Part-time work. Who needs it and why?

Part-time work is a great opportunity to spend in service only part of the established standard hours. This has its advantages, which allow many to earn money without being at work all day.

Advantages and disadvantages of part-time work

The greatest advantage of such work is found for themselves by young mothers raising children of preschool age. You can continue to receive seniority, improve skills and earn money without prejudice to attention

part-time work
to your family. Having worked not 8, but 4 or 5 hours, you will have time to practice with the child and do housework.

The next advantage is the ability to work at once at two enterprises. Part-time work will allow you to protect yourself from a complete loss of position. Even if there is a massive reduction in one company and you are asked to leave, then in the second job you will be able to continue to receive wages for performing official duties.

This work is also beneficial for people with disabilities. As a rule, it is difficult for such people to be in the service all day, but living only on retirement is difficult. Part-time work for disabled people opens up a great opportunity to feel like a healthy person and receive a basic income.

where to find a job
As for the shortcomings, they are as follows:

  • employers do not seek to hire people who cannot be in the service all day;

  • wages will be less;

  • career growth is impossible because management is unwilling to promote such workers. In addition, you will not be able to fully surrender to work;

  • you will be the first to be shortened.

Where to find a job?

When wondering where to find part-time work , it is worth considering that there are now quite a lot of organizations that are looking for exactly such employees. This is explained, first of all, by savings. The work is done properly, and pay less wages. Companies also look for employees for half a day during the preparation of complex reports, when an accountant or manager alone can not cope with their responsibilities.

work for the disabled

Finding a short-term job is easy. Refer to the media or the Internet where employers place part-time job search ads. If nothing suits you, then you can try to go to the company you are interested in and find out about the possibility of working part-time.


Any employee can go on a shorter working day . To do this, he needs to write a statement and discuss all the nuances with the employer. You have a legal right to do so, and if you have been refused, you can safely turn to social protection.

Part-time work is not displayed in the work book. You remain the same employee, only the rate of hours is reduced for you, as well as wages. But keep in mind that, despite the shortened day, you will have to fulfill your duties in full so as not to lose your job.

And you should know that part-time work can be either permanent or temporary. If you want to switch to a full day again, then the leader cannot refuse you this.


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