Baby formula "Goat" - reviews, features and recommendations

Goat milk has long been famous for its healing properties. He was credited with fighting infections, disinfecting the body and accelerating wound healing. Back in Soviet times, when the choice of milk mixtures was minimal, children with particularly sensitive digestion or allergies were fed goat milk, highlighting it as dietary milk.

Mixture "Goat 1" reviews

Today, you don’t need to get your goat or look for a proven animal to feed your baby, because on the shelves there is a selection of specialized products based on goat’s milk, one of which is a mixture of MD Mil Kozochka. Reviews about it will be presented at the end of the article, but first you should deal with the features.

a brief description of

This food is offered for feeding children with allergies to cow protein, lactose deficiency, atopic dermatitis, sensitive digestion and healthy babies. You can buy mixtures in pharmacies or large supermarkets, but, unfortunately, not in every city. The manufacturer prepares the product in cans of 400 g or 800 g. According to reviews, the mixture "MD Mil Kozochka" lasts at least 4 days, provided that the baby is fed only with it. If you buy a large package, then the food is enough for a period of 2 times more.

Like any milk mixture, the “Goat” should not be stored in the refrigerator, and after opening the cans should be used for 21 days.


At the moment, the line of milk mixtures of this manufacturer is represented by products:

  • for babies from birth - “MD Mil Kozochka 1”;
  • from 6 to 12 months - “Goat 2”;
  • older than a year - "Goat 3".
    Mix "MD Mil Kozochka" reviews

The composition of each mixture is adapted for the intended age and differs in composition, so you should purchase food strictly according to the recommendations on the package.


This mixture was originally produced in the Netherlands, from where it came to our country more than 10 years ago. Reviews about the milk mixture “MD Mil Kozochka” of that production still remain only positive, but due to certain circumstances, the plant eventually moved to Spain. Although nutrition continues to meet all the necessary standards, mothers believe that the quality of the mixture noticeably worsened. Details will be described below.

Chemical composition of the product

It is known that goat milk is as close as possible to human milk, but it is not practical to use only it in food production. So, the Kozochka mixture is additionally enriched with many useful vitamins and minerals necessary for the full development of the baby. Also included are:

  • lactose;
  • vegetable oils (rapeseed, sunflower, coconut and palm);
  • galactooligosaccharides;
  • omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids;
  • prebiotics;
  • sodium;
  • iodine;
  • magnesium;
  • zinc;
  • selenium;
  • calcium;
  • iron;
  • potassium;
  • copper;
  • folic acid;
  • taurine;
  • nucleotides;
  • thiamine.

At the same time, the Kozochka mixture (negative reviews about this) does not contain probiotics. Some experts today do not consider this a drawback and provide new research as evidence, so the question is, in fact, controversial.

Mixture "Mil Goat 1" reviews

It is important that in the mixture, the ratio of casein and whey proteins is similar to that found in breast milk - 40/60.

Nutrition benefits

The main advantage of the product is precisely that its basis is goat milk, since its protein is much easier to absorb by the child's body than the protein of cow's milk. In addition, many reviews of the Kozochka mixture indicate a lack of maltodextrin. In fact, this product does not pose a danger to the baby and is added by many manufacturers to food as a thickener, but there is no benefit from this substance, so many parents are against it.

Another advantage is the correct ratio of protein to casein, as in human milk.

Also, the composition has an ideal ratio of fatty acids, which is no less important than their presence in the product. The fact is that only with a correctly balanced balance of each of the components can we achieve optimal benefits for the growing organism. Fatty acids ensure the correct formation of the brain and vision, which means that the baby is vital in the right concentration.

In addition to the above, reviews of doctors about the mixture "MD Mil Kozochka 1" and other products of the baby food line from this manufacturer confirm the correct indicator of osmolarity. Osmolarity is the degree to which a product is saturated with various substances, mainly metals and salts. Exceeding the permissible level of 290 mOsm / l leads to an excessive load on the baby's kidneys, which are not yet fully formed and may cause malfunctions. Interestingly, only the manufacturers of Kozochka and Kabry adhere to this rule.

According to reviews, the Kozochka mixture relieves babies of colic, improves bowel function and almost never causes allergies, which is also an indisputable advantage of the product.

