Wiring in the country: diagram, which wires, installation

When planning the repair or construction of a country house, you need to think about high-quality wiring. It may seem to many that the installation of electrical wiring in the country is a two-minute affair, but it requires responsibility and some knowledge. How to make a diagram and mount wiring?

Features of electrical wiring in the country

A detailed work plan should be drawn up, depending on the amount of work ahead. First you need to decide, you need to make wiring from scratch or replace the existing one. In this case, it is important to be guided by the rules that are specified in detail in the EMP (Electrical Installation Rules). When installing electrical wiring should be guided by the following rules:

  1. Important elements such as distribution boxes, meters, sockets and switches must be located in accessible places.
  2. Switches should be installed at a height of 60 to 150 cm from the floor. Moreover, if a door is located nearby, it should open in the opposite direction so as not to block the switch.
  3. The wire to the switches is laid from top to bottom.
  4. Outlets must be at least 50 cm above the floor to prevent possible flooding. In addition, you can not place outlets near gas and electric stoves, radiators.
  5. The wire to the outlets is located from the bottom up.
  6. The number of outlets is also regulated. They are recommended to be placed at the rate of 1 pc. on 6 m 2 . The only exception is the kitchen, which traditionally has a large number of electrical appliances.
    electrical wiring in the country
  7. Installation of sockets in the bathroom and toilet is strictly prohibited due to high humidity.
  8. The wiring must be necessarily reflected in the wiring plan of the house, and this information is saved.
  9. Places of wiring and wire connections should be insulated in special boxes.
  10. It is strictly forbidden to connect wires from different metals to each other.

Before starting wiring, you should remember three important aspects of working with electricity:

  • security;
  • simplicity;
  • reliability.

This means that all work must be carried out taking into account safety precautions, and the wiring diagram must be simple and reliable.

Electrical project

Before starting installation work, it is recommended to make a graphic diagram of the house indicating the places of wiring. It is easy to do it yourself using paper and pencil. In this case, you should know some conventions that will be used in the drawing.

To develop a wiring diagram in the country, you should draw a plan of the house. It should also contain schematic images of the location of household appliances, this is necessary for the convenience of supplying sockets and switches.

wiring diagram in the country

In addition, it is important to think about wiring diagrams, they are of three types:

  • parallel;
  • consistent;
  • mixed.

The mixed type is most often used, since it involves the most economical use of materials and ease of use. To facilitate the installation of wiring in the country, it is necessary to separate all the connection points. This is done as follows:

  • lighting of the kitchen, corridor and other residential premises;
  • bathroom and toilet lighting;
  • power supply for kitchen outlets and living rooms;
  • power outlets for kitchen appliances.

Thus, it is possible to facilitate the structure of the wiring in the country. These groups can be adjusted for reasons of their own convenience.

Varieties of wires used

What wires for electrical wiring in the country are used today? The wiring is formed from the needs of a room, as well as its saturation with electrical appliances. In this regard, the kitchen is in the lead, as it absorbs the greatest amount of electricity. For the installation of electrical wiring in the country, the following types of wires are used:

  1. VVG cable 5x6. It is used to connect the lighting panel to the main panel for houses with three-phase lighting.
  2. VVG cable 2x6. Used to connect the lighting panel to the main panel in houses with two-phase lighting.
  3. VVG cable 3x2.5. Used to supply electricity to main outlets from junction boxes.
  4. VVG cable 3x1.5. Used for wiring from distribution panels to switches.
  5. VVG cable 3x4. Used to power electric stoves.

The exact length of the required wire can be found out, if, following the information from the circuit, measure the room.

do-it-yourself wiring in the country
In addition, in reserve you need to add 3-4 meters. Ultimately, all the wires are connected to the main lighting panel, which is installed near the entrance to the house.

Necessary materials

To replace the wiring in the country will require the following consumables:

  • electric meter;
  • automatic machines (system of inclusion and shutdown of electricity);
  • cables of necessary configurations;
  • boxes for wiring;
  • terminal blocks;
  • circuit breakers;
  • sockets;
  • sockets;
  • glue;
  • self-tapping screws, screws;
  • boxes for an open type of wiring;
  • tin mounting strips.

