Pronin Viktor Alekseevich: biography, books, photos

Pronin Viktor Alekseevich is one of the most famous Russian writers in the genre of detective. His works were highly appreciated by both Soviet and contemporary Russian readers.

Writer Biography

Victor Alekseevich was born in 1938, in Dnepropetrovsk. Unfortunately, little is known about his life until graduation. Like many good writers, Viktor Alekseevich did not receive specialized education. After graduating from the Dnepropetrovsk Mining Institute in 1960, Victor Pronin decides to get a job in his specialty - the Zaporizhstal plant, but he soon realizes that such work does not suit him. After leaving the factory, the young man decides to work as a journalist in a local newspaper - the craving for writing has already shown himself, but in a slightly different form.

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First experience

In the mid-sixties Pronin Victor finally decided to do prose. His first story, entitled “Symbiosis”, was sent to the “New World” and “October”, which, after some thought, refused to publish it. It so happened that "Symbiosis" first hit the press only in 1987, entitled "Continue our games." However, the refusal to publish from major literary magazines did not bother Viktor Alekseevich, and already in 68 he finished his first published work - “Blind Rain”. The book was a success both among readers and critics, and, in addition to name and fee, brought Viktor Alekseevich an invitation to the journal “Man and the Law”, to the department of morality and law.

Journalistic activity greatly affected his work - many of his works are read extremely realistically due to the unusual writing style, partly reminiscent of the style of criminal chronicle. Thanks to this, the stories invented by Pronin are perceived as if they had taken place in reality and were only documented by the author.

victor pronin

Victor Pronin: books, film adaptation of works

Work in the journal brought Viktor Alekseevich much-needed experience. Blind Rain, well received by the public, was far from the pinnacle of his career, and Pronin understood this very well. Hearing criticism and comments in the direction of his "debut", Pronin Victor continues to hone the mastery of the detective genre, over and over again producing more and more high-quality works.

The top of his creative career is rightfully considered the story “Woman on Wednesdays”, which received excellent reviews from the public and critics, especially for the ingeniously thought out plot, tense atmosphere and interesting three-dimensional characters. The book turned out to be so good that in 1998 it was filmed by Stanislav Govorukhin under the title Voroshilovsky Shooter.

However, this is far from the only work of Pronin, which was awarded the film adaptation. From the pen of the author came such works as “Spray of Champagne”, “Women's Logic”, as well as a series of books “The Gang”, consisting of eight separate stories - all of the above was filmed during the life of Viktor Alekseevich.

victor pronin books

"Thieves" theme

Contrary to popular belief, not all of Pronin’s books are devoted exclusively to crime or organized crime. Of course, the work in "Man and the Law" made itself felt - Victor Alekseevich Pronin knew perfectly well about criminal jargon, criminal concepts, and indeed about the entire background of the criminal world - precisely because of this, his works are considered so authentic.

However, one should not assume that his works can be of interest only to people associated with law enforcement agencies, because first of all, books by Viktor Alekseevich can and should be characterized as good detectives. Thieves criminal topics are just a shell, moreover, was in demand in the eighties and nineties. In many ways, it was this time that became the most productive for the writer - an ordinary citizen, previously unfamiliar with the criminal jargon and concepts, with the collapse of the USSR, was able to fully experience how deeply they penetrated our lives. Most of the popular culture of the nineties in Russia is somehow connected with crime and criminality, and Pronin's works differed extremely favorably against the background of the mediocre writings of most competitors. The use of new canons and ideas also added freshness to his work - it is believed that he created one of the first and most popular Russian female detectives.

pronin victor alekseevich audiobooks

Real detective

"The thieves' theme of the nineties is not more interesting than any other time, just the demand for" dashing "makes itself felt," says Victor Pronin. A detective is his element and passion. The Soviet and Russian criminal subculture is nothing more than a cover, and the stories written by Pronin would have come to almost any place and time. The most important thing, according to him, is trustworthy characters - if this is a disaster, then no authenticity will save, and vice versa. An excellent example is Women's Logic. The first book in the series devoted to the adventures of Olga Tumanova, or “the domestic Miss Marple,” plunges us into the world of a pensioner who loves to read detective novels.

One of the author’s most popular books , “Women's Logic,” perfectly demonstrates that “lawlessness” and “brotherhoods” are not necessary in order to sell a detective story. Instantly loved by readers, Olga Tumanova, later embodied on the screen by Alisa Freindlich, serves as an example of a strong independent female character, so rare in detectives, especially domestic ones.

pronin victor alekseevich

Pronin Viktor Alekseevich: audio books

Viktor Alekseevich boasts a truly fruitful career as a writer - in his 77 years he managed to write more than fifty works, many of which are available in audio format. Among them are such well-known books as “Typhoon”, “Death of the President”, “Higher Measure”, “Candibober”, “Bad Signs”, “You Must Be able to Win” and others. His most famous series, The Gang, was later translated into the audiobook format, later filmed for television under the title Citizen Chief.

Pronin Viktor Alekseevich - a wonderful writer and person. Let us wish him inspiration and long life!


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