Children's toy dinosaur on the control panel: review, types, manufacturers and reviews

A dinosaur on the control panel - what else can a child want who is tired of cars, planes and other equipment, and children also need to rest from computer games and all kinds of gadgets. A new interactive toy can replace a pet. And if a cat or dog already lives in the house, then their reaction to the new resident will be interesting and ambiguous. There are many versions of this beast. Consider remote-controlled dinosaurs for toddlers and true dino robots for older children.

Dinosaurs for babies (orange)

Bright and colorful dinosaurs with colorful lights attract the attention of kids. Using the remote control, you can make the reptile move forward and backward, wave its tail, open and close its mouth. Keenway is one of the few that produces dinosaur toys on the control panel for children from 3 years old. Plastic and paint of high quality, odorless. To work, you need only two finger batteries. Sounds and melodies are quiet, especially so as not to scare the baby and not to bother adults. The price is quite affordable and fluctuates around 700 rubles. The series presents four types of dinosaur (blue, orange, yellow and green).

dinosaur on the control panel

The plastic remote is styled like stone, the buttons are quite large. By the way, this company also produces other animals on a remote control. Parents respond to the toy mostly positively, with the exception of cases of buying goods with marriage.

Dinosaurs for children from 5 years to 8 years

This conditional category includes ancient toy dinosaurs with more diverse functions. Some of them have their own character and ability to develop and learn. The following dinosaur models can be attributed to this group:

  1. Zoomer is an interactive dinosaur toy on the control panel.
  2. Pleo dinosaur robot.
  3. Roborator WowWee.
  4. Reptile dinosaur Fire Dragon from the manufacturer Cs Toys.
  5. Tyrannosaurus from the company Dragon-i.

Zoomer dinosaur (with wheels)

A bright and cheerful dinosaur named Dino moves quickly with two wheels. The child can control it using the remote control, or you can set the function of free movement. In this case, the toy will independently move around the house, smell objects and growl if she does not like something. Dino is able to repeat movements at hand, dance, open his mouth and growl. Illumination of the eyes makes it clear to the owner what mood the dinosaur is in. In a bad mood destroys everything in its path. Built-in sensors allow the dinosaur to locate objects.

dinosaur toy on the control panel

The kit includes a USB cable (charging can be done from a computer). To work, you need to buy only three batteries (AAA 1.5 V) for the remote control.

Reviews say that not only children, but also adults like the dinosaur on the control panel. The price of such an interactive miracle is about 6-7 thousand rubles.

Pleo Robot Dinosaur

A toy that develops every day. The robot dinosaur on the Pleo control panel is born and behaves insecure the first time it is turned on, but it shows interest in everything. The owner can teach him to walk and even give a paw. The kit includes special plastic leaves that your pet chews with pleasure. Such a toy can definitely replace both a cat and a small dog.

dinosaur robot on the control panel

The character depends on the manner of education and care of the robot. If you pay a lot of attention to the dinosaur, it will grow up as an affectionate and loyal friend to the owner. On the contrary, with a lack of attention, it shows aggression and anger. Many mothers say that for children with allergies to animal hair raising a dinosaur robot is an excellent way out of the situation. It is interesting to observe the behavior of two such robot toys. True, this fun is not cheap, the price of one such friend is 15-20 thousand.

Roborator WowWee

The dinosaur on the control panel with WowWee sound is available in several sizes. The large robo-raptor has the following dimensions: length - 77 cm, height - 25 cm. The price is about 6000 rubles. The mini version is much cheaper, about 1,500 rubles, but the dimensions are not that impressive (height - 17 cm, length - 40 cm). Both versions of the dinosaurs are crammed with sensors that allow you to explore objects and the area around. The remote control is equipped with buttons on both sides for moving the body and turns the head and tail.

dinosaur on the control panel with sound

The mood of the toy is also manageable. For example, in a playful mood, the robo - raptor will play with the owner in a rag pull, like a puppy. Another character may be predatory or wary - all this at the request of the owner.

To work, you need 9 batteries (3 to the remote and 6 to the toy itself). In the kit there is an instruction with a good Russian translation. The main thing is that there are illustrations that will help the child quickly figure out what's what. If you believe the reviews, the children like the toy, and the parents complain about the high cost and loud roars issued by the predator.

Dinosaur Fire Dragon

This is not just a dinosaur on the control panel, it is a real fire-breathing dragon with wings. Like its counterparts, this robot has sensors. A distinctive feature is the ability to jump. Using the remote control, you can switch modes, and there are only two of them: โ€œhungryโ€ and โ€œcalmโ€. The first mode is much more interesting. In this state, the dragon moves energetically, moves its neck and tail, growls and displays aggression. To feed a dinosaur, it is enough to press the button, but then the toy becomes listless and passive.

dinosaur remote control Price

An interesting option is the ability to program the dragon steps (no more than twenty). The reptile reacts to loud noises and turns into a ferocious beast.

A significant plus, especially for parents, is the availability of sound adjustment. The price of a dragon ranges from 3,500 to 5,000 rubles. Coloring options: green, black.

Dragon-i tyrannosaurus

Toy robot dinosaur on the control panel - a tyrannosaurus is probably the most realistic. Young paleontologists like this reptile, because it is a real miniature copy of a dinosaur that lived millions of years ago. The beast knows how to sparkle eyes and growl menacingly. The neck is made of soft rubber and the body is made of plastic. Therefore, a dinosaur can smoothly move its head and open its mouth.

toy robot dinosaur on the remote control

Interestingly made remote. It is executed in the form of a stone on which the tyrannosaurus skeleton is located. By clicking on the corresponding part, you can control the upper or lower part of the dinosaur. The price of this toy fluctuates around 4 thousand rubles.

Is it worth buying a dinosaur on the remote control for your child?

It is impossible to unequivocally answer this question. It is necessary to consider not only the age of the child, but also his hobbies, and the character itself. Most dinosaurs are not fast and dynamic (with the exception of toys from Zoomer with wheels). Therefore, fidget children will probably not really like a sedentary robot. If you believe the reviews, even expensive dinosaur robots with many functions in many children aroused interest only for half an hour. Therefore, it is better not to buy expensive models at once, but to opt for budget options. They are no less interesting and have almost the same functions as expensive dinosaur robots.


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