Royal Poodle: breed description

King Poodle is a very smart breed of dog. It is about her that we will talk today. First, we will describe how such a doggie looks like, after that we will talk about the nature of the animal. We will also touch on the topic of content in our article. So, let's beginโ€ฆ

Description of appearance

royal poodle photo

The poodle has a proportional physique, its muzzle is solid, elegant. The eyes are dark (brown or black) alive, almond-shaped. Paws are small, fingers are bent, connected by a membrane. The croup is not beveled, rounded. The tail is highly placed, by the standards of the breed it is stopped.

The average weight is about 21 kilograms, and the height at the withers is about 55 cm. The royal poodle is white, apricot, black and gray.

Life expectancy averages fifteen years.


Such a dog has a cheerful disposition, high intelligence and excellent memory. No wonder many representatives of the breed perform in the circus. Needs constant intellectual workload. If you will train a dog, then you need to think through a methodology, since uniform exercises will soon become boring for a poodle. Well amenable to training. Patience and affection - this is what you need for good results from study. You must not be aggressive in this matter. The royal poodle is immune to this type of training.

royal poodle

These dogs still have an unusual feeling, they like to amuse and surprise the owners. They like to do tricks. Therefore, if you want to get such a dog, do not spare the time to train him. The royal poodle, whose photo you see in our article, gets along well with kids and other animals. For a child, such a dog will become, at his request, a "living toy", because he is not offended by leprosy. Especially like this beast to play with representatives of his breed. Watching their communication is a pleasure.

The royal poodle needs constant communication with people. Such a pet follows every gesture of its owner.

Royal poodle puppies need good upbringing and training from childhood, otherwise adult animals will be stubborn outrages that cause trouble to the owners and other people around them.

Such a dog takes with great enthusiasm the ownerโ€™s hobbies. For example, a royal poodle will happily become a companion to travelers. If you lead a calm lifestyle, often spend time on the couch, then your pet will share such a hobby.

royal poodle puppies

Pet Care

First, we will tell you how to care for the hair of such a dog. Every day you need to comb a poodle for about ten minutes. Thanks to this procedure, you can prevent the appearance of tangles. It is necessary to trim once every 1.5 months. There are several options for haircuts for a poodle. You can do them yourself or leave this business to professionals.

Walks in the open air

The large royal poodle needs moving and energetic walks lasting more than half an hour. Regular exercise is a guarantee of good health.

Claw, teeth and ear care

Ears should be periodically inspected and cleaned with cotton pads dipped in warm water.

After walking, be sure to wash your paws. Claws should be cut a couple of times a month using a clipper or special scissors. The edges should be filed.

It is necessary to brush the teeth of a poodle, using a special paste for dogs. The brush may be ordinary.

big royal poodle

Breed diseases

Representatives of the breed are prone to the following diseases:

  • lymphadenitis;
  • epilepsy;
  • volvulus;
  • degenerative myelopathy;
  • diabetes;
  • bloating;
  • glaucoma;
  • intervertebral disc disease;
  • hip dysplasia;
  • progressive retinal degeneration;
  • insulinoma;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • cataract;
  • von Willebrand disease.


You can feed the poodle with natural food. The main diet is lean meat (turkey, chicken). It should be no more than 300 grams per day. Of the offal, beef liver is especially useful. Of cereals, rice and buckwheat should be preferred. Sea fish should be added to the poodle's diet. Apples and carrots can also be given to this dog. Greens and vegetables are a great addition to porridge. Dairy products (low-fat cottage cheese, kefir and milk) should also be added to the diet, but only if the poodle is not allergic to them.

Vegetable oil is a source of vitamins and healthy fatty acids. In the diet of this dog you need to add it too. One teaspoon per day will be enough.

The royal poodle should not eat "from the master's table." All smoked meats and sweets are very harmful to the health of such a dog.

You can feed the poodle and finished products. The main thing is to choose high quality feed. If you prefer dry food, then you must definitely put a bowl of water.

poodle royal Price

To avoid problems with the stomach, do not mix "naturalka" and finished products. If you need to change the diet, then do it gradually. The only way to avoid problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Little conclusion

Are you curious how much a royal poodle is worth? The price for such a dog ranges from fifteen to twenty thousand rubles. The exact cost cannot be called, since it all depends on the pedigree of the puppy.

Now you know what the royal poodle is, the photos that are in the article will help you study this doggie in more detail. If you want to get this dog, then the content tips that we have given will help you.


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