How to make an explosive potion in Minecraft - detailed description

The harsh world of "Minecraft" at every step prepares you for unpleasant surprises, so you should make sure that you always have something to answer him. Therefore, when walking, you always need to arm yourself, set traps in certain places, and so on. This will greatly protect you, but do not forget about alchemy. Potions allow you not only to create elixirs that will have a positive effect on your character, but also those that will harm the enemy. For this to happen, you need to make the potion explode. But how to make an explosive potion in Minecraft?

What is an explosive potion?

how to make an explosive potion in minecraft

All elixirs in the game are created on the hob and are a flask filled with a liquid of a certain color. You can drink this liquid, and then its effect will affect your character. But how to make an explosive potion in Minecraft from such a harmless item? Let's first understand what it is all about. Outwardly, this potion is practically no different, but it keeps a secret. If the flask with this drink is thrown to the ground, or better, to the enemy, then it will explode and spread its effect around itself. The radius of action of such a flask is large - five blocks in all directions from the place of impact, so it is better to use it at a distance if you do not want negative effects to affect you. Keep this in mind, and such potions will become one of the most powerful weapons. Now it remains to learn how to make an explosive potion in Minecraft.

Explosive Potion Recipe

how to make an explosive potion in minecraft weakness

This type of weapon, if you can call it that, is done on the hob - in the same place where you created the elixir itself. Many people consider the question of how to make an explosive potion in Minecraft difficult because they imagine that it will be a complete alchemical process with a lot of ingredients. But this is not so, because the creation of such a potion requires only the presence of gunpowder. Combine any potion with gunpowder on the hob and you will make it explosive. In this case, the effect of this potion will spread during the explosion. That is, if you have a poisoning potion, then throwing it in a mob will infect it alone. But if you make this elixir explosive, then the infection will go to a large area around this mob, thereby infecting others, which is much more effective. That's all the information on how to make an explosive potion in Minecraft. The weaknesses of this type of weapon have already been named, so it’s worth moving on to an unusual way of using it.

How to use explosive potion for yourself

how to make an explosive potion in minecraft poisoning

Initially, an explosive potion is positioned as an attacker, because it covers a large area, which means that with it you can attack a large number of mobs at once. But it can also be used with benefit for oneself, however, this advantage is fully disclosed only in multi-user mode. If you travel in a group and fight with mobs, then several players take damage at once. Instead of each of them drinking his healing potion, you can use the explosive option, thereby curing immediately all who are in range. And all this is due to the fact that you know how to make an explosive potion in Minecraft. Poisoning can also be treated in a similar way, so it is really universal and very useful in multi-user mode.

Impact Features

how to make an explosive potion in invisibility minecraft

Separately, it is worth noting how explosive potions operate throughout the distribution of the effect. You already know that any potion can be made explosive, and you also know exactly how to make an explosive potion. In Minecraft, invisibility, for example, can be achieved with the appropriate elixir. But you can also extend this effect to a large territory, but pay attention to how this happens. The maximum impact force is available only at the epicenter, and closer to the edges it weakens. For an invisibility potion, as well as other elixirs that do not have degrees of power, but have a duration, this means that the effect will act less if during the explosion you were not in the center, but on the edge. If this, for example, is a potion of instant damage, then maximum damage will be done at the epicenter, and closer to the edges their level will decrease.

Important points

You can use explosive potions constantly, but do it carefully. And it’s not just about throwing them away so as not to fall under the influence itself. It should be borne in mind that certain potions do not work on some mobs. For example, spiders and all undead are completely immune to poisoning, so it makes no sense to spend on them appropriate means. Also, the undead potion of damage acts diametrically opposite, that is, it is treated for it. But don’t worry: if you throw an explosive healing potion into a crowd of skeletons or zombies, then they will have a hard time.


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