Infrared heater "Almak": customer reviews

Today, infrared heaters are becoming more common. However, before acquiring them, it is important to know what characteristics are worth paying attention to. Such devices are widely used in residential and commercial buildings. Among the main criteria, longevity, economy, safety and efficiency can be distinguished. As an example, consider the infrared heater Almak IK 11, reviews of which you can read below.

general description

infrared heater almak reviews

When it gets really cold outside and the central heating is still not working at full capacity, you can take advantage of the possibility of using infrared heaters. Today they are presented on the market of relevant products in a wide range. The principle of their work is the release of thermal energy, which is transmitted to objects. The degree of heating will depend on the shape of the material, surfaces and the angle of incidence of the rays. Having visited the store, you may prefer the infrared heater Almak, reviews of which will be presented in the article. The important thing is that heat accumulates where necessary, namely near walls and furniture. The heat that comes from such equipment is compared with that emitted by the sun.

The choice of heater "Almak" by power

infrared heater almak ik 11 reviews

Infrared heater "Almak", reviews about which quite often are only positive, can be selected by power. Experts advise using a standard calculation, which involves 1 kilowatt per 10 square meters. However, this calculation cannot be called the only true one that should be adhered to. Often, experts are advised to purchase equipment with some power reserve. This will allow you to compensate for possible heat loss, which can include losses through windows, floors, as well as walls. This is especially true when the heater is used as the main source of heat. If it acts as an additional source, then the power should be calculated taking into account specific conditions.

Additional selection recommendations

infrared heater almak ir 5 reviews

If you decide to purchase an infrared heater "Almak", reviews about it are presented in the article. It is important to take into account the purpose for which the device will be used. If there is a need to heat a living room with a small area, it is best to prefer a household heater, the power of which is not too high. If local heating of a small area is required, it is best to stay on a convector type heater. This is because it is suitable for spot heating. If we are talking about creating a basic heating system, it is recommended to use several infrared heaters. It should be remembered that with the correct arrangement of devices, you can achieve effective operation of the equipment. When choosing an Almak infrared heater, which reviews will be useful to read before purchasing, you should be aware that such equipment can easily be installed in an open area. The device must be fixed above the necessary zone, without using additional devices to protect the device from the external environment. This is due to the fact that the design is not afraid of sudden changes in temperature and exposure to high humidity.

Consumer Reviews

ceiling infrared heaters almak

Almak ceiling infrared heaters differ, according to customers, with many positive features. Among them, it can be distinguished that the device heats the object, and does not dissipate heat. Radiation is not absorbed by the air; instead, all the energy from the device reaches the surface. Consumers often compare this equipment with oil radiators, from which, in their opinion, migraine begins. While infrared heaters allow you to create a cozy microclimate, in which it is easy to breathe. If you decide to choose the ceiling type of these devices, you can save free space in the room. Owners of small apartments in particular often choose these heating options. Among other things, according to the modern consumer, the ceiling arrangement of the heater is the best solution when there are small children or animals in the house. In this case, contact with the heating device will be excluded.

Customer reviews on the quality characteristics of the infrared heater

infrared heaters almak 11

If you have an Almak infrared heater in front of you at the point of sale with a thermostat, you can hope for direct heating. This is due to the fact that the design is devoid of material intermediate coolant. Consumers note that within 20 seconds after turning on the device, the room will be noticeably warmer, heat transfer will begin. Such heaters, as users emphasize, almost do not burn oxygen, they are characterized by quiet operation and economy, due to the lack of irrational temperature distribution. The house will significantly reduce heat costs, and energy saving will be 40%. Due to the presence of such a device in the home, you can provide point and zone heating, thus, individual sections of the room will warm up.

Such units do not promote air circulation, which indicates less dust and the absence of drafts. Using such a device on the street, you can not be afraid that the wind will affect it badly. Heating is characterized by environmental cleanliness, which is completely harmless to human health and the environment. Users especially note that infrared heaters do not emit harmful odors, and the possibility of ignition and the likelihood of poisoning are reduced to zero. Specialists especially emphasize the fact that infrared radiation has a good effect on the human body, however, moderate power should be used. Choosing ceiling devices, you can easily install the device, and when it comes to outdoor equipment, it is most often equipped with a telescopic rack, which provides mobility to the device.

Reviews about the heater "Almak IK-5"

infrared heater almak ik 5

This model is to the liking of consumers in that it has an acceptable cost. The heater can be purchased for 2390 rubles. The power of this device is 500 W, and it works from a network of 220 V. The design weighs a little, which indicates the ease of installation and transportation, as well as unloading and loading. The mass of the device is 1.6 kilograms. Dimensions are also very compact, the unit has the following dimensions: 730 x 160 x 30 millimeters. Suspension height can range from 2.3 to a meter. The heater itself, an instruction manual and fasteners are included in the package.

Features of the use of "Almak IK-5"

infrared heater almak ik 8

Infrared heater "Almak IK-5" is designed for small rooms in the country, in the house, office or apartment. You can install such a device in the bathroom, on the balcony, inside the change house, in the hallway or in the bathroom. As the main heating in the winter, this device can be used indoors, the area of โ€‹โ€‹which does not exceed 5 square meters. If we are talking about spring or autumn, then the room can be increased to 10 square meters. This statement is true provided that the standards for thermal insulation are observed. It is important to consider that the design is not equipped with a temperature controller, which would allow to maintain a certain temperature in the room.

Estimated heater power per 1 square. m. by type of premises

The Almak IK-5 infrared heater, reviews of which you will be aware after reading the article, can be installed in a house with good thermal insulation, and 70 watts is required. If you need to heat the cottage, which was usually insulated, then 90 watts will be needed. In the case of a garage or a change house, which were poorly insulated, 120 watts will be needed. For commercial and office premises, you can use power per square meter in the range from 100 to 130 watts. If you need to heat the production room, then you can use the limit from 120 to 150 watts.

Reviews about heaters Almac IK-8

Infrared heater "Almak IK-8" is made in Russia. It is designed for ceiling mounting. You can use such equipment in a room, the area of โ€‹โ€‹which can vary from 8 to 16 square meters. Here we are talking about additional heating. If you want to use this device as the main heating, then the area of โ€‹โ€‹the room should be equivalent to 8 square meters. The accuracy of this device is 800 watts, and the dimensions are limited by the following dimensions 980 x 160 x 30 millimeters. Such equipment hangs 2.6 kilograms, and it can be suspended at a height of up to 3.5 meters.

Reviews about the heater Almac IK-11

Infrared heaters "Almak-11" are designed for additional heating, in this case the area of โ€‹โ€‹the room can be equal to the limit of 11 to 20 square meters. According to consumers, this device is perfectly suitable for basic heating, however, in this case, the area of โ€‹โ€‹the room should not seem more than 11 square meters. The power of the device is 1000 watts, and the dimensions are limited by the following dimensions 1330 x 160 x 30 millimeters. According to users, installing this device on the ceiling is quite simple, despite the fact that its weight is more significant compared to the above options. Weight is limited to 3.3 kilograms.


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