Flowering in newborns: causes and treatment

Any ailments or changes in the condition of the crumbs often cause a panic in the parents. Already the first days of a baby’s life can be overshadowed by a phenomenon such as flowering in newborns (acne). About this ailment will indicate acne or redness on his body. Such lesions are localized mainly on the neck, face and head of the child. Such rashes may have a yellow, white or reddish hue. What exactly does flowering in newborns look like, photos clearly demonstrate.

flowering in newborns
Parents should not diagnose the child on their own. In any case, you must immediately show the baby to the pediatrician. If necessary, he will direct for analysis, after which he will establish an accurate diagnosis. The fact is that allergies, staphylococcus and other skin diseases caused by fungi can manifest in the same way.

Blooming in newborns: causes

The cause of this condition can be hormonal changes in the baby’s body. It takes time for him to get used to the new conditions of existence. While the activity of the sebaceous glands is not debugged, rashes can be considered normal. The main thing is that there is no change in the behavior of the baby. If he became restless, you should think about other existing problems, such as colic.

As you know, nursing mothers must follow a certain diet. If it is systematically violated, this can also trigger a rash.

flowering in newborns photo

Flowering in newborns: features and differences from other rashes

It is easy to confuse acne with allergic rashes or prickly heat. In order to understand the true nature of manifestations, some features should be taken into account. The fact is that those acne caused by flowering are different from acne in allergies. In the first case, inflammation and suppuration may be noticeable, which is rarely observed in the second. A feature of prickly heat is a very small rash. It is localized on the chest, in the armpits, in the groin and on the neck.

Blooming newborns: treatment

Once again, it is worth noting that parents should not be diagnosed and prescribed treatment on their own. Often, such rashes pass over time and without the use of any means. Acne peels and dries, a hard crust of a yellowish tint forms, which later falls off itself.

flowering newborn treatment

However, the implementation of some recommendations still does not hurt. First of all, this, of course, is the thorough hygiene of the baby and the proper nutrition of a nursing woman. The baby needs to be washed more often, but after that it is recommended to gently dry his face with a dry towel.

Squeezing acne, as well as the use of oily ointments, is excluded. In some cases, the pediatrician may recommend an ointment based on zinc (for example, the drug "Desitin"). Using it, pimples are dried.

When bathing the baby, it is recommended to add decoctions of herbs such as a string and chamomile to the bath. They can be used to wipe the affected area about 2 times a day. The resulting crusts are smeared with warm olive or other vegetable oil, as well as baby cream.

Flowering in newborns is not a reason for panic. Follow all the doctor's recommendations - and you will see how soon the problem is left behind.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F32868/

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