What to see on Crete on your own?

At a distance of 110 kilometers from the shores of Europe is the Greek island of Crete. It is considered the largest in area of ​​all the islands of the Mediterranean Sea (8260 km²). From the article, the reader learns the history of Crete, as well as what sights you can see by traveling by car through the territory of the former center of the Crete-Minoan civilization.

Island history

Before talking about what to see on Crete in Greece, let's talk about the history of the island. Crete formed 12 million years ago due to the flowing to the surface of a liquid melt of rocks (lava) from the vents of an underwater volcano.

According to archaeological excavations, the first settlements on the island appeared about 7000 years ago. By the beginning of the II century BC, four small states were formed on the island territory. The population at that time consisted of the Minoans (the people who traded with Ancient Egypt) and the Pelasgians (representatives of the Greek people).

In 355 BC e. the territory of the island was conquered by the founder of the Macedonian Empire, the commander Alexander of Macedon. 470 years later, Crete was captured by Muslims. They formed a Muslim state that lasted 136 years.

Knossos palace

In 1205, Catholic knights established their rule on the island and created the Kingdom of Crete. From 1210 and over the following centuries, the island was ruled by the Republic of Venice (a state formed in Europe in the 7th century).

After re-capture by Turkish troops, Crete became part of the Ottoman Empire. After the national liberation uprising against Turkish rule, with the military support of Great Britain (1896-1898), the state of Crete was created. Since 1913 it has been part of the Hellenic Republic.

There are many legends associated with the history of the island. A popular myth that has come down to our time is the legend that the god of heaven, thunder and lightning (Zeus) was born on this island. After some time, he fell in love with the young daughter of the Phoenician king, Europe. After, having abducted her, he settled on the island of Crete.

Another popular legend is connected with Theseus, son of the Athenian king Aegeus. He freed the inhabitants of Crete from the Minotaur: when the Cretan king Minos (son of Zeus) gave instructions to send boys and girls every year to be eaten by the Minotaur, Theseus, with the help of the daughter of Minos Ariadne, defeated the cannibal with the head of a bull.

Tourism development

Before describing what you can see in Crete, I would like to talk a bit about the development of tourism. After the end of World War II, tourism in Greece became one of the components of the state economy. Now the island of Crete is a developed center of tourism. Its centuries-old history annually attracts more than two million people from many countries of the world.

Tourists who want to visit the island can use the services of the main airport "Nikos Kazantzakis", named after the Greek writer Nikos Kazantzakis.

You can also get to the island by boat.

Given the fact that the island is geographically divided into four parts: Heraklion, Rethymnon, Lassithi and Chania, which attract history buffs with their historical cultural monuments, travel agencies offer for convenience the use of any kind of car rental.

Car rental

What to see in Crete by car? Before answering this question, I would like to highlight the topic of car rental. Those planning to visit this island will find this information useful.

Those who want to use a car rental must have international rights valid for this period. You can contact the rental services yourself, they are in every city. Now it is possible to order a vehicle using the Internet. In this case, the car of the selected brand will be delivered to the hotel.

It is necessary in the presence of an instructor to check the performance of this vehicle. All customer comments must be recorded in the relevant documents. If you follow all these recommendations, a trip by car through the cities of the island will give tourists pleasant emotions.

palace on crete

Knossos Palace in Crete

What to see on the island of Crete? The journey should begin with a tour of the main attraction - Knossos Palace.

The ruins of the complex are located in the village of Knossos (4 km from the island's capital - the city of Heraklion). This place was the main settlement of the island during the Minoan civilization period and is the first settlement in history where the construction of multi-story buildings, water pipes, and sewage systems was carried out. The temple was built around 2000 BC, but was later destroyed by an earthquake.

After some time, a new temple structure was erected on this site, the ruins of which are now an architectural monument, and since 2003 they have been under the protection of UNESCO.

In 1878, a Cretan lawyer and amateur archaeologist Minos Kalokerinos began excavating and stumbled upon a building in which he found the first document of linear writing (the form of Cretan writing, which was used for writing in ancient Greek).

The main excavations began in 1900, led by the English archaeologist Arthur Evans. He is considered the discoverer of the Minoan civilization.

