What fairy tales about school and autumn will appeal to children

Everyone loves fairy tales: both kids and adults. With their help, we are transported to a magical world where amazing miracles are possible, where adventures happen at every step and everything ends well. Many parents would prefer their children to read fairy tales rather than spoil their eyes at the computer. With the advent of autumn cold, this becomes especially relevant. We offer you a list of fairy tales about school and autumn, which will surely interest the children.

a fairy tale about autumn for elementary school

Tales of fall for elementary school

This picturesque and at the same time sad season is devoted to many wonderful poems, stories, and stories. On the pages of fairy tales, forest inhabitants come to life, fascinating stories are played out. At the same time, children get acquainted with the habits of animals, learn to empathize with them, love nature, notice its beauty.

We advise you to read the following tales with your child:

  • "Listopadnichek" about the autumn hare, written by Sokolov-Mikitov.
  • Mamina-Sibiryak’s “Gray Neck” about a small duck, which, due to a broken wing, could not fly to hot countries for the winter.
  • "Red Leaves" from the collection "Tales of Our Forest" by the writer N. M. Gribachev.
  • "Autumn Tales" about a hedgehog and a teddy bear, invented by Sergei Kozlov.
  • "Zheludenka" by contemporary author Marina Aromshtam.

School opens the door

Autumn is not only colorful leaves, drizzling rains and birds flying away in hot countries. With the onset of September 1, girls and boys return to their native classes again, where strict teachers are waiting for them. Some of the children first crossed the school threshold.

Fairy tale about school

A good fairytale about school written by Vsevolod Nestayko will help dispel their fears. It is called "Amazing Forest School Adventures." The pages of the book tell about a bunny who first came to class. About the first days of study, about new friends, interesting subjects and emerging problems.

In the tale, many conflict situations are vividly described, because among the animals there are also hooligans, saboteurs, and bullies. Watching the adventures of cheerful heroes, the child will learn to make the right decisions, and also have fun.

Tales from our childhood

Reading syllables, deducing letters and memorizing the multiplication table is not very fun. To take a break from the lessons, take the tales about elementary school from the closet. Those that we read in childhood. Most of them have not lost their relevance, despite their venerable age.

We list the best of them:

  • A tale about the teacher Tak-Tak, who built a colorful school. Its author is Yakov Akim. Children in an unusual school do not write dictations, do not solve problems. They learn to listen and hear, draw conclusions on their own, understand themselves, the people around them, nature.
  • A series of stories about the girl Anya and Klyaksich Irina Tokmakova, which in a playful way will help children learn the curriculum.
  • A fairy tale about a magical school, which was opened for children by the artist Pencil and his friend Samodelkin. It was written by Yuri Druzhkov.
  • Book M. Raskatov about the exciting adventures of two twins "The missing letter."
  • The instructive story "In the country of unlearned lessons," on the pages of which the boy Victor meets with mistakes made by him. Invented by her writer Leah Geraskina.

Tale of elementary school

A fairy tale about school in a new way

Modern fidgets, who enthusiastically play gadgets, will surely like the book "The Hedgehog Goes to School, or The Adventures of a Three-Year-Old Girl". It was written by Anton Soy. The heroes of this story are the children and grandchildren of famous fairy-tale characters: Baba Yagi, Kikimora, Koshchei, Snake Gorynych and others. Adults will be pleased with numerous references to folklore and Russian literature. Children will appreciate the jet stupa with a removable top, the television program “Izbushki-2” and the Russian hovercraft.

If your child refuses to read books, buy him this mischievous fairy tale about school. Be prepared to meet youth slang on the colorful pages. This circumstance confuses some parents. The rest find the story very useful, because it unobtrusively teaches to be friends, to be responsive and kind.

Adventures at Hogwarts School

There are many fairy tales about a school for children. And what to offer to an adult offspring who no longer believes in miracles? Oddly enough, many teenagers and even adults are captivated by the story of the young wizard Harry Potter. Over the course of seven books, we have been following his growing up. Each new adventure fits into one academic year.

Fairy tales about school for children

Why is this fairy tale so attractive? The fact that she is changing along with the heroes. Initially, we see eleven-year-olds delightedly plunging into the world of miracles. But gradually they grow, and everything becomes more complicated. Along with an exciting plot, Joan Rowling shows us teenage crises, victories over himself. The book helps to understand what is good, love and harmony.

Books of Zhvalevsky and Pasternak

Are there modern Russian fairy tales about school that can captivate teenagers? Of course they exist. Invite your child to read the books of E. Pasternak and its co-author A. Zhvalevsky. It will be interesting for parents to get to know them.

In the fairy tale story "Time is always good," the main characters are sixth graders Vitya and Olya. The boy lives in 1980, and the girl lives in 2018. Once they change places, which serves as the beginning of many adventures. In the book "Gymnasium No. 13," a group of schoolchildren finds themselves in a magical dimension, where brownies live in school classrooms, Perun’s mosques flutter on the roof, and Newton’s laws are no longer respected.

A fairy tale about school in a new way

Children hate the words "must", "need." You can talk for a long time about the importance of reading books, doing homework and getting good grades. And you can give an interesting fairy tale about school, adventure. Magic characters motivate a child much better than parental teachings and threats. The lessons learned from these stories do not seem imposed from the outside, and therefore it is easier to follow.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F32845/

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