The main attractions of Naro-Fominsk

Naro-Fominsk is a small city located southwest of Moscow on the Central Russian Upland. It is comfortably located on the banks of the Nara River and its tributaries - Berezovka and Gvozdnya. Its population is 62,055 people.

sights of naro fominsk

From the history of the city

As a result of excavations at the Fominsky fortification (Smolensk region), archaeologists received confirmation of previous versions that in the XII century there was a settlement on these lands, which was the center of the Fominsk princedom-inheritance, which was part of the Smolensk principality of ancient Russia.

For the first time, the village of Fominskoe on the Nara River is mentioned in the spiritual testament of I. Kalita in 1339. The following mention of him was found in the royal decree of Alexei Mikhailovich (1654). Leaving Moscow during the war of 1812, the French, led by Napoleon himself, stayed at Fominsky.

In the thirties of the XIX century, the landowner D.P. Skuratov bought the village of Malaya Nara. Together with N.D. Lukin, he organized here in 1840 a paper spinning factory, which became the city-creating enterprise. On the left bank of the Nara, in 1852, a stone church was built. At that time, the population of the town was 365 people.

sights of naro fominsk

Merchants from Moscow Yakunchikovs (father and son) in 1864 bought a factory. Since then, the villages of Fominskoye and Malaya Nara have been united by a common name - the village of Naro-Fominskoye. It became the center of Naro-Fominsk Uyezd in 1918, by decision of the local executive committee. The composition of the new county includes four volosts: Tashirovskaya, Rozhdestvenskaya, Petrovskaya and Rudninskaya.

In 1941, after the German offensive on Moscow, Naro-Fominsk was occupied by the Nazis. In December of that year, he was released by the 33rd Army, under the leadership of General M.G. Efremov. During fierce battles, which lasted two months, 687 residential buildings were destroyed in the city, and the weaving factory was completely destroyed.

Nevertheless, the city was restored. In 1959, the Verey and Kalinin districts of the Moscow Region were included in the Naro-Fominsk District. The dilapidated buildings from the historical part of the city were demolished in 1976. In the liberated territory, a modern micro-district Malkova appeared. Today it is the center of the city. The long and interesting history of the village is preserved by its sights. Photos of Naro-Fominsk (Moscow region) are not too common in the press. But there are many interesting and memorable places inextricably linked with the history of our country. Therefore, in this article we will make a small virtual trip to Naro-Fominsk. Sights (photos with descriptions) of the city you can see below.

Zosimova Desert

In 1826, the elder Zosim founded a monastery, which was built on the donations of the merchants of the Lepeshkins from Moscow. Zosim - a representative of the old noble family of the Verkhovskys (Smolensk province). After his death (1833), the temple of the Life-Giving Trinity was erected over the grave of the old man.

sights of naro fominsk photo

The construction of the monastery was finally completed in 1856. In 1928 the monastery was closed. Many of its structures were destroyed. Initially, on the territory of the monastery were: the Church in honor of John the Baptist, located at the refectory, the gateway church of the Icon of the Mother of God, Trinity Cathedral.

In 1999, the monastery was reopened, however, the gate temple was not preserved. In March 2000, the monastery was returned to the ROC.

St. Nicholas Church

Orthodox sights of Naro-Fominsk mainly date back to the beginning of the 19th century. A wooden St. Nicholas Church existed before 1812. In 1845, the first stone was laid in the construction of a stone cathedral. The author of the project was architect P. Burenin. In 1852, construction work was completed.

In 1904, a sacristy, an almshouse, a chapel of St. George was built on the territory of the church. At the same time, a guardianship society for the poor was founded here, and the foundation of the refectory was laid. In 1930, the church was closed to believers.

Orthodox sights of Naro Fominsk

The community of St. Nicholas Church was registered in 1989. A dome and a cross were installed, and in 1999 an iconostasis appeared in the cathedral. The complete restoration and interior decoration of the walls with frescoes was completed in 2004. Today in the church (since 1998) there are children's and adult Sunday schools. The rector of the cathedral is Bishop Ilian Vostryakov, the rector is Archpriest Oleg Mitrov.

Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

There are more ancient sights of Naro-Fominsk. For example, the Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker was built at the beginning of the XIV century. The structure is a white stone pillarless one-headed church with three apses. For Russian church architecture, the construction plan is quite rare.

