What documents are needed for HBO: features of the procedure and important nuances

Due to the constant increase in the cost of gasoline, many motorists are looking for new types of fuel, which has a lower price. Often their choice falls on gas. It costs half as much gasoline, and therefore is a popular analogue of standard fuel among drivers. But the use of gas requires the installation of special equipment. This can be done only with the permission obtained in the traffic police. To formalize it, you will have to provide certain documentation to the representatives of this body. About what documents are needed for HBO, we learn from the article.

What is car HBO?

The abbreviation HBO is used to designate gas equipment. Quite often, cars are equipped with them to save money, because the cost of gas is much lower than the cost of gasoline. The presence of HBO does not mean that the car cannot be refueled with gasoline. The engine will be able to work on both types of fuel. This greatly expands the capabilities of the car owner.

documents for HBO

Among the main advantages of HBO are:

  1. Ability to reduce fuel costs.
  2. Improved car engine functionality.
  3. In the motor, gas burns out completely, that is, no sediment remains in it. Consequently, its life is extended.
  4. Both types of fuel can be used alternately.
  5. The distance that a car can travel without refueling increases. If gas runs out, the driver can switch to using gasoline.
  6. Significantly less harmful substances are emitted into the atmosphere.

Currently, there are 6 generations of gas equipment. This qualification is not official, but is used by workshops that carry out the installation of HBO. The main difference between HBO of different generations is the method of fuel supply. For example, HBO, belonging to 1-3 generations, is considered to be already obsolete. They are usually installed on carburetor cars. The most popular among motorists is the fourth-generation HBO.

documents for registration

Who and where can install HBO on a car?

Installation of gas-balloon equipment on a vehicle should be carried out exclusively by certified workshops with the appropriate permission. You should also pay attention to the fact that the company in which the installation of HBO is planned to have certificates issued by manufacturers of HBO. Such workshops charge more money for the installation of equipment, and this is much more expensive than installing gas in a simple garage and subsequent legalization. But in the latter case, no one guarantees and is not responsible for the quality of work.

Qualified assistance

Turning to a certified service, the motorist receives qualified assistance. Masters will select for him high-quality spare parts produced by well-known companies, and the installation itself will be carried out by specialists who have received appropriate training and have extensive experience in similar work. In addition, the equipment itself will be of high quality and proven. An undoubted advantage is that certified companies provide a guarantee for their work.

All these advantages are absent in garage workshops, however, the cost of installing them will be much lower. The decision on where to go remains solely with the owner of the vehicle. You can find feedback on the work of garage workshops on the forums, as well as just chatting with other drivers.

Documentation required for preliminary examination and installation

A driver who wants to get permission from the traffic police to install a gas cylinder will have to give his car for preliminary examination. It is necessary in order to determine the possibility of making changes to the design of the vehicle. Certificates are issued by certified maintenance stations authorized to carry out such activities. It is they who draw up all the certificates and certificates, which they will then require in the traffic police.

At the service station, the driver will have to produce copies of the STS and the TCP. These documents for the installation of HBO can be transferred to the TO station personally or by e-mail. Taking into account the technical characteristics of the vehicle, the master selects the equipment and its installation scheme.

documents for registration

Permission in the traffic police

You can get permission to install HBO in the traffic police. Issue it on the basis of a statement from the driver about the desire to make changes to the design of their vehicle. In addition to the conclusion issued by a certified service station, the following documents will have to be submitted to the traffic police for HBO:

  1. Car registration certificate and certificate confirming its state registration.
  2. Passport or other document that can verify your identity.
  3. A document confirming the applicantโ€™s right to be a representative of the legal owner of the vehicle, for example, a power of attorney.

After that, the motorist should visit NAMI - the Scientific Center that carries out technical inspections. This organization will conduct appropriate diagnostics for the installation of equipment. To make changes to the design of the car, the driver should make an appropriate statement, and then arrive at his car at the appointed time for the inspection. NAMI representative inspects the machine and weighs it.

What will the driver ultimately get?

After completing the study, the driver will receive:

  1. Conclusion of preliminary technical diagnostics, according to which the installation of HBO is allowed.
  2. Declaration-application for the installation of HBO for the TO station.

After receiving these documents at the HBO, the driver must return to the service station, where he will install gas equipment on the car. Auto repair wizard after installation of HBO will fill out a declaration for US. In this paper, he will describe the operation of the gas installation, indicate permits and certificates in accordance with which the work was carried out.

After installation of the installation at the service station, the driver receives the following documents on the carโ€™s gas equipment:

  1. Installation Certificate.
  2. Certificate for the gas installation itself.
  3. Form 207. It contains information that HBO complies with all safety standards and has passed the appropriate tests.

After that, the motorist must undergo a technical inspection and receive a diagnostic card upon completion.

documents for HBO in traffic police

Documents required for registration of the installation in the traffic police

What documents for HBO must be provided to the traffic police? To complete the installation of HBO on his car, the driver must record in the road inspection changes made to the design. Due to the fact that registration with the STSI is the final stage, many of the required documents for HBO are already available to the driver - they were issued by STO and US. The remaining papers relate to ownership of the vehicle and must be available.

Documents for registration of HBO:

  1. Conclusion confirming the passage of preliminary technical examination.
  2. Car registration certificate and registration certificate.
  3. Passport or any other document to confirm the identity of the owner of the vehicle.
  4. Documents indicating ownership.
  5. Declaration-statement filled in by the workshop master.
  6. Diagnostic card.
  7. Application requesting replacement of the JTS. In the new document there will be a note that HBO is installed in the car.
  8. Certificate for HBO, bearing the mark STO.
  9. A certificate that confirms the right of the service station to carry out work on the installation of gas systems.
  10. Protocol of maintenance, indicating the safety of HBO.
  11. State duty receipt. For making changes to the data sheet, you will have to pay 350 rubles, for issuing an STS - 500 rubles, for a certificate of constructive compliance - 800 rubles. When paying state fees through the State Services portal, you can get a 30% discount.

The driver may be denied registration from the traffic police if he does not provide all of the documents listed on HBO. A traffic inspector will refer to the 1001-P Ministry of Internal Affairs, namely, paragraphs 3 and 51.

what documents on HBO

The registration process in the traffic police

Documents for HBO cars should be issued no later than 10 days from the date of installation of the equipment. To do this, you should visit the traffic police and submit a package of documents. Also, documents for registration of HBO can be submitted through a portal that provides public services.

It should be noted that some vehicles are exempted from this procedure. This applies to those cars that were equipped with HBO at the manufacturing plant. It is not necessary to register changes to the design in the following cases:

  1. If the PTS car provides for the possibility of mounting HBO.
  2. If the installation of gas on the machine was made earlier in full compliance with the legislation in force at that time.

Documents to be issued to the driver after registering the installation in the traffic police

After registering the changes made to the traffic police, the driver will receive a new TCP, in which the presence of gas equipment will be noted. In addition, the driver will be given a certificate that confirms that the car complies with the changes made to its design.

documents for the installation of HBO

As a rule, the mark of the presence of HBO in the TCP consists in indicating the date of registration, making structural changes and directly inscribing that HBO has been established.

Punishment for missing registration

Given that each motorist in accordance with the law is obliged to register equipment, the absence of documents for HBO entails certain penalties:

  1. The fine for an individual is 500 rubles, for a legal entity - up to 100 thousand rubles.
  2. Dismantling of HBO.

If the driver has not complied with the requirements listed above, then his car can be removed from the register and delivered to the penalty parking. In case of repeated violation, a fine of 5 thousand rubles and the confiscation of a driverโ€™s license are threatened. In some cases, a conclusion is provided for a period of 15 days.

documents for car HBO


Thus, the installation of HBO should be carried out exclusively at certified service stations. Otherwise, the driver risks that he will not be given all the documents necessary for registering the installation. The registration procedure is quite complicated and time-consuming, but the use of HBO and its proper installation allows the driver not only to significantly save on fuel, but also to minimize the likelihood of accidents resulting from improper use of a gas cylinder installation or the use of a poor-quality system.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F32864/

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