluable opportunity to discover new horizons and become a little happier.


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