It is important to stock up on the right amount of supplies in advance to avoid shortages.

Necessary tools

During installation, you will need the following tools:

  • grinder with diamond discs;
  • mounting chisel;
  • hammer;
  • cable shears;
  • putty knife;
  • pliers;
  • roulette;
  • knife;
  • screwdriver.

These tools are enough to complete wiring according to all safety and quality requirements.

Channels for electrical wiring

Installation of wiring in the country begins with the markup and preparation of channels for laying cables. The marking is applied with a pencil or marker, according to the previously outlined scheme. At the same time, places should be provided for future outlets, switches and a shield.

At the next stage, you should determine the type of wiring - it can be classic closed or external. Aerial wiring in the country - this is when the wires are from the outside, and not inside the wall. It may be convenient, but it does not always look aesthetically pleasing.

After that, with a puncher with a special nozzle, holes are drilled in the wall for future sockets and switches. For wires, it is necessary to cut out the walls of the gutter according to the previously outlined marking. The standard depth of the gutter is 20 mm, and the width depends on the thickness of the cable used.

vvg cable

Open wiring

As already noted above, air or open wiring does not require wall chipping and is easier. Installation of wiring begins with the installation of the shield. In new homes, a niche is provided for him, which hides the shield. In old ones, it just hangs on the wall near the entrance. An RCD (residual current device) is installed inside the shield. The ready-to-use shield has upper zero terminals, lower terminals for grounding, and between them there are automatic devices for turning on and off the electricity.

aerial wiring in the country

Then the VVG 5x6 or 2x6 cable should be connected to the shield. Its blue end is connected to the zero terminals, white to the upper contact of the RCD, and yellow to ground.

Further, according to the previously outlined marking, the wires are fixed. Most often, for reasons of aesthetics, they are mounted either at the ceiling or at the baseboard. A feature of this type of wiring is that sockets and switches are not mounted on the wall, but are hung on it, secured with self-tapping screws.

For wiring, a VVG 3x2.5 cable is used. They are laid from lighting fixtures to distributors. The cable wires are connected and carefully insulated with electrical tape or caps.

Closed wiring installation

Closed wiring in the country, made with your own hands, differs little from the principle of installation from open. Manipulation also begins with the installation of a shield to which the VVG connecting cable is connected. Gates for cable laying can be located both on the ceiling and on the floor. Most often, the cable is laid on the ceiling, as it is thus more convenient to connect lighting devices.

installation of electrical wiring in the country

At the same time, as well as in open-type wiring, it is necessary to make the wiring in the country, according to the available schemes. Keep in mind safety, therefore all connections are carefully insulated. Upon completion, the strobes are masked with plaster. Only sockets, switches and a shield remain in sight.

Calculation of electricity consumption

Properly calculated electricity consumption, taking into account the equipment of each room, will avoid network congestion. You should take care of wires, sockets, switches and circuit breakers that will withstand the required loads.

To avoid troubles, wires should be made of one type of metal. The calculation of the current strength is determined by the following formula: "The sum of the power consumption of all devices divided by the voltage in the network." Thus, a figure is obtained that you need to pay attention to when buying household electrical appliances.

Connection to a central power line

In order for the wiring in the country to begin to fulfill its direct responsibilities, it must be connected to the central power line. Most often, this crucial moment is passed into the hands of professional electricians. However, there is a way to do it yourself.

When connecting, it is necessary to take into account the material from which the center line cables are made. If they are made of different metals, then special adapters should be used. In this case, the connection is made to the nearest post.

Wiring replacement

If you need to replace the wiring, you should decide whether you need a complete installation of a new or rather partial one. Most often, in order to save wiring is replaced only in weak areas. If the house is too old, and the year of its construction is equal to the year of laying the cables - you can not do without a complete replacement.

A complete replacement is carried out as follows - the old wiring is completely removed, in its place new cables are laid. In this case, it is advisable not to depart from the old gasket scheme. Given the possibilities of central power supply, you can, if possible, add a few additional outlets or increase the power of your home network.

Partial replacement involves the installation of new cables in place of damaged ones. However, it should be remembered that the smaller the connections, the more reliable the design, therefore, if you need to replace a large space, you should think about laying a completely new wiring.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F32799/

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