Recommendations on how to transfer a child to another kindergarten

A huge number of parents today are faced with the need to solve the difficult task of transferring their child to another preschool educational institution. There may be several reasons - this is a change of place of residence, and conflict situations with nurses, and the poor quality of teachers. In conditions when there are not enough places, as kindergarten managers often talk about, identifying your son or daughter in another preschool-type institution is really a serious problem.

How to transfer a child to another kindergarten

Many parents care about how to transfer their child to another kindergarten.   However, everyone understands that before implementing the above procedure, it is necessary to observe a number of formalities and solve many organizational issues.

So, how to transfer a child to another kindergarten? Where to begin? First of all, you should discuss the conditions of this procedure with the employees of the district education department. You will have to make a statement with the obligatory indication of the reasons for the change of kindergarten. The above document will be submitted for consideration by a special staffing committee and if it agrees to the transfer, the parents will receive a ticket-direction, which must be presented to the head of the new educational institution of preschool type.

Kindergartens in Moscow

At the same time, fathers and mothers should be aware that the above direction is issued only if there are free places. Otherwise, parents are registered as waiting lists. If you managed to get a document, then the next step in resolving the issue of how to transfer a child to another kindergarten is the preparation of an application for expulsion, which is transferred to the previous preschool institution. After this, an order is issued with which the parents familiarize themselves with the signature, and they are given a package of documents that are subsequently provided to another kindergarten. The new institution will have to write another statement, pay a fee, and the child must be examined by doctors.

Those who do not have the slightest idea about how to transfer the child to another kindergarten, but who have the above procedure, should know that for their baby the change of educational institution is a psychological burden. Indeed, new peers and educators will appear in his life. As a rule, adaptation to new conditions is difficult for children, especially when parents transfer them to kindergartens in Moscow, since this is the largest metropolis, and it takes time to get used to it.

Transfer of the child to kindergarten

For parents, the main task is to make the procedure for changing the preschool for the baby from the psychological point of view as painless as possible. It is imperative to prepare the child for this so that he is not afraid to meet new people.

Specialists recommend that moms and dads get to know the new carers of their baby in advance and tell them about the features of his character and behavior. In the early days, everything possible must be done so that the child does not feel lonely. Try to always pick up the baby from the kindergarten on time.

So, the transfer of the child to kindergarten. What documents are needed for this?

When applying to the Department of Education, in addition to the application, it is necessary to provide an additional list of documents, namely: a certificate confirming the birth of the baby, a passport of one of the parents, a certificate of the kindergarten in which the baby is currently being raised, and a certificate of benefits (if those are available).


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