Speech method: description and application

Achieving results is always possible if you use the right tools. This statement is applicable to any field of activity - from life planning to the most difficult task, such as the construction of spacecraft.

Many books have been written on how to achieve goals correctly, through which tests a person must pass in order to achieve exactly the specified result, no less. However, the greatest achievements were not made according to instructions. People, driven by intuition and faith in themselves and their work, began to go into the unknown, feeling the hard way by trying, drawing conclusions from them and starting from the beginning.

The science

This path is called the trial and error method, the method of scientific poking or screening. They apply it in the absence of theories and sufficient material, simply sorting out possible variations, making intermediate conclusions and trying again. The final result often surprises the entire scientific community, as sometimes completely unexpected things come out.

poke method

It may seem that society is so developed that it makes no sense to study anything, everything is created, all discoveries are already made. If you look at scientific thought more closely, the opposite will become clear: all the discoveries that were logical were completed. There are still many mysteries regarding which there are only hypotheses that can be solved just by typing, using imagination, horizons, available knowledge and courage.

The uniqueness of the method is that, under a favorable set of circumstances, this approach is able to compensate for the lack of knowledge and skills, replacing them with perseverance and observation of intermediate results to identify positive trends

Life and development

Regarding the construction of life, the same can be said. Thousands of books have been written regarding correct thinking, goal setting, and the harmony of personal and professional development. All this information at first glance gives the impression of complete knowledge, a universal solution to any difficult task. I read the book of the great politician - I began to think the same way! Why are so many people disappointed in the literature of personal growth and development? The answer is the well-known truth that people are different, have their own characteristics, and any methodology needs to be adapted for itself using the poke method.

Application technique

The poking method can be scientifically characterized as attempts made one after another to achieve a result. These samples are not connected by logic and sequence. The basis of the method is action. Scientific research is based on serious theoretical bases, hypotheses based on the results of long work on generalizing, deriving trends, etc. The poke method does not require such preparation, it is not typical for the formulation of hypotheses and justification, a sufficiently clear goal and a margin of patience so that out of the many options miss the faithful. At first glance it seems simple, but it is not so.

scientific method

In order to choose from one million combinations the one that ensures the achievement of the result, you need to have a sufficient knowledge base, cut off only those methods that are obviously doomed to failure, feel the process, listen to intuition and common sense.

The spear method has no instructions, recommendations, but it allows you to go beyond the accepted, open new areas and horizons.


The test method in its bright manifestation can be seen in the behavior of the child when he learns to walk, to speak when he learns a world completely unknown to him with the help of tireless actions, attempts to achieve a result. How many times does a child fall before standing on its feet? But before he gets up, he also learns to crawl. Thus, striving for the result (walking), he makes attempts at first simply to move in space, and then he is trained upright posture.

difficult task

In the school years, people are taught to observe discipline and live according to the instructions adopted in society. Ideas about what is good and what is bad from a social point of view are invested in the human mind. However, when he begins to realize his inner problems, ask questions, you can hear that everyone lives like that. To go out again, as in childhood, beyond the framework of instructions, to look at the world around us through the eyes of the discoverer, to listen to yourself is most difficult.


It’s not that people don’t want to act, they are just accustomed to minimizing risks. The poke method is always associated with risk. It can be a loss of time, money, relationships, any other resources, because the probability of success in action without any logic tends to zero. In this situation, everyone makes a decision whether he is ready to take a known risk for the sake of obtaining unknown results. This method also has a touch of intrigue, adrenaline, as it largely depends on the luck and the course of a person’s thought.

trial and error scientific poke method

The method of scientific poking, trial and error is a random action that has pros and cons. How to act in a particular situation, everyone decides for himself. Only when making a decision, it is necessary to be aware of the risks and benefits that may follow the actions.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F3282/

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