Weekend excursions in Moscow

How often do you go on weekend excursions? Occasionally? Often? Or almost never? Do you remember your first time? After all, it was he who could become the prerequisite for the implementation of all subsequent trips.

Of course, how many people, so many opinions. Someone believes that if you go on a trip, then for a long time, to completely escape from everyday life. And there are those who, in view of certain life circumstances, try to at least visit weekend excursions periodically.

Everyone is right in his own way. And according to psychologists, you should try to find reasons for joy as often as possible, and travel, of course, gives strength, confidence and energy.

This article will tell its readers what you can see in the capital of the Russian Federation, as well as what weekend excursions from Moscow it would be worth going first.

The relevance of the question: is it worth it?

weekend excursions

Moscow, being the capital of a huge country, is a pride for the citizens of Russia. It is not surprising that, from the point of view of a tourist, Moscow is also rich in a variety of entertainments. Here, in fact, there is everything a traveler can wish for: trips around the Golden Island on water, a trip to Bulgakov’s workshop, and famous fountains that amaze with their scale, and excursions to Mosfilm.

And in your free time you can visit ancient temples, museums, exhibitions of paintings and photographs, and in the cold season also ice rinks. For the past several years, weekend boat trips have been especially popular.

Where to go first of all, because the choice is really huge? Here are some, in our opinion, the most successful examples.

The most beautiful parks in Moscow

weekend excursions from Moscow

Experienced travelers claim that all the famous places of rest in Moscow can be suitable for the implementation of one or several goals at once. Why? The fact is that Moscow is very diverse, and this is its charm. For example, weekend bus excursions are far from always suitable for young families with small children, and older travelers are not happy with prolonged sitting in an upright position. What to do in this case? Why not go to one of the parks of the capital, because they have long had a reputation for the most beautiful vacation spots in Moscow.

In some of them there is an opportunity to relax and take a break from workdays, in others you can have a lot of fun with your friends, and somewhere you can even go to concerts or participate in sporting events.

Based on the average data, it was possible to compile a list of parks that are most suitable for a weekend excursion. In fact, Moscow can be proud of the following recreation areas:

  1. Sokolniki Park is the largest in the city. He is loved very much by both native Muscovites and tourists who have looked into the capital. This green area is mainly devoted to landscape gardening art. Here for the past 135 years, valuable information about the local flora and fauna of the region can be gleaned. Weekend excursion (1-day) will definitely be remembered for a long time. One cannot fail to note the superbly developed infrastructure of the natural zone: a library, stage, a large complex of various attractions, rose gardens, cafes and restaurants, a billiard room - all this is presented to the attention of others. In Sokolniki you can also visit the Ice Museum, an exhibition of sand sculptures and the Museum of Calligraphic Art.
  2. Vorobyovy Gory is an artificially landscaped array located on the river banks, striking in its size. The park on the Sparrow Hills, among other things, is also a sports facility. There is a springboard and an observation deck. Traveling on the mountain is carried out on a lift. The panoramas that open from the Sparrow Hills impress even experienced travelers: the Luzhniki Stadium, the Moskva River, Andreevsky and Novodevichy Convents, skyscrapers and much more can be seen clearly.
  3. For a weekend excursion, Old Arbat, the famous and beloved heart of Moscow, is the best suited. One of the oldest streets of the capital appeared in the XIV-XV centuries. It is located between Arbat and Smolensk squares. There are many worthy sights on this street. Where in the past there was the estate of A. M. Golitsyn, now there is a theater named after E. Vakhtangov. Next to it is a fountain called Princess Turandot. It was installed in honor of the 850th anniversary of the city of Moscow.

Where to take a walk in the summer in the fresh air?

weekend tour 1 day

In the summer, when the sun is hot, you can have a particularly good time on the cool bank of the river.

  1. Patriarch's Ponds, which were mentioned in Bulgakov’s novel “The Master and Margarita,” are the best suited for a weekend excursion. Today, not only many nature lovers come here, but also fans of famous writers and poets, because at different times Pushkin, Karamzin, Gogol, Tsvetaeva came here.
  2. Catherine's Pond is located in the eponymous park. True, it is worth paying attention to the fact that swimming and fishing are prohibited here. But even without this, there is something to do. For example, you can sit and relax on a bench by the pond, swim on a catamaran or boat, feed ducks. There is a stage where various dance evenings are held.
  3. The large city pond is located in Victory Park in Zelenograd. Its length is one and a half kilometers. There are sports fields, a cafe, a grassy beach, playgrounds for children and even a first-aid post.