Product disadvantages

Despite the large list of advantages of this baby food, there are also disadvantages. Among the main ones, the absence of probiotics in the composition should be noted. Not all pediatricians consider this a minus, many even oppose their presence in baby food, but since their presence facilitates the work of the baby’s intestines, the parents remain unshakable.

Mixture "MD Goat 1" reviews

Some reviews of the Kozochka mixture are being positioned on the negative side and for smaller miscalculations of the manufacturer. So, among the minuses, parents note an uncomfortable measuring spoon, its small volume and supposedly leaky packaging.

Comparison with other manufacturers

Today, on the basis of goat's milk, 4 infant formula from different manufacturers are presented on the domestic market. Each of them recommends their product as the best, but to understand all the intricacies, you should carefully consider the features of each.

So, the ideal ratio of casein and proteins is also found in Cabrit food, the rest are not in compliance with the standards and are considered casein. The manufacturers of Cabrite and Kozochka also do not exceed the permissible osmolarity of the product, but the last mixture has this level slightly lower, therefore, the advantage remains with the nutrition considered in the article.

Palm oil is available in both Cabri and Goats.

A mixture of "MD Mil Goat" reviews

Many consider this a drawback, but choosing the lesser evil should still be ignored, because there is no palm oil in the Nanny mixture, but osmolarity and casein are overestimated.

The ideal ratio of fatty acids does not actually exist, but many experts have recognized that the discrepancy between them should be minimal for better absorption. It is this content of Omega-3 and Omega-6 that is found in the Mil Kozochka 1 mixture. Reviews about other products in the line are similar.

Features of the components of the mixture

The main components of baby food are already described in detail with all their pros and cons, but the product is enriched with other substances. So, taurine in the mixture helps to synthesize amino acids faster and better provide cells with calcium, magnesium and other trace elements when they enter the body. Folic acid is important for cell growth and proper baby development. The mixture "MD Kozochka 1" (reviews of experts confirm this) provides it in sufficient quantities.

Choline as part of nutrition helps cells to properly form and develop. The component also reduces cholesterol in the body, has a sedative effect and improves metabolism.

Maltodextrin in the mixture is required as a thickener. It provides a feeling of fullness and is similar to starch, therefore it does not harm the body. Despite this, many parents are opposed to the component.

The mixture "MD Mil Kozochka 1" reviews of doctors

The lacks of probiotics were already noted in the shortcomings, but the Kozochka mixture was not the only one whose manufacturers refused to include them in the product without loss of product quality. To optimize the digestive system in the mixture, only prebiotics are enough.

Carnitine is necessary for the processing of fats, and for the proper development of the brain, in addition to fatty acids, there is also inositol.

Nucleotides are a very important substance for a baby’s growing organism, and a small organism cannot synthesize them on its own. There are enough of them in the mixture to ensure the correct construction of RNA and DNA chains.


Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that the mixture is really worth buying, but not all parents think so. Some note the appearance of a rash in infants after inclusion in the diet of the product.

Reviews about the milk mixture "MD Mil Goat"

Among the opinions on the network, one can also find stories of increased colic and constipation. In addition, the “Kozochka 1” mixture also receives negative reviews for its characteristic smell. To many, it resembles the aroma of fish mixed with milk, although most buyers say that it smells like ordinary goat milk. The disadvantages include the poor solubility of the product. The dry mixture resembles coarse flour and practically does not completely dissolve in water. Grains still remain on the walls of the bottle, even if you shake it for a quarter of an hour. By the way, all these shortcomings apply only to the product released in Spain. The Dutch mixture is fundamentally different in all respects - it has a pleasant smell, pure white color, fine grinding, it dissolves easily and tastes good.

Among the positive reviews, it should be noted that the mixture does not cause allergies in most cases, despite the unpleasant smell for adults, the baby likes it and helps to eliminate problems with the nutrition of babies.


To choose the perfect mixture for your baby, while minimizing the negative consequences, you must first consult a pediatrician. Only a qualified specialist will help you choose the mixture, taking into account all the features of the baby and will definitely give parents a choice. Already on the basis of professional opinion, it is possible to select food according to taste preferences, material capabilities and other indicators.


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