How to make a formwork for a strip foundation with your own hands

If you are thinking about how to make formwork for a strip foundation, then you need to be guided by the recommendations of a specialist.

Features of the choice of formwork

how to make formwork for a strip foundation

Before you make formwork for a strip foundation, you need to evaluate the range of building materials in the market for the relevant goods. In addition, formwork can be rented, this may be the only right decision. If you are building your own home, then this option is not entirely suitable, it acts as an exception in the case when a fixed formwork is purchased. If we consider all the possible options, the manufacture of formwork is the most acceptable option. This suggests the possibility of using a material that will form the basis of the structure during further construction work.

Materials for the manufacture of formwork

formwork for the foundation how to do it yourself

If you were wondering about how to make formwork for a strip foundation, then you need to decide what materials will be used in the process. A common option for this is the edged board. Used, among other things, and plywood, it is worth using a laminated version of this material, since it can withstand pouring more than once. If an edged board is used, it is preferable to carry out boards.

The peculiarity of the independent manufacture of formwork

how to make formwork for a strip foundation
When assembling shields using edged boards, it must be taken into account that there should be no gaps between the elements, this is exclusively the flow of the solution.

You can use elements of different lengths and widths, when assembling it is preferable to use nails, and in order to strengthen the shields and not allow them to diverge, you should use cross members. If you are thinking about how to make formwork for the foundation, the step-by-step instructions presented in the article will allow you to work correctly. Shields need to be knocked down from the inside, and from the back the nails should be bent. Given the dimensions of the future foundation, it is possible to calculate the distance between the cross members of the panels, this will eliminate the deformation. Among other things, in the manufacture of formwork, the height of the future structure must be taken into account. The higher the base, the thicker the formwork bars should be. This also applies to crossbars. At the next stage, you can start assembling the panels, the quality of the foundation will depend on the implementation of these works.

Shield Installation Recommendations

how to make formwork under a strip foundation

If you are seriously thinking about the question of how to properly formwork for a strip foundation, then you need to take into account that screws can also be used for fastening, which is the most common option. Highlighting the peculiarity of screws, we can say that their use involves threading in wood, this fastening is considered the most successful for the installation of formwork. It is characterized by durability and reliability. Correct the position of the formwork elements using the level and the square. The verticality of the shields can be checked by a simple building level, while the hydraulic level should be used to check the general level of the structure.

Many masters, before making formwork under the strip foundation, also think about how to carry out the dismantling work. It is very simple to carry out these manipulations. In order to facilitate the performance of these works, the surface of the boards must be wrapped in paper, which must be pre-treated with oil.

Features of the manufacture of removable formwork

how to make formwork for the foundation

Before you make the formwork for the strip foundation, it is worth considering that it can be fixed, not only wood can be used as material, but aluminum, as well as steel sheets, can be combined. Quite often, a coating based on polyvinyl chloride is used, which facilitates the installation and dismantling of the formwork. Steel formwork is used, as a rule, for the construction of complex structures. In this case, a monolithic formwork is being erected. In order to facilitate the process, you can use metal frames in which wooden boards are inserted.

Formwork requirements

how to make formwork for the foundation step by step instructions
If you will independently form the formwork for the foundation, how to make such a design with your own hands , it is important to know, because otherwise you can not avoid mistakes. When installing the formwork, it is necessary to ensure as little clearance between the elements as possible, removable formwork should have less adhesion to concrete. If cracks from 1 to five 5 mm were formed during molding, then they must be eliminated with the help of tow. If the formed cracks have a more impressive width, then they need to drive in slats. In order to bind the walls of the formwork, a wire rod can be used.

Specialist recommendations

If you are thinking about how to properly formwork for the foundation, then you need to remember about the arrangement of sand preparation, it must be formed so that the thickness is 150 mm.

Materials for the use of fixed formwork

If you yourself will be made formwork for the foundation, how to make it yourself, you need to know. If you decide to perform fixed formwork, then you can use arbolit or expanded polystyrene. The first version of the material is made by mixing wood raw materials in the form of chips and mortar. If you use this type of formwork, you get walls that are already thermally insulated. This will allow you to get a design that is much cheaper than masonry, among other things, it will take up less space. Expanded polystyrene, although it is considered a suitable material for formwork, is not entirely safe.

Features of the construction of fixed formwork

In order to carry out work using expanded polystyrene or wood concrete, the blocks must be connected using special locks that are provided on the products. The technology will be used the same as that used in the construction of a brick wall. In special grooves, it will be necessary to insert reinforcement, which will give additional rigidity to the structure, after which it will only be necessary to pour concrete. Such formwork is used, as a rule, in the construction of houses with a small number of floors.

If you follow the recommendations that were presented in the article, then you will get a strong formwork.


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