Where to go in winter

Of course, in winter there is a little less entertainment in Moscow than in summer, but this is not a reason to be upset. Even in such frosty weather, there are also fascinating activities.

There are many rinks alone: ​​open and indoor, large and small, quiet and noisy. You can go for a walk with a fun company or make a romantic date at the rink. There will be both experienced skaters bragging about their skills and beginners paired with a teacher. You definitely won’t be bored in such places. “Witches”, “salki”, “brook”, “train” are just some of the group activities on the ice rinks.

But that is not all. There are two skating rinks in the Hermitage Garden, one of which is with natural coating, the other with artificial. The first is located on 7000 square meters, so there will be a place to be dispersed even by the most desperate speed lovers. Ice lies along paths and alleys. For those who are overcome with fatigue, there are immediately old shops under cozy street lamps.

But on the artificial ice rink, you can ride even when the thermometer rises above zero. In addition to skating rinks in the Hermitage Garden, you can visit a cafe and a hockey field.

The famous ice rink on Red Square, which, as you know, is located in the very center of Moscow, opens annually with the beginning of the winter season. The rink area is 3000 square meters. Holds about 500 people per session.

But should we go to the Bolshoi Theater?

weekend excursions Moscow

Regardless of whether tourists come in summer or winter, each of them can go on an excursion to the Bolshoi Theater, which, by the way, finally opened after a long restoration. Weekend excursions, one-day or designed for several days, it is difficult to imagine without this amazing place.

Not everyone knows that Theater Square was formed in 1812. At one time, the square was closed to pedestrians, often it was flooded with underground Neglinka.

By the way, a “watering” fountain has been preserved since that time, one can endlessly admire the beauty and grace of it.

There are several theaters at once on Theater Square. You can learn more about their history and fate by visiting the excursion, which will also provide an opportunity to evaluate the result of the reconstruction of the Bolshoi Theater, which lasted 6 years.

Golden Island - An Amazing Adventure

day trips

On a free day in summer, you can go on a short trip along the Moscow embankments. The tour route passes through the central part of the city, around about. Baltschug. From here, the most incredible views of the Novospassky Monastery, the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, the monument to Peter the Great and, of course, the Kremlin open. This makes it possible to fully experience the whole romance of the summer capital.

During the tour you can get an answer to the question of what “baltschug” is and why this word lies in the name of the most ancient Moscow street, to learn the whole history of the suburban and merchant way of life, as well as where the names of the embankments of the Vodootvodny Canal came from.

This amazing movie world

weekend bus excursions

It is hard to imagine weekend excursions in Moscow without visiting the Mosfilm film studio, which organizes a fascinating acquaintance for tourists who dream of visiting from the other side of the blue screen. It should be noted that Mosfilm is the largest film studio in Europe, not without reason it is called Russian Hollywood.

The halls of this film studio have seen many Russian actors and directors. By visiting the Mosfilm Museum, you can really enjoy viewing both the interiors and the costumes from your favorite films.

By the way, not everyone knows that only here you can see a unique collection of retro cars. It is hard to imagine that not a single copy has flaws and is still used in the filming of next movie masterpieces.

Assumption Enemy

weekend boat trips

Here, walking along the alleys between Bolshaya Nikitskaya and Tverskaya, you can experience the real creative atmosphere.

All these places are still loved by composers and poets, directors and actors, artists and musicians, and some even chose this place for their housing. Today there are a lot of plaques on buildings.

During a three-hour excursion, tourists will see where S. Yesenin was losing his books at a loss and where extravagant Nikas Safronov is successfully reaping the fruits of his work. And these are just a few examples.

Weekend excursions from Moscow: pastilles factory

A trip to this factory is the sweetest for both children and adults. Here you can not only look at the process of making your favorite treats, but also take an active part in creating your own pastille using the technology of the 19th century.

In addition, the factory has its own farm, garden, yard, barn and fruit storage.

On a visit to mini-horses

Mini-horses are not ponies at all, as many believe, this is a specially bred breed of decorative horses that can be kept in a house or in a country house with a small area. During the tour there is an opportunity to get to know these cute horses better - ride them, and after the trip also have tea with bagels and cookies.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F32820/

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