Museums of Russia: Ivanovo Regional Art Museum

Ivanovo is a city built on two rivers - the Volga and Klyazma. From ancient times, various crafts developed in it, but weaving prevailed. From the end of the 19th century, Ivanovo began to be called the "textile land" or the "chintz land", because textile production began to actively develop here. Gradually, Ivanovo textiles, especially chintz, became a global brand. Works of Ivanovo textiles are presented in the collection of the regional art museum.

Ivanovo cultural traditions

The cultural life of Ivanovo actively developed in the 19th century. In the 1870s, a theater appeared here, a Public Library opened, and a hospital was founded.

Despite the large number of attractions, they do not have a special attractive force for tourists, so there are few guests here.

Museum building

In 1968, a building of the end of the 19th century was allocated under the Ivanovo Art Museum. It was located on Sovetskaya Street in house 29 and is the main building of the museum complex. Initially, it was supposed to be used for the activities of the Real Technical School, then - the School of Colorists.

Art Museum

Now the museum is housed in the building of the former Real College. The amazingly beautiful staircase shown in the photo for the Ivanovo Regional Art Museum is one of the important historical interiors that preserve the memory of this period.

The school building was built with money from charitable contributions from Ivanovo industrialists and merchants. The building of the Real School was built in an eclectic architectural style. Its walls are made of red brick and decorated with white decor. Its author was an architect from the city of Shui V.F. Sikorsky. P.V. Troitsky helped him.

History of the collection

The history of the Ivanovo Regional Art Museum began even before the revolution in 1914 thanks to the idea of ​​the local collector D. G. Burylin, who collected a collection of more than 700 exhibits. His collection included objects of culture and art of the period of the Ancient World, the countries of the East, works of Western European fine art.

Museum Interiors

In the 20-30s. XX century there was a replenishment of the collection from the funds of the Tretyakov Museum, the Russian Museum and the State Museum Fund, as well as numerous art exhibitions. The exposition was expanded by works of Russian and Western European art and avant-garde, by the creations of Ivanov’s masters, including paintings by M. Pyrin and I. Nefedov, V. Fedorov and M. Malyutin, E. Gribov and A. Krotov, etc.

Over time, the collection of the Ivanovo Regional Art Museum replenished. The number of its exhibits exceeded 45 thousand.

Exposure characteristics

Now the museum collection is housed in six buildings. All of them are scattered around the city and are the repositories of collections of various subjects.

At the moment, the following sections of the exposition of the Ivanovo Regional Art Museum can be distinguished: Ancient Egypt and Ancient Culture, Russian cult painting, Russian fine art of the 18th-20th centuries, fine art of Ivanovo nuggets.

In the collection of the Ancient East, of particular interest are objects of worship of the ancient Egyptians associated with rituals of mummification and burial, pottery and vase paintings of ancient Greece, Roman funerary sculpture and architecture, as well as unique fragments of Pompeii frescoes.

Of the paintings presented in the Ivanovo Regional Art Museum, it is worth mentioning first of all the works of V. Serov, F. Rokotov, D. Levitsky, V. Borovikovsky, K. Bryullov and other luminaries of Russian painting of the 18th-19th centuries.

I would especially like to note the exposition of the Lukutil craft, which is a unique painting on varnish. They are considered masterpieces of arts and crafts of Ivanovo. The founder of fishing is considered to be master I. Golikov. But the work of his followers is also kept in the museum.

Separately, two branches of the Ivanovo Art Museum can be distinguished: A. Morozov and B. Prorokov.

Museum of the Prophet

Museum of Morozov

Morozov Alexander Ivanovich - People's Artist of Russia, a native of the village of Votola, Ivanovo Region. The beginning of his work is connected with the city of Ivanovo. After his death, all his creative works, documents and personal belongings, a collection of texts and videos, a photo collection, stage costumes, musical instruments were bequeathed to the Ivanovo Regional Art Museum. There are also personal memories of the artist in the form of notes and letters.

Museum of Morozov

For the future reservoir of his works, the artist personally chose a house on 33 Lenin Avenue. This building is historical. It was erected in 1910 for an engineer and technician from Austria Ludwig Auer. The construction is a log cabin covered with tiles. The windows are covered with shutters, which are perhaps the only decoration of the facade.

Museum today

Now the museum not only exhibits unique antiquities and the finest works of fine art, but it is an important cultural and educational center of the city.

The museum has a children's art studio, an exhibition hall, a vocal studio. The exhibition hall hosts exhibitions of children's art and the creations of Ivanovo masters. The works of children on display at the Ivanovo Regional Art Museum are invariably a huge success.

Museum exhibitions

For residents interested in history and science, the museum has an archive and a scientific library. There are also restoration workshops here that help to keep unique art and cultural monuments in good condition.


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