Crematorium in St. Petersburg: description

Funeral services in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Oblast include such items as the cremation of the body of the deceased. The word "cremation" comes from the Latin root and means "burning." This procedure is carried out in a specially equipped crematorium. We will talk about where the crematorium in St. Petersburg is and what are the features of its work, in this article.

crematorium in saint petersburg

general information

The construction of the crematorium in Leningrad was completed in 1973. Then the facility was put into operation. Thus, the history of this institution has more than forty years. All these years, he gave the opportunity to relatives of the deceased to cremate the bodies, avoiding the need to scurry about digging graves and other related activities, such as installing a monument, a fence, tables, benches and so on. If the funeral is in bad weather or in winter, then there is no need for those gathered to take the person on their last journey to freeze in the street or get wet under the doge, since the farewell ceremony takes place in a specialized mourning hall.

The crematorium in St. Petersburg is one of the few such institutions in our country. In Moscow, there are as many as three of them, but most cities in the regions do not have any such institutions. Therefore, in the whole country, cremation is still a rather exotic practice. In addition, the Orthodox Church is extremely negative towards her, prejudicing people in favor of traditional funerals. In both capitals, cremation is more popular, as it allows you to significantly save on funeral expenses.

crematorium in saint petersburg address

Crematorium device and services

The crematorium in St. Petersburg has several specialized mourning halls. All of them vary in size. So, four small halls, one large and three medium ones, are open for ceremonies. There is another central hall. Each has comfortable seats and a coffin pedestal. The cremation procedure can be observed from a special room. All rooms are well ventilated and equipped with soft natural light.

The decoration of the premises is devoid of any religious symbolism. And all ceremonies are held in secular mode by default. Nevertheless, at a special request, the crematorium in St. Petersburg provides an opportunity for believers of various religions, faiths and denominations to conduct corresponding funeral rites. Secular wires are accompanied by quiet music, providing the proper atmosphere.

The crematorium covers an area of ​​about 200 hectares. The complex includes its own parking lot, columbarium and cemetery, where there is the possibility of carrying out three methods of burial. Firstly, this is a standard burial urn with ashes in a niche of columbaria. Secondly, this is a pair burial in two urns with the remains of two people. In addition to columbaria, the funeral can also be carried out in the ground, which is the third possible way.

Crematorium in St. Petersburg: prices

As for prices, the institution provides a rather lengthy price list. The cost of cremation starts at 5550 rubles, and renting the smallest room for the farewell ceremony is 750 rubles. In addition, surcharges for urgency or additional services provided by the crematorium are possible.

crematorium in saint petersburg prices

Crematorium in St. Petersburg: address and opening hours

Those who decided to use the services of the St. Petersburg crematorium, of course, are interested in the address of this institution. It is located on Shafirovsky Avenue, building number 12.

This institution works from 09:00 in the morning to 18:00 in the evening. However, all ceremonies, as well as the issuance of urns with ashes, cease at 17:00. Medical death certificates are available until 15:00. As for the morgue, it works around the clock, but closes for the weekend.


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