Adventures in the Middle Ages and space in the works of Arina Alison

Today, a lot of fantasy books have been written about "fellow travelers." For male authors, brave heroes save the country, state and the world as a whole. For women writers, a charming heroine protects the peaceful life of the population, but in most cases, finds her love, and the stories end with a wedding.

Unusual move

That is the difference between the works of Arina Alison. Nothing is known about the author: her biography, nor how many years where she studied and lives. Maybe this is a creative pseudonym for a man?

All Arina Alison’s books are a series of five stories “Everyone Chooses for Himself” about the adventures of Sergei Stashev, a former school teacher, and part-time teacher-bodyguard of his nephews, whom he looked after at the request of his sister and son-in-law-businessman. By chance or aliens, Sergei, falling asleep on an airplane, comes to his senses in the body of a twelve-year-old girl Lionella Grossaro ("Debt is beautiful by payment"). There are many stories where heroes find themselves in the body of a resident of another world, but in a mortal shell of the same gender as they are! And here is a man in a child’s body, and it’s okay for a boy, but he became a girl !!! And most importantly - he does not reflect, does not hysteria, does not smuggle the castle into pebbles, but perceives all events quite easily, as if he should, as if he already knew cases of movement of the opposite sex into the earth’s shell.

Lionella Grossaro

Having clarified all the circumstances of his movement (this impudent Lionella performed a ritual, hoping to help her family), Sergey decides to fulfill the desire of the young countess.

Throne protection

Second book

In Arina Alison’s second book, “The Duchess,” Sergei, and now Lionella, having married two brothers and having married a couple of sisters, should not only help hold the throne for her second sister, Nirana and her husband (the king of a neighboring country), but also save their lives. And what regent, hungry for power, would agree to give up the throne just like that, especially if his own daughter is growing up ?! So Countess Grossaro, married to the Duchess of Verinsky, has to join the wedding procession.

And here is the result of all my efforts - I am traveling as part of the royal motorcade as a personal guard of the queen and my sister, part-time.

Arina Alison puts her characters in comic situations. For example: having arranged an enchanting entry into the capital, Lionella with her oratory immediately provided the royal couple with the support of the people. Having settled in the castle and organized training fights in the rooms of the palace, Lionella simultaneously tries to contribute to the political marriage of the son of her king and the princess of this state, and even finds a groom for one of her sisters. Preventing the assassination of the king and queen, eliminating the regent and dissatisfied with power, the Duchess of Verinsky accompanies the crown prince and his wife home.

New meetings

Although Arina Alison officially published only two books, “Debt by Payment is Beautiful” and “Duchess,” the other three books can be found on the Internet at samizdat sites. Serge’s adventures continue in space: he returned to his former body, met with representatives of other alien races, underwent rejuvenation, and gained the ability to change his appearance. While traveling, Sergey came to the outskirts of the Galaxy and heard a signal for help from Mriya, nee Christina, whom the universe punished by fulfilling her wishes.

In the fifth part of Arina Alison’s adventures, “The wish is fulfilled - it remains to survive,” describes the life of the secondary heroine Kristina-Megumi-Mriya before meeting with Sergey.

A space flight

Desire punishment

Kristina studied at the university, lived in her own apartment, bought by her mother, met with friends, but constantly felt loneliness. Parents lived their own lives, friends married and got children, she never met a guy who was close in spirit. And Christine wished to return to her childhood, in which her family read her fairy tales and took care of her, where there was no need to worry about anything. Would you like? Get it - sign it ... The girl got specifically, but not somewhere, but in the body of a ten-year-old girl from 2628.

“Yes, really ... We got two fools, one big and the other small, the fulfillment of desire.” That's just a feeling of joy from the result, for some reason does not arise.

Having come to the conclusion that life is going on, and it is necessary to adapt to new circumstances, the newly arrived Megumi Bardo arranges her move from a guardian to an expensive boarding school. After completing training, Megumi gets a job as an interplanetary courier. And again, her life is changing dramatically.

Girl and knight

- Lord! Oh, in vain I have lately read so much about noble knights and beautiful ladies, dreamed of my own home. You must be more modest, more modest.

Having suffered a shipwreck on a planet where times very much resembled the period of Ancient Rome on Earth, and the woman was nobody and there was no way to call her, Megumi, being called Mriya, daughter of the governor, becomes the wife of one of the governors of the provinces. After withstanding all the trials, Mriya, returning to her damaged ship, gives a distress signal, not even hoping for a result. Sergei heard the call and took Mriya from this planet.

The space epic does not end - try to plunge into the books of Arina Alison, you will not regret it!


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