Biography of Nekrasov. Briefly about the stages of the life path

In the city of Nemirov, Vinnitsa region, in November 1821, the future Russian poet and literary figure Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov was born. His father was a soldier who later left the service and settled in his family estate in the village of Greshnevo (now it is called Nekrasovo). Mother, daughter of wealthy parents, married against their will.


biography of Nekrasov briefly
The biography of Nekrasov, briefly dwelling on his childhood, says that they were not particularly happy. My father was hard and even cruel somewhere. The boy felt sorry for his mother and throughout his life he carried the image of a Russian woman, sympathizing with her difficult fate. At the same time, seeing firsthand the hard peasant life, Nekrasov was imbued with the cares and hardships of the serfs of his father.

School years

In 1832, the future poet was sent to the Yaroslavl gymnasium. Nekrasov’s biography briefly describes this period because the boy quickly completed his education, barely reaching the fifth grade. Partly this happened due to problems with studies, partly because of a conflict with the leadership of the gymnasium on the basis of the satirical poems of the young poet.


short biography of Nekrasov
Being a military man in the past, his father predicted the same career for his son. Therefore, Nekrasov goes to St. Petersburg to enter the service in the Noble Regiment. But this was not destined to happen. A meeting with a schoolmate turned his fate around. He, despite his father’s threats to leave him without a penny of money, is trying to go to university. The attempt was unsuccessful, and Nekrasov became a volunteer at the Faculty of Philology.

Three years of deprivation (1838 - 1841), a hungry rations, communication with the poor - this is all the biography of Nekrasov. Briefly, this period can be described as years of need and deprivation.

Literary activity and the first test pen

Gradually, Nekrasov’s affairs began to improve. Articles in newspapers, essays for popular publications, writing vaudeville under the name of Perepelsky allowed the poet to put together some savings that were put into production of a small collection of poems called "Dreams and Sounds." The opinions of critics were contradictory: the biography of Nekrasov briefly mentions the favorable reviews of Zhukovsky and the dismissive Belinsky. This made the poet so vulnerable that he bought up editions of his poems in order to destroy them.

Nekrasov writer biography
Collaboration with the journal "Domestic Notes", the purchase of "Sovremennik" in lease in 1846 - this is all a short biography of Nekrasov as a literary figure. Belinsky, having become more acquainted with the young poet, appreciated him and greatly contributed to the success of Nekrasov in the field of publishing. In 1948, despite reactionary trends, Sovremennik was the best and most popular magazine of the time.

In the mid-50s, the writer Nekrasov, whose biography was overshadowed by a serious illness, leaves for Italy to restore health. Returning to his homeland, he is reintroducing himself into social life with renewed vigor. Surrendering to the rapid flow of the forward movement, communicating with Dobrolyubov and Chernyshevsky, Nekrasov tries on the role of a poet-citizen and adheres to these views until his death.

In 1877, on December 27, after a long illness, Nekrasov died. He was buried on the territory of the Novodevichy Convent , accompanied by thousands of people, which was the first national recognition of his work.


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