Useful tips for home and garden (do it yourself)

Previously, housewives knew a lot of tricks that helped to facilitate household chores or to make cleaning the house better. Today there are also a lot of such recommendations, so we will consider the most useful tips for the home, which can be useful to everyone.

Interesting tips for home comfort

Every girl uses perfume. But if your favorite fragrance is already over, do not rush to throw out the bottle. You need to remove the cap-sprayer, pour half a jar of water and put a few wooden sticks. Absorbing aromatic liquid, they will fill your room with fragrance.

Every woman in a vase periodically appears flowers. To make them stand longer, add one or two drops of dishwashing detergent to the water . But it is important not to pour too much money, otherwise it will accelerate the withering of flowers.

useful tips for home

Cleaning of the apartment

These useful tips for cleaning the house will always be useful to any housewife. Sometimes ugly rusty spots and plaque appear on tiles or sanitary ware. A mass made from soda will help get rid of this scourge. It must be slightly diluted with water to a thick porridge. Apply the product on a rusty place and wait for it to dry. Remove soda with a brush or a hard sponge and wash the surface well.

The following helpful tips for the home are about floors. It is important to know that carpets need thorough cleaning twice a year. You will need a hair brush for this procedure. Two tablespoons of ammonia are added to a liter of water . With this simple mixture, the brush is wetted and the carpet is cleaned. After dry rags the pile is wiped. Heavily contaminated areas require re-treatment. But if this way the carpet is cleaned twice a year, you will no longer have the need to acquire chemicals.

useful tips for home and garden
On your own, you can update linoleum. Dishwashing liquid is added to warm water. This mixture will remove stains of grease and dirt. The second time the floor is washed with clean water. Without waiting for the linoleum to dry, polish it using a dry cloth with a few drops of drying oil or regular sunflower oil. If you carry out such cleaning once a month and a half, the floor covering will last longer than usual.

Clean things

Useful tips for the home are needed when your personal items lose their appearance. For example, ink stains often appear on leather clothes. You can get rid of them with wet salt. To do this, rub it with a slightly dampened cloth in a painted place.

Sometimes yellowish marks from the iron may appear on clothes. You can eliminate this trouble with a borax solution. Two teaspoons of the drug is diluted in a liter of water.

useful tips and accessories for the home
Yellowish spots in the armpits can be another nuisance. They can be removed with aspirin. Soak two tablets in a small container with water. After waiting about seven minutes, rub the pulp into a yellowed place. Leave on for 20 minutes, after just wash and dry.

Domestic help

These useful tips for the home have already been tested by more than one hostess, so you can safely follow their example. You can clean the sole of the iron with vinegar liquid mixed with ammonia. In this mixture, moisten a cloth and rub the sole to a shine.

Here are some more tricks:

  • For washing delicate fabrics, you can not buy special bags. They can be replaced with a duvet cover.
  • Dry synthetic curtains after washing, dry only in the shade. In the sun they become yellow.
  • If a small part has rolled up under a bed, an armchair or another place or a lot of small items have been scattered, you can get them with a vacuum cleaner. To do this, attach a piece of fabric or nylon pantyhose to the hose with a hard rubber band. All small objects will be attracted to the vacuum cleaner, and their tissue will prevent penetration into the hose.
  • The unpleasant odor from the bag is easily eliminated by putting a new tea bag in it . After a day, it can be removed.
    useful DIY tips for home

Tricks in the kitchen

But here are useful tips for home and family that will help you become a good housewife in the kitchen. If you are cooking vegetable soup, do not add spices, especially bay leaves. It is better to supplement the finished dish with chopped herbs.

To keep wooden chopping boards clean, they are treated with vinegar mixed with water.

A pan with salted cold water of a larger size will help to cool the cooked compote faster.

In addition to the usual tricks, there are very useful tips for the home, which are also easy to implement. For example, often after a feast a small amount of wine remains on the table. In order not to pour it, pour it into the molds and put in the freezer. When preparing a dish, you can use frozen wine or add it to sauces.

the most useful tips for home

Every housewife periodically burns rice, what should I do? A slice of white bread laid on top will help get rid of a burnt aftertaste.

If you are in the country

Below are useful tips for home and garden, allowing you to become a good gardener.

  1. In the beds between the tomatoes, you can plant dandelions. This plant cleans the soil of the physarium - a fungus that suppresses the roots of tomatoes.
  2. Marigolds planted on beds of cucumbers or between strawberries will make the soil more fertile and relieve diseases. In autumn or early spring, you can dig the earth with these flowers.
  3. Spring digging should be on time when the land is ready. This can be determined if from a depth of 10 cm take a handful of soil and squeeze in a lump. From a meter high, release this lump. If it disintegrates evenly - the land is ready for plowing. If you just get enough sleep, you are late. Falling lumpy - you still have to wait.
  4. The collected leaves and grass come in handy for fertilizer. They need to be stacked in piles for over-ripening, and in the spring, adding a little soil or sand to them, shovel. This deciduous land is useful for beds.
    useful tips for home and family

Useful tips and devices for home and summer holidays

It is important to attract birds that fight insects and caterpillars to their summer cottage. They need to be fed in the winter. To do this, a feeder is made from an ordinary glass jar. It must be hung on a branch horizontally using ropes. The feeder is ready.

We still have some useful tips for home. With your own hands you can make many interesting gizmos. If you have children, then the problem with scattered toys is familiar to you. You can make a bright box with your own hands, in which the baby will put his things. You will need old postcards, glue and a cardboard box of the size you need. With beautiful cards, carefully glue the box. You can leave it at home, or you can take it to the cottage, so that your baby will play in nature. To make it last longer, you can glue it with wide tape.

The above tips for home are simple, but at the same time, if you remember them, you can greatly simplify your life.


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