When to plant marigolds on seedlings: planting time and care features

On each city flowerbed, when decorating the entrances of apartment buildings and private personal plots, there are marigolds. These unpretentious flowers look perfect in flowerpots, pots and in open areas. Flowers are spread all over the planet, and almost every country has its own name and history. Marigolds fell in love with our gardeners for their ability to scare away many pests from beds with cultivated plants, and, of course, for the bright sunny color of the buds. That is why many are interested in how to grow marigold seedlings.

Historical facts

The birthplace of many flowers loved by many is Mexico, where they grew in the wild as perennials. Today, flower beds adorn only annual varieties, and in all there are already more than 40 species known. In many countries, marigold buds are used in folk medicine.

Use in medicine

The Indians used inflorescences in their magical rituals, in Japan they are considered “flowers of ten thousand years”, and in Great Britain they are called “Mary's gold”. In our country, flowers were called "African" as soon as they appeared, but the Latin name for tagetes is Tagetes. They spread quickly around the world, first falling into Spain, and in some countries they are used as a spice "Imereti saffron" in cooking.

Popular views

When to plant marigolds on seedlings - it largely depends on their varietal affiliation. They begin to bloom in June, but for tall species growth takes a little longer. Of course, it is easier to buy seedlings already grown by someone, but getting your own flowers is much more economical and enjoyable.

Varieties of colors

Today, 4 varieties of Tagetes are most often found:

  1. African. Flowers can reach a height of one and a half meters. Inflorescences in diameter can be 6-13 cm, simple terry or semi-double.
  2. French Plant height not more than 50 cm, buds 4-6 cm. Bushes grow well in width.
  3. Mexican. The height of the bushes is up to 40 cm, the buds are small, not more than 3 cm in diameter.
  4. Aniseed. Flowers with a unique aroma of tarragon.

Growing seedlings

Sowing directly into the open ground is often practiced by residents of the southern regions, but marigolds grown by this method bloom 1-1.5 months later than their seedlings. So that the seedlings do not stretch and do not freeze, it is necessary to transfer them to the soil at the age of 50-60 days, and there should already be no threat of frost at this time. This is the main rule when choosing a time when to plant marigolds on seedlings, depending on the region. Tall plants require a little more time before flowering, and therefore they are always sown first, a couple of weeks earlier than undersized varieties.

Tall marigolds

It is very important that during transplantation into the ground, the air temperature at night does not fall below +5 o .

Sowing according to the phases of the moon

Many people determine the time of planting marigolds on seedlings according to the lunar calendar, but taking into account their region. So, residents of the southern regions choose favorable days of February for this, the central regions, Moscow Region and the Urals carry out work in March. And plant growers from Siberia and other northern territories of the country are forced to start planting seeds not earlier than April.

Favorable days for planting marigolds on seedlings this year are:

  • February 19-22;
  • March 12-14 and March 21-24;
  • April 7-10 and April 19-20.

Non-recommended dates for planting are:

  • 11.02, 24.02, 26.02;
  • 1.03, 11.03, 28.03;
  • 1-3.04, 16.04, 24-25.04.

Sowing preparation

You can use ready-mixed soil for planting seeds or prepare the soil yourself. To do this, mix 1 part peat, garden soil and humus and add 0.5 parts sand. After this, the soil must be decontaminated by spilling with a weak solution of manganese.

The seeds themselves must be soaked for several hours in a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate before planting. If the planting material is purchased, then its processing has already been carried out, and this is not required.

Sowing Marigolds

As containers, you can choose any convenient containers, boxes and pots. Especially popular recently, the option of growing marigold seedlings in the "snail".


It is very important that there are drainage holes at the bottom of the selected disembarkation tank. First, a drainage layer is laid on the bottom of the container, and previously prepared soil is laid on it. Seeds are buried by 1-0.5 cm and should be located at a distance of at least 2 cm from each other. After sowing, the soil should be slightly moistened, cover the container with a film and put in a warm place for germination for 1-1.5 weeks. The “snail” is completely covered with a packet.

Marigold Seedlings

After the first shoots, the film must be removed, and the container should be transferred to a well-lit place with a temperature of at least +18 ° C and left for 2-3 weeks, periodically watering.


When the seedlings will already have 2-3 real leaves, pickled marigold seedlings are carried out. In this case, flowers should be transplanted into the same soil, only in large containers, and buried to cotyledon leaves. The planting scheme is 7 * 7 cm. It is very important at this time to protect the seedlings from diseases and to provide them with not too plentiful watering, adequate lighting and a warm window sill. To do this, under the container, you can put foam or other moisture-proof insulation.

Transfer to a permanent place

Depending on when to plant marigolds on seedlings, the time for their transplantation is also chosen. A week before the planned transfer, you need to start hardening the flowers, taking them outside for at least 30 minutes on the first day and gradually increasing the time. In this case, you need to put the containers in partial shade so that the sprouts do not get burns.

The landing site should be on a well-lit hill or in partial shade. The soil there should be carefully dug up and fertilized, watered in the evening and the next day start work.

Transplant to the ground

Planting seedlings, as well as sowing marigolds on seedlings, is carried out according to the scheme. A minimum of 10 cm should be left between low-growing flowers, and 50 cm between high-growing flowers. Tabetes are accepted very quickly and will begin to grow actively in a couple of days.

Flower care

Marigolds do not need mulching, regular feeding and excessive watering at all. Colors perfectly tolerate light droughts and fertilize only when the buds are set twice a season. They need to be watered only when the soil dries by 1.5 cm. As an additional care, high flowers require support.

Instead of complex mineral mixtures, it is best to water with infusions of weed grass.


The question of when to plant marigolds on seedlings at home worries those plant growers who already have flower seeds. If you want to collect them yourself, many beginners encounter another problem - their search. The fact is that flowers do not form characteristic testes, and the bud itself acts as a storehouse for future generations. When the flower has completely dried on the stem and will not have any signs of decay, it is necessary to carefully cut it and send it for storage. One has only to pull on the dry petals, and black sticks, which are seeds, will sprinkle from the bud.

Marigold Seeds

Store them in a dry, cool and dark place until the next season.

Diseases and Pests

When planting marigolds on seedlings, gardeners are often interested in not only wanting to decorate their plot with them, but also scaring away harmful insects from beds with cultivated plants. It is believed that the aroma of flowers is unpleasant for nematodes, cabbage larvae and potato beetles. The cultivation of tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplant, potatoes, pumpkins, beans and other crops in the vicinity of the Tageses helps protect the latter from pests.

Of course, marigolds themselves can be subjected to some ailments. Most often, they are struck by naked slugs and a spider mite. To get rid of the latter, you can spray the flowers with insecticides, infusions of garlic, pepper or onion. From slugs, bait is often put or iron phosphate, wood ash or eggshells are scattered on the soil.

It is very important to disinfect the seeds, when sowing marigolds on seedlings at home is preferable to buying ready-made seed. If this is not done, the flowers may be affected by root rot or a black leg. Most often this is due to excessive moisture or a thickened planting, but prevention always reduces the risk of infection. Loosening and stopping irrigation can cure the flowers, but if this has not brought results, then it is better to remove diseased plants.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F3277/

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