Cargo slings and their varieties

In modern construction, in many industries, in logistics and in production slings are used. Types of slings and their use can be different. Only their purpose unites them. All of them are necessary in order to reliably secure the load during transportation or to provide all possible assistance in lifting various construction loads.

slings and their varieties

Today we will consider where slings and their varieties are used, and also talk about the significant advantages and some disadvantages of such designs.

What are slings

Slings are special devices that provide a better and more reliable capture of the cargo, while greatly facilitating the implementation of various loading or unloading operations. Slings and their varieties are used only for piece cargo. For example, KAMAZ with inert building materials cannot be unloaded using slings, but a car with wooden bars or metal sheets is easy.

Types of slings

These designs differ among themselves in their design. All types of cargo lines are divided into three categories:

  • Cable cars.
  • Textile.
  • Chain.

Chain slings

This category includes constructions consisting of durable metal links. Such slings are compact and reliable in operation. They have a long service life. With any length, they can be folded into a ring, and they will take up quite a bit of space. Metal links are practically not subject to wear, which makes investing in the purchase of such slings very profitable.

As mentioned above, slings (and their varieties) are needed to a greater extent in order to save the load. Chain designs are perfect for this. In addition to increased strength, they have a sufficient margin of flexibility, which makes them almost universal.

types of slings

The cable device has excellent resistance to various environmental influences, is not afraid of frost and winds, and is also completely indifferent to the effects of chemicals and acids. Such slings and their varieties are most often used in the heavy metallurgical industry, where high temperature, high humidity and all kinds of chemicals prevail.

Textile slings

The most popular, sought after and frequently used are textile slings and their varieties. Prices for such designs are affordable. For example, slings with a length of one meter and a carrying capacity of up to 500 kilograms will cost from 185 rubles. Long slings (from two and a half meters and above) and with greater carrying capacity (from one ton) will cost from 240 to 480 rubles. Everything will depend, of course, on quality, the manufacturer and the store.

Textile structures can be used to lift absolutely any load. They are used for unloading / loading items that need careful and accurate transportation. For example, painted cargo should not be lifted with chain slings - there is a great possibility of damage to the coating. But textile designs will work much more carefully.

The advantages of such slings include lightness, suppleness and flexibility. You can work with them at any temperature and humidity. Such types of slings can withstand even the most severe weather conditions.

slings and their varieties of price

As for the shortcomings, the textile versions of the slings are not resistant to acids, alkalis and chemicals. At a metallurgical plant, for example, it is irrational to use them. It is also not recommended to use them if work is underway with structures that have sharp edges.

Rope slings

The design of this type of sling is a tightly woven steel ropes. These slings may consist of one or more veins. Moreover, the veins differ in their strength and thickness. At the ends are loops or mounting rings.

Such constructions are ideal for use with very heavy and large-scale loads. Slings are strong, durable and reliable. Experts say that these devices have combined all the advantages of the first two categories. Wear slings and the lack of reaction to acids and chemicals were taken from the rope slings from chain options, but the flexibility and convenience in working with absolutely any cargo - from textile.

Rope slings allow you to quickly assess your technical condition. Wear on such structures is visible to the naked eye. This allows you to replace slings in a timely manner, thereby making work safer, and the load - more intact.

slings types of slings and application


When buying slings, you should definitely pay attention to the marking. It is applied by the manufacturer and speaks of the quality and reliability of the design. Carefully see that the labeling indicates the capacity, manufacturer, as well as the product number (series) and the date when the tests were carried out.

Tests are carried out by each manufacturing company of cargo slings. The technical control body at the final stage of manufacturing conducts special tests that show the suitability of the lines for work and confirm the characteristics declared by the manufacturer.


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