The dog has blood from the anus: possible causes and treatment features

If the dog is bleeding from the anus, this is most likely a sign of a rather serious disease. In normal condition, feces in these animals have a dark or light brown color.

Main reasons

Most often, blood in the feces of dogs appears due to:

  • parasites;

  • plague of carnivores.

If the dog’s owners noticed blood from the anus, it could also be a consequence of a disease such as parvovirus enteritis.

the dog has blood from the anus

Parasitic diseases: other signs

In the presence of helminths in a dog, the following symptoms may also appear:

  • a change in habitual behavior - lethargy, anemia, pallor of mucous membranes, eating inedible objects;

  • the presence in the feces, in addition to blood, larvae, eggs or the parasites themselves;

  • difficulty swallowing;

  • frequent hiccups;

  • bloating with protruding ribs;

  • rickets, stunted growth.

The main symptom of this disease is itching in the anus of the dog. Blood from the anus with helminthiasis appears quite often.

How to rid an animal of parasites

The range of drugs designed to expel worms in dogs is quite wide today. But the best reviews from the owners of the animals were earned by Azinox Plus, Drontal Plus, Dronzit, Vermox. When treating a dog, anthelmintic drugs are recommended to be alternated. The fact is that many types of parasites are able to develop immunity to such drugs.

the dog is bleeding from the anus

Almost all modern drugs in this group break down worms directly in the dog's body. Decomposing, parasites subsequently can cause very strong intoxication of the animal's body. Therefore, after using such funds, the pet should be carefully monitored.

Giving medicine to a dog infected with worms, preferably in the morning. In this case, the tablet can be pressed, for example, into a piece of sausage. If the dog refuses to take the drug in this way, she needs to put it forcefully on the root of the tongue.

Symptoms of Carnivore Plague

If the dog has blood from the anus with feces, this can be a sign of such a disease. Plague is caused by a virus related to the one that provokes the development of measles in humans. Symptoms in a dog with this disease are manifested as follows:

  • rise in body temperature to 40-41 degrees;

  • refusal of feed and exhaustion;

  • conjunctivitis and rhinitis;

  • labored breathing;

  • inflammation and redness of the mucous membranes;

  • sneezing.

why does the dog have blood from the anus

Also, dogs infected with plague are usually often scratching their nose with their paw. Blood in the stool of a dog in most cases appears with the intestinal variety of this disease. Plague animals of any age get sick. However, most often it is diagnosed in young dogs. In particular, puppies up to 3 months are at risk of getting sick. The animals of such breeds as:

  • poodles;

  • Shepherd dogs

  • Pekingese

  • likes.

In terriers, this disease is quite rare.

How to treat a plague

What to do if, precisely because of this disease, blood appears in the dog from the anus. The causes of this phenomenon in this case are inflammation of the intestinal membrane. An effective therapy for this disease can be mainly only in the first stages. It is impossible to independently treat plague of carnivores. If the animal has signs of this dangerous disease, the owners should contact their veterinarian immediately. The technology for treating plague in clinics is usually used as follows:

  • the doctor confirms the diagnosis;

  • measures are taken to maintain the dog’s immune system (ready-made antibodies in the form of serum are introduced);

  • antiemetic drugs and medications that make breathing easier are prescribed;

  • a dropper is placed to correct dehydration.

In severe cases of the disease, dogs are usually placed in a hospital. The plague is treated very difficult. Therefore, animals should be vaccinated against it necessarily and on time.

blood from the anus of the dog what to do

Symptoms of parvovirus enteritis

This disease is also a common reason why a dog has blood coming out of the anus along with feces. According to the degree of danger, enteritis can be compared with a plague. Blood in the stool in dogs usually appears with the intestinal form of this disease. Symptoms of this enteritis are most often:

  • lethargy;

  • tail tightening and arching of the back when stroking the sides;

  • refusal of food and water;

  • viscous or foamy vomiting;

  • persistent diarrhea.

Bloody stool in a dog with enteritis has a putrid odor.

Disease treatment

A visit to a veterinary clinic is a prerequisite for the first symptoms of enteritis in a dog. Blood from the anus - a sign in this case is actually very serious. As with the plague, with this disease, the animals are primarily trying to eliminate dehydration and vomiting with diarrhea. The dog is given immunoglobulin and hyperimmune serums. To restore the water balance to the animal, salt solutions are also soldered. In addition, the treatment of enteritis involves the use of heart medications, some antibiotics and vitamins. At the same time, the dog is prescribed complete rest.

As with the plague, it is possible to prevent an animal from entering enteritis only after completing the full course of vaccination.

Treatment of other diseases

Of course, with other diseases, blood can also appear from the dog's anus. What to do in case of infection with helminths or with the appearance of symptoms of plague or enteritis, we found out. It is worth contacting a veterinarian for such diseases as:

  1. Enterocolitis and colitis are inflammation of the intestinal mucosa. This disease is treated by starvation, by soldering a large amount of water and tea. Also, in the event of such problems with the dog’s health, it is useful to use oat broth and immune serums.

  2. Cracks in the anus. In this case, there is usually not too much blood in the feces. Cracks are treated with special ointments. Most often, with such a disease, Levomekol is used. Other disinfecting and wound healing preparations can also be used for treatment. Processing in this case should be carried out with medical gloves.

the dog has blood from the anus of the cause

Blood may appear in the stool of the dog and due to stomach ulcers. Also, oncology sometimes becomes the cause of this phenomenon. Dogs do not have hemorrhoids.


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