Scientists have put forward a version that states that this building was destroyed by another earthquake and the inhabitants left Knossos, moving to the coast.

So what to see on Crete on your own? Now tourists can explore the excavation area, which is a structure built at different levels and connected by tunnels and stairs, visit the archaeological museum. Entrance to the open-air museum is paid, the cost is 10 €.

Cave of zeus

cave of zeus

Thinking about what to see on Crete on your own by car, you should definitely take into account the attraction, which we will discuss later. At a distance of 55 km from the capital of the island is a small settlement of Psychro. On its territory is the cave of Zeus. To get and see this attraction, you need to overcome a mountain trail with a length of about two kilometers. According to a legend that has survived to this day, in this cave the mother of Zeus Ray hid his son Zeus from Kronos, who was predicted that he would die at the hands of his son.

For a long time the cave was a place of worship for Zeus. During excavations that took place at the end of the 19th century, ceramic figurines and a building for ritual sacrifices were found. Visitors to the cave can visit several halls that are interconnected by underground tunnel passages.

cave of zeus

In the largest hall there is an underground lake, the shores of which over many centuries were covered with stalactites of various forms.

The total area of ​​the cave is 22,000 m². Here you can use only a tourist route 250 meters long. The rest is closed for security.

Next to this cave is the Melidoni Cave open to the public - a place of worship for the giant Talos, the protector of Crete.

Phaistos Palace

fest palace

What to see in Crete? Attractions on this island, of course, enough. One of them is the ruins of the Phaistos Palace.

The construction is located near the resort of Matala at a distance of 55 km from Heraklion. According to myth, the city was founded by the son of Zeus Minos. The latter transferred power over the city to his brother Radamant.

In 1450 BC fire destroyed the Phaistos palace. After that, it was not restored. Now tourists are given the opportunity to visit the excavation site and explore the central part of the palace. There were halls for receptions and places of worship.

City of Gortyna

And what to see in Crete by car? Traveling by car around the island, it will be interesting to visit the ancient city of Gortyna. He is over 6000 years old.

During archaeological excavations in 1880, Italian archaeologists discovered a document that contained the civil laws of Gortina. This is one of the oldest legislation in Europe.

What to see on Crete in Gortyna? Tourists in this city can see the Basilica of St. Apostle Titus, built in the 5th century, Roman baths, the Greek temple structure of Apollo Pythia, built on the sacred mountain of Parnassus, and many other ancient structures.

Samaria Gorge

And what do nature lovers see in Crete? Such people will enjoy walking along the longest mountain valley in Europe with steep slopes, the length of which is more than 18 km - Samarya Gorge. Along the way, tourists can relax on the shores of several picturesque lakes with crystal clear fresh water.

Samara gorge

The village of Agia Rumeli is considered a popular outdoor activity destination on the beach. Its shore is washed by the waters of the Libyan Sea. The gorge can be reached by driving 145 km from Heraklion to the port city of Chania.

The resort village of Anissaras

Families with children can visit Anissaras. It is located near the Nikos Kazantzakis International Airport. A feature of this recreation area is that it is designed for families with children: there is a special children's menu in all cafes and restaurants, children's playgrounds and beaches equipped according to the international standard.

The village has a 24-hour secure parking for cars.

Ride with children

And what to see in Crete for those who come with children? Now let's figure it out. Many tourists travel with their children in rental cars. With this in mind, the Crete leadership organized activities for the kids throughout the island.

A one-hour boat trip to Gramvousa Island from Balos Bay (45 km from the city of Chania) is very popular. In the same city, the Maritime Museum was created for children. There you can see a ship made 3000 years ago. In the museum you can also find out the history of the development of navigation in Greece. In addition, the Limnoupolis water park operates year-round for children.

In Rethymnon (the city is located between the cities of Heraklion and Chania) there is a military museum. In it, part of the exposition is designed for adolescents and youths.

In the small town of Gournes (15 km from Heraklion) is the largest aquarium in Europe - "CretAquarium". And next to the building of the aquarium is a "dinosaur park", designed for children of any age.

what to see on Crete yourself


Crete is one of the most successful tourist destinations in Europe. In the reviews, tourists say that the friendliness and cordial welcome of the local population are worth it to visit this island again.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F32869/

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