"Diamond eyes": drops for cats and dogs (instruction)

Pet owners know that eye diseases in pets are not uncommon. They deliver many unpleasant moments not only to animals, but also to their owners. Sometimes kittens have watery eyes from birth, and this very worries the owners. How to help your pet? Is there a tool that can rid the animal of eye diseases? We will talk about this in the article.

diamond eyes

Eye diseases: classification

Cats and dogs are prone to many eye diseases. The ability to determine them in time, if necessary, provide first aid and consult a specialist in a timely manner is the task of the owner of a cat or dog.

Experts divide this type of ailment into:

  • inflammatory;
  • traumatic (or congenital pathologies).

The first group includes:

  • conjunctivitis;
  • keratoconjunctivitis;
  • keratitis;
  • inflammation of the nasolacrimal canal;
  • iritis.

In addition, problems with the orbit, canal, and other tissues surrounding the eye, such as panophthalmitis, blepharitis, and others, also belong to eye diseases in our four-legged pets.

diamond eyes drops

The second group includes mechanical damage - bruises, a foreign body, as well as an inversion of the eyelid, glaucoma, cataract, etc. Diseases can be classified according to their course - it can be chronic, subacute and acute.

In the chronic course of the disease, its symptoms do not disappear completely over time, but only fade a little. But it is precisely this fact that increases the risk of losing the animal’s vision or other health problems (especially in cases when the cause of the disease is an infection or virus).

Eye diseases in our four-legged pets are divided into primary and secondary. Primary called eye changes, which are the main disease. Secondary diseases are those that arose in connection with a more serious health disorder (an infectious disease, for example). In this case, it can be argued that conjunctivitis becomes one of the symptoms. And in order to completely cure the animal, you should fight with the underlying disease, and not with its clinical sign. Such a conclusion can only be given by a veterinarian, who should be consulted at the first sign of an illness.

diamond eyes instruction


This is mainly caused by an immature kitten (or puppy) immunity. In this regard, viruses that cause tears enter his body. In older animals, the cause may be an allergy, for example, to poplar fluff, perfumes, household chemicals. Watery eyes are often a property of a particular cat breed. Rather, the property of some breeds is a twist of the eyelids. In this case, tears appear in connection with emerging microcracks. But in such a situation, only surgery will help.

In other cases, your four-legged pet will be able to help eye drops “Diamond eyes”. This is a well-proven tool that has a bactericidal, decongestant and anti-inflammatory effect.

"Diamond eyes" - drops that penetrate well into all tissues of the eye and provide a stable and quick effect. All reviews about this drug are positive (both from animal owners and from veterinarians), since there are practically no contraindications to its use, side effects are rarely recorded. Veterinarians often prescribe this drug for their four-legged patients, considering it effective and safe for health.

diamond eyes for cats

"Diamond eyes" - drops that can be purchased at any veterinary pharmacy or pet store. The price of the drug is quite affordable - a bottle of 10 ml costs from 130 to 160 rubles.

"Diamond eyes" (drops): instruction, release form

The drug is available in the form of drops in a bottle of plastic, which is packaged in a cardboard box. It indicates the name, capacity and instructions for use. In addition, the date of manufacture and the shelf life should be indicated on it.


Diamond Eye Drops for cats and dogs contain:

  • taurine (0.02 g / ml);
  • succinic acid (0.001 g / ml);
  • distilled water;
  • chlorhexidine bigluconate (0.00015 g / ml).

The properties

Eye drops “Diamond eyes” (for cats and dogs) have anti-inflammatory, decongestant and bactericidal effects. When introduced into the conjunctival cavity, the agent easily penetrates into all tissues, thereby providing a therapeutic effect of the active components.

Chlorhexidine bigluconate has a bactericidal effect (rapidly manifested) on gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria, lipophilic viruses and dermatophytes. It binds cations, which are formed as a result of the dissociation of chlorhexidine (salt) by the cell walls, impaired membrane function and the osmotic balance of cells. This leads to a decrease in the level of cellular ATP and the destruction of the infection.

diamond eyes drops instruction

Taurine and succinic acid contribute to the restoration and normalization of tissues, have a reparative effect, slow down (and sometimes prevent) the development of cataracts and are a prophylactic against dystrophic and degenerative disorders in the lens and retina.

Doses and method of application

Drops "Diamond eyes" (instructions are included with each package) are indicated for everyday eye cleaning, as well as mild conjunctivitis. In this case, with a gauze (sterile) swab moistened with the drug, crusts and exudate are removed from the inner corner of the eye. Then, "Diamond Eyes" is instilled into the animal. For cats and dogs weighing up to ten kilograms, 1 drop is enough, for dogs weighing more than ten kilograms - 2 drops. The procedure is repeated one to three times a day.

  • 45 days, the drug can be used during processing once a day. Then you should take a break for ten days.
  • 20 days "Diamond Eyes" can be used when processing the animal twice a day. After this, you need to take a break for seven days.
  • For no more than 14 days, the drug is used when processing three times a day. Then you need to interrupt treatment for five days.

With profuse lacrimation, trauma, red eye syndrome, ingress of irritating substances or foreign objects, the drug is used two drops three times a day for five to fourteen days. "Diamond eyes" is recommended for the prevