How to make children

To the question: "How did you first learn about sex? Who was the first to explain the entire system of childbearing?" - the bulk of the people will answer: "Street, friends were the first teachers in this complex subject."

Unfortunately, this is a fact. Indeed, even in cases where there is a trusting close relationship between children and parents, the question of how to make children correctly often confuses adults. Parents sometimes cannot find a worthy answer to this question and either keep silent or redirect the child to another member of the family, or simply compose all sorts of fables.

Many tales, where there is supposedly an answer to this question, further confuse the children. The snow maiden was blinded from snow, the bun - from the dough, the Boy – s – finger appeared from the severed finger. And there are also versions invented by parents that children are lying under the cabbage in the garden, they are bought in the store or brought by storks. And not so long ago there was even a cartoon in which the authors show how the clouds make children, and only then the storks carry the kids - and the animals, and the kids, to the addresses.

As a result of incorrect explanations, the value of family ties is lost in children: if children are done so easily, does it mean that they cost nothing to parents? In parallel, the thought arises: “Why, then, should they be loved and respected? Just think, found somewhere! It’s better if another aunt found me! ” And the fact that grandparents are essentially the ancestors in the family in this situation is completely impossible to prove. Maybe that's why the saying came about Ivan, who does not remember his relationship?

So is it worth hiding from the guys how to make children? After all, if you approach this issue creatively, you can quite easily and figuratively explain to them this complex process. No one disputes that the topic is quite sensitive, and therefore so interesting for the younger generation.

Of course, if the baby is too small, it is enough for him to present only the fact of pregnancy. Let his mother’s love reveal to him in such a clear direction for him: mom and dad so dreamed about him, really, really wanted him to be born, and therefore mom agreed to wear it in her tummy for almost a year, to bear the pain at his birth. This fact will increase the self-esteem of the baby, a connecting thread will appear: he could not appear in any other family! He is a continuation of mom and dad.

But for some children this explanation is not enough. They require clarification: “And how did I get into my mother’s tummy? And in general - how to make children? ” Psychologists answer this question to embarrassed parents: “If a child asks such a question, then his thinking is already fully formed in order to get a true answer to it. Only prepare for it should be in advance. "

Especially to help parents, there are even books with pictures and explanations, adapted for babies, which intelligibly and fairly truthfully talk about how to make children, why only babies can be born to adults and why moms and dads go to bed. The main emphasis in these books is on the love of two adults, the result of which is the birth of a baby.

The situation is worse when adults are already tormented by a similar question. Such personalities will find the answer to it in special collections “How do children view from above” in text material or in the same collection of pictures with captions. And there’s also an interesting video with the same name.

Be that as it may, the most important thing in the birth of lovely children is the love of their parents, the desire of the two to give up most of their souls, time, strength and, to be honest, finances - only so that a new person who is born will live bright and happy.

After all, to make and have a baby is not a feat. It is much more difficult to cultivate this weak runaway, to feed and educate him, by putting the basic concepts of human morality into his consciousness, to make him a real person.


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