Benefits and payments to donors and honorary donors of Russia upon retirement. What benefits does the honorary donor of Moscow have?

Not everyone can get a donor status. It is assigned only to those who are willing to donate their blood to other people. Donation is a manifestation of humanity and good nature. A person with this status deserves great respect. There are also benefits and payments to donors and honorary donors. About them and will be discussed in the article.

General information

Before becoming a donor, you should determine for yourself what it is for. There are citizens who begin to donate blood to save the lives of their relatives or friends. Some want to help other people.

privileges and payments to donors and honorary donors

There are donors who donate blood for their health. With the implementation of the norm, a person gains the status of an honorary donor. He has new opportunities.

Donation in Russia

In our country, the number of sick people who need blood is constantly increasing. Often it is required for operations. To solve such problems, a network of donor points operates in Russia. They are in every city.

Medical institutions organize field sessions for blood collection in remote regions, such as villages. Although donor support in Russia does not fully comply with international standards, these people still have some advantages.


Although there are benefits and payments to donors, it must be borne in mind that the assignment of this status has some features:

  • this is done voluntarily;
  • the age of a person should be from 18 years;
  • you need to get certificates from the hospital, confirming good health.
    honorary donor of Russia benefits and payments

It does not take much time to donate blood. But this is the first time. Then this business will need to be given more time. Doctors can diagnose diseases and infections that are difficult to detect with blood donation.

After receiving the status, an icon will be displayed. Then, benefits and payments to donors and honorary donors become available. In this case, you will need to go to the blood donation point many times.

How to become

There are several options for obtaining status:

  1. You can donate blood at least 40 times. It doesn’t matter if the blood or its components were donated, but plasma is considered an exception.
  2. Plasma should be donated 40 times, and blood at least 25.
  3. Donate blood 25 times and plasma more than 60.
  4. Only plasma 40 times can be donated.

The award is issued by the Ministry of Health, and then benefits and payments to Russian donors are available. You only need to know how to properly arrange them.

Conventional Donation Benefits

Benefits and payments to donors and honorary donors are different. In the first case, a person does not have many advantages, but still they have:

  1. The person must be released from work on the day of blood donation. He is issued a certificate at the reception. The document has a single sample. The certificate should be provided to the accounting department at the place of work, and he will be given another day off at any convenient time or he will be added to leave. And the rest will be paid.
  2. If blood donation is performed on a weekend, holiday or during vacation, then additional rest is provided, which is paid in double size.
  3. On the day of blood donation, meals are provided free of charge. This is sweet tea, bun, chocolate - these products allow you to restore strength.

benefits and payments to donors

If a person donated blood for a year in the amount of 2 maximum doses (600-900 ml), then he also receives benefits. For example, a student’s scholarship is increased by 25%. For employees, sick leave is paid at 100%.

Benefits for honorary donation

What benefits an honorary donor has depends on the region. But there are privileges that apply across the country. Benefits and payments to honorary donors of Russia are fixed by law. The benefits include:

  • the possibility of free treatment in state clinics;
  • free repair of dentures;
  • purchase of medicines in pharmacies with a 50% discount;
  • if trips to health facilities are provided for studies or work, then honorable donors are given priority;
  • vacation at any time;
  • free use of public transport;
  • 50% discount on utilities;
  • When applying for a home construction loan, benefits are provided.

As you can see, the list of benefits from honorary donors is much larger. But such people are constantly donating blood to save other lives.


Benefits and benefits to donors and honorary donors may vary by region. The amount of payments may change every year. Each year, these people receive 12 thousand rubles at a time. The amount is indexed based on federal law.

benefits to Russian donors

Required documents

This money is not taxed. But to get the amount you need to submit a list of documents:

  • statement;
  • passport;
  • certificate.

In order for payments to be transferred annually, these documents must prove your right to next year. Then there will be no delays. If desired, each person can receive a donor status. The main thing is to have excellent health. Otherwise, there are no restrictions.

Submission Options

You can apply for registration of benefits in 2 ways:

  1. Personally. Reception centers operate like most government agencies. It should be borne in mind that during the holidays, organizations work on a reduced schedule. If the application is submitted by a trustee, then he must be provided with a passport and power of attorney.
  2. In large cities, it is possible to file documents electronically. They need to be scanned.

Benefits in Moscow

The privileges of the honorary donor of Moscow are practically no different from other regions. Residents of the capital who donate blood are provided with:

  • free use of public transport, with the exception of private;
  • 50% discount on utilities;
  • free creation of dentures and their repair;
  • 50% discount on prescription drugs.

honorary donor of Moscow benefits

Benefits of honorary donors upon retirement remain the same as they were. No additional privileges are granted.

Rights and obligations

The Federal Law No. 125 of July 20, 2012 indicates the rights and obligations of the donor. In particular, they are secured by Art. 12. Rights include:

  • blood donation;
  • health protection;
  • obtaining information on medical examination;
  • obtaining information on the consequences;
  • free treatment and medical care;
  • compensation for harm caused by donation.

Responsibilities include:

  • presentation of a passport;
  • notification of infections and diseases;
  • passing examination.

The donor has a responsibility to hide health information if this could harm recipients.


There are a number of rules that allow you to prepare for blood donation:

  1. Before this event, you should not eat fatty, fried, spicy, smoked dishes, sausages, meat, fish dairy products, eggs, chocolate, nuts, dates. It is forbidden to donate blood on an empty stomach.
  2. It is advisable to use sweet tea with jam, juices, fruit drinks. Suitable mineral water, stewed fruit, drying, boiled cereals, crackers.
  3. 48 hours before the event it is forbidden to drink alcohol, and 72 hours before taking medications with aspirin and analgesics.
  4. A light breakfast is required in the morning, and you can enjoy sweet tea before the procedure .
  5. No smoking.
  6. Experts have found that blood loss in the morning is easier.
  7. It is undesirable to donate blood after a sleepless night.
  8. You should not go to the procedure before exams, competitions, important events.
  9. You need to take a passport with you.

Some people experience slight dizziness during the procedure. The reason for this is a decrease in hemoglobin. But a healthy person quickly copes with this.

What benefits does an honorable donor have?

After blood donation, you need to sit quietly for 10-15 minutes. No smoking, alcohol. Do not physically overload yourself during the day. But nutrition will restore strength. A large amount of liquid will help in this. The number of procedures can be determined by the doctor.

Possible refusal and deadline for consideration of the application

A refusal to receive a title may be due to the lack of local registration or a document confirming the fulfillment of the conditions. Russian citizenship required. The maximum processing time for an application is 95 days.

Donation in Russia and other countries

In many civilized states, people constantly visit transfusion stations. Social support for these people is practiced in all countries. In Russia, every donor has the right to receive privileges. Often, officials believe that it is unethical to use material support for donation. They believe that payments for blood adversely affect the quality of the resulting biomaterial.

retirement benefits for honorary donors

But the cancellation of benefits is out of the question. An important task is the eradication of misconceptions related to donation. Blood is necessary in all medical facilities. Therefore, measures of material support and representation of benefits will be necessary measures. Moreover, it is a proud title.


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