Lilies - Planting and Care for Imperial Flowers

In nature, there are many beautiful flowers, and among them - lilies. Planting and caring for these perennial herbaceous plants is fairly straightforward. Sowing seeds, already in the first year you can get small bulbs, and in the second year they will bloom. Lilies belong to the lily family. The genus features are bulbs, elongated leaves with venation in parallel, flowers of six petals, with a three-nested ovary and six stamens.

lilies planting and care

Need loose, permeable, nutritious soil for lilies. Planting in the spring is usually done. Flowers do not like stagnation of water. Most Asian species, as well as tubular, are grown in open areas. But still they cannot be planted close to trees, where the soil is often too shaded and dried.

For lilies, planting and care are very attentive. So the soil must be prepared in advance, because it is a perennial plant, and in the same place it will grow 3-5 years without a transplant. On heavy soils, humus, peat, and sand are added before planting the bulbs. It is important to remember that an overabundance of organic fertilizers causes an accelerated and rapid growth of the aerial parts to the detriment of the formation of healthy strong bulbs, reduces disease resistance, winter hardiness, and weakens flowering.

lilies planting in spring

Where do lilies start? Planting and care begins with planting bulbs in the fall or spring. Most lilies prefer early fall plantings. The optimal period is September. If the month is warm, then the bulbs have time to take root. If frosts come early, then the flowers should be covered with insulation material.

It is important to maintain the soil of lilies (planting and care do not require much effort) in a loose, weed-free, moist state, to protect flowers from pests and to fertilize. The leaves of this plant are very sensitive to water, so in order to avoid moisture on them, they are watered under the root. It is advisable to add top dressing with watering or in front of it.

Planting lilies in the spring is carried out as early as possible - at the beginning of the emergence of seedlings, because young stems in the spring quickly break or are simply very fragile. If the bulbs must be preserved for a certain period, then they are stored in a cool place, shifting with sawdust, moss, earth or sand.

Prepared bulbs are carefully scanned, patients are discarded, rotted scales are removed. Too long roots are also shortened, and lifeless ones are pruned. Next, the bulbs are pickled with a 2% solution of fundozole. Then they are already planted in holes or funnels to a depth equal to three sizes of the height of the bulb. After planting, the soil is necessarily mulched with humus, peat.

lily planting and care
Reproduction of lilies by scales is the most effective way. From one bulb you can get from 15 to 100 new plants. At any time of the year, you can separate the flakes from the bulbs, soak in potassium permanganate (its solution) for 15 minutes, dry them slightly and place them in a container with moistened sawdust or plastic bags. After 4-5 weeks, bulbs with roots appear on the scales. They are planted in the ground in the spring.

Also, the lily propagates by bulbs (stem buds). The bulb is separated from the stem at the end of summer and planted in the ground (depth 2-3cm), mulched, watered. Plants begin to bloom in the third year after planting.

On the site, the lily looks very beautiful. Planting and caring for it will bring you pleasure, and grown flower beds - joy.


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