What to give dad for 45 years from children? DIY gift

Want to please your loved one, whose anniversary is coming soon? What to give dad for 45 years from children? Make a present for him with your own hands. Little dreamers can present a full gift along with adults. Look for ideas for its implementation below.


what to give dad for 45 years

The easiest way to please a loved one is to give him a postcard. And even though these colored pieces of cardboard are already out of fashion, no one bothers you to renew the tradition. Do not know what to give dad for 45 years? Create a personal holiday card for him. It’s very easy to come up with a design for your masterpiece. Remember the hobbies of dad and reflect them in a postcard. You can create an application or draw a drawing. You can approach the creation of a small project with humor. For example, on the front of the card, draw a dad with a fishing rod, and on the page depict a large fish, and sign the wish: "Catch the fish of your dreams." Don’t be afraid to make references to famous comic clips. Such creativity will certainly cause a smile and approval of the pope.


Do you want to pleasantly surprise a loved one? Write a verse in his honor. If nature has not deprived you of the talent to rhyme lines, write a beautiful congratulation on the anniversary. You can take as a basis some interesting episode from family life and show how the father heroically solves problems or describe the whole life of the pope in a few quatrains, wishing all the best to your loved one in the end.

What to give dad for 45 years, if you do not have the talent to write poetry? In this case, you can edit someone else's creation. Choose a verse that your father likes and redo it. Leave the essence and foundation, but try to give the work a joyful mood. You can write a poem in a postcard or declare your creation at a holiday.


what to give dad

Can't decide on a gift? Come up with something original. What to give dad for 45 years? Compose a song for him. Father will be touched by the fact that they wrote a piece of music about him. It can be like an ode or it can be something more fun. Writing music for a song yourself is completely optional. You can choose any little-known song and learn its chords. But this option is only suitable for those who know how to play a musical instrument. For everyone else it will be easier to download songs and sing under it.

As in the situation with the verse, you can remake one of the famous and favorite songs of your father. Compose touching lines that will repeat the rhythm and size of the original piece of music.


What can I give dad for 45 years? If you like to engage in handmade and the result of your work can please the eye, then make panels for your father. What theme to take for your creativity? Ideally, you can make a family picture. Depict yourself, dad and mom on it. Volumetric figures are optional. It is difficult to do this, and the result is not always satisfactory. Therefore, pay attention to the option in which all family members are shown figuratively. For example, a panel of stones. The role of the father’s figure will be played by a large stone, the role of a mother by a smaller stone, well, and you will be a very small stone.

Another interesting idea is to make foot prints or hands. You can make a similar panel from self-setting clay or from salt dough.


what is better to give dad

The path to a man’s heart lies through his stomach, and this is no secret to anyone. You do not know what to give dad for his 45th birthday? Bake a cake for a man. Such a surprise will be warmly received by your esteemed man. Father will be especially pleased if you work hard to create a culinary masterpiece. For example, make a complex multi-layer cake of several cakes with different impregnations. Such a culinary masterpiece can be mastered even by a young child, if mother actively helps her child. Do not choose too simple recipes. Father will be pleased not only to have a delicious sweetness, but also to think that you have spent a lot of time not walking with friends, but creating a surprise for his person.


Unsure of your abilities and don't know if you can make a cake? What is better to give dad for 45 years? Make something sweet but simple. You can bake cookies or make pies that are fashionable today without baking based on cookies and cream from sour cream and gelatin. Do such options seem commonplace to you? Then you should like the option of making an interesting snack from apples. How to make caramel apples on a stick. To do this, you will need to take washed fruit, melted caramel or chocolate and any sweet breading. Combine all three products in the order shown, give the dessert time to harden. Dad will be amazed at your originality and thank you for a delicious surprise.

Photo frame

what to give dad for 45 years from his daughter

Middle-aged men, despite popular beliefs about their severity and masculinity, are very sentimental. Is your father like that? What to give dad for 45 years from his daughter? Give father a photo frame. Your creation, in which you will need to insert one of the frames of a fun family life, will find a place on your father’s desktop. Dad will be glad that his daughter made such beauty especially for him.

To your father was not ashamed of colleagues, you have to try. You can create a beautiful frame from cardboard. And how to decorate an interior item? For this purpose, pasta, coffee, thread, buttons, stones or decorative fittings are suitable. Choose a decor depending on the design of the product.


How to make a father happy? You can create his portrait. Can't draw? It doesn’t matter, you can make a picture from old magazines from your father’s photograph You do not need to draw at all. Upload a photo to any graphics program, use the filter, which will break the image into parts of different colors. It remains to print the picture, and according to the resulting stencil, create a portrait.

What to give dad for 45 years from his son? You can create a collage not only with a portrait of your father, but also with something that inspires a man. For example, with your favorite car brand or with a beautiful mountain landscape. Turn on your imagination and create.

Photo album

what is better to give dad for 45 years

What to give dad for 45 years from children? An interesting idea would be a family photo album. In this age of modern technology, people take many pictures. But most of them are erased, deleted or lost. But these are precious memories that are a pity to let go. So that your father can enjoy the beautiful shots from his own life, not only today, but also after 30 years, give him a photo album. You can make captions for each picture. Record when the photograph was taken, and under what circumstances. If you have an interesting accompanying story, then you can post it on the album page. You can decorate the free space between photos with something decorative. For example, iron badges, stickers or drawings.


Is your loved one interested in design? Then help your father in an effort to make the home prettier. Create a watch for your dad’s office. Modern people rarely buy for themselves some fashionable trinkets that look beautiful, but are expensive. But they are very easy to do with your own hands, if you make enough effort. What can you create a wall clock from? From any material at hand. Cardboard, leather, plastic, glass and even old wheels will do. There are a lot of ideas for creativity. Before you start, you need to draw a sketch, choose a suitable size and it is advisable to approve the project with mom. And after such preparatory work, you can begin to create a watch.

Knitten things

what to give dad for 45 years from children

You can please dad with a stylish new thing. If you know how to knit, and besides, you do it well, tie dad something from clothes. The thing should be stylish and fashionable. Then the father will bear the fruits of your creativity. What can be created using knitting needles and threads? The most difficult option is a sweater. If your skills for such a product are not enough, then make a hat and a scarf. It’s easy to make them, but it’s always nice to get something that reminds you in separation of a loved one. Well, the easiest gift option that even a schoolgirl in elementary grades can handle is socks. Tie your dad's warm socks so that on cold evenings they warm your father and remind him of your love.

Men's bouquet

what to give dad for 45 years from his son

Today it is fashionable to present compositions collected not from flowers, but from food. Therefore, the original version of the presentation may be a men's bouquet. What to make of it? Put hunting sausages of different types on skewers, attach dried fish to wooden sticks, as well as packs of peanuts and other snacks. As color accents, you can use bright cheeses and slices of colored bell peppers. Such an edible set needs to be arranged as well as a bouquet, bandaged with a ribbon and handed to a man.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F3279/

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