Symptoms of enteritis in dogs and its treatment

Veterinarians call parvovirus enteritis contagious viral disease of dogs. Symptoms of enteritis in dogs are accompanied by severe dehydration of their body, constant vomiting and diarrhea. Often in young animals during the disease manifests myocarditis and leukopenia.

Symptoms of enteritis in dogs

Enteritis virus safely tolerates a very high temperature (sixty degrees) and an environment of high acidity. Its activity is absolutely not affected by alcohol, bile, chloroform and ether. In a state of freezing (organs, feces), the parvovirus of dogs can persist for a year.

This virus completely dies during boiling. Formalin, sodium or potassium hydroxide kill him within one day.

Dogs of any age can get enteritis. Often small puppies are ill at the age of two weeks to one year. Older dogs are less likely to be affected. Decorative breeds most often suffer from parvovirus enteritis.

The disease is usually transmitted through normal contact with an infected dog.

Enteritis treatment
A certain danger is represented by rodents, various insects, feces of sick dogs and even the person himself.

Significantly increases the risk of contracting enteritis with poor dog care and feeding. Can lead to illness:

- stress;

- various operations;

- some worms;

significant gastrointestinal upsets.

Symptoms of enteritis in dogs:

- refusal of animal feed;

- regular vomiting in which mucus is present;

- severe diarrhea;

- feces yellow or gray, with mucus, with blood or a watery appearance with a very pungent odor;

- Enteritis symptoms in dogs are sometimes expressed in the defeat of their respiratory system;

- body temperature rises to forty-one degrees.

Parvovirus dogs
Symptoms of enteritis in dogs are very pronounced. The mucous membrane of their intestines swells, becomes uneven and inflamed, sometimes erosion appears. The spleen enlarges, heart attacks and fibrous films appear on it. With enteritis, the lymph nodes are very inflamed in dogs.

The incubation period lasts from four to ten days. According to sad statistics, from five to thirty percent of dogs die.

Vomiting and diarrhea quickly lead to severe dehydration, coma shock state. Puppies often fail to endure this condition, and they die within three days. In the acute form of the disease, the dog may die five to six days after the onset of the disease.

The diagnosis, as a rule, is made on the basis of clinical, pathoanatomical epizootological data. The presence of vomiting and diarrhea in the dog , which can not be treated with strong antibiotics, indicates a direct infection with enteritis.

Enteritis treatment should be aimed immediately at eliminating diarrhea and vomiting in order to stop the dehydration of the animal's body. Then you should deal with the elimination of a second infection and acidosis.

Every day it is necessary to give a sick dog from thirty-five to forty milliliters of fluid per kilogram of the animal’s weight. Veterinarians administer a five to ten percent chloride solution intravenously to the dog to make up for the chlorine ions in its body. Diarrhea is eliminated with the help of enveloping medicines. You can use sea buckthorn (one spoon three times a day) or liquid paraffin. Against inflammation, you need to give the dog a decoction of chamomile one spoon three times a day.


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