It represents the shape of an equilateral cross inscribed in a square. The branches are overlapped by inclined arches, pylons are installed, which serve as their support. The temple is famous for its light drum with eight high slit windows.

sights photo g naro fominsk of the Moscow region

In 1938 the temple was closed. In 1975, restoration was carried out according to the project of the architect B. Altshuller. Since 1990, the church passed into the disposal of the Russian Orthodox Church, and since 1999, services have been held there.

Demetrius Church

Until now, many city attractions are of great interest to historians. Naro-Fominsk attracts researchers with its ancient religious buildings. A special place among them is the Demetrius Church in Dubrovo.

It was built in the XIV century by Dmitry Donskoy, in honor of the great martyr Demetrius of Solunsky. The stone church, which now stands on the banks of the Protva River, was built by the Pshenichnikov brothers-priests (1896) in the pseudo-Russian style, designed by architect A. Nikiforov. This is a one-headed quadrangle with a refectory connected to the base of a tent (two-tier) bell tower.

naro fominsk attractions photo with description

In 1930, the temple was closed. Since 1994, a large-scale restoration has been carried out here, and in 2003 the cathedral was completely restored.

Historical and architectural sights of Naro-Fominsk: the estate "Lyubanovo"

This estate is located in the village of the same name in the vicinity of Naro-Fominsk, on the banks of the Nara River. Today, it does not resemble a luxurious estate built in the neoclassical style with some elements of Art Nouveau. After construction, this house became one of the richest in the suburbs.

The estate dates back to the end of the 17th century. It was built by K. Chartorizhsky. It belonged to his family until the middle of the 19th century. The first owner was brutal in nature: in the walls of the cellar of the estate were found the immured remains of mutilated serfs.

sights of naro fominsk

In 1881, the privy councilor K. Schlippe became the owner of the estate. But in 1917 he was repressed. In September 1920, the estate was visited by F.E. Dzerzhinsky. Now it houses a rural school.

Manor of the Spas-Kositsa

This small town near Moscow has very interesting architectural sights. Naro-Fominsk is known far beyond its estate, built in 1761 by Count A. Shuvalov. The estate of Spas-Kositsa was famous for the churches built on its territory.

The first church was built in the name of the Transfiguration of the Lord. Today, only the church itself has been preserved, and the manor house and outbuildings have been completely destroyed. The domed pentagonal church is made in the style of the Elizabethan Baroque. In the bell tower, in addition to the belfry, the church of Simeon the Pillar was created . On the territory of the Transfiguration Church is located the tomb of the Shuvalov family.

sights of naro fominsk

In the Soviet years, the church was devastated, and services were suspended. In 1942, the village of Spas-Kositsy was occupied by German troops. Everything was ready for a terrible execution - the Nazis planned to burn alive all the villagers. Fortunately, the 6th automatic division of the people's militia managed to save civilians. This is stated by the memorial plaque located on the western wall of the temple.

Cultural Attractions: Naro-Fominsk, Museum of Local Lore

The Museum of Local History was opened in the city on May 9, 1973. Until 1991, it was located in the building of the Old St. Nicholas Church. After the return of the Church of the Russian Orthodox Church, the museum was transferred to a separate building on Marshal Zhukov Street.

The Museum of History and Local Lore has a rich collection of exhibits. Here are presented: some types of weapons, documents, photographs, awards and things of war veterans. Visitors are interested in exhibits that represent Naro-Fominsk from ancient times to the present day. Here are carefully kept the names and photographs of citizens who fought for their homeland.

sights of naro fominsk

House with toys

Many visitors to the city will be interested in unusual sights. Naro-Fominsk has an amazing house on its territory. Locals call it "The House of the Wizard." The small structure itself and the buildings adjacent to it are hung with toys, color pictures, mirrors. The amazing story of this house. Nikolai Panferov (the owner of the β€œmagic” house) recalls that it all started with one toy, once brought to a summer cottage and hung on a fence. Spontaneously, the collection began to replenish, and this process continues to this day. Tourists sometimes come to the house and give toys. Frequent guests here are pupils of orphanages.

Victory Park

Describing the sights of Naro-Fominsk (photos you can see in this article), you can not say about this park. It has become a favorite vacation spot for residents of the southern microdistrict.

The park is located on the Nara embankment. Shady rowan alley, benches contribute to a pleasant pastime. But the main attraction of this park is a monument to pilots who sacrificed their lives during the Second World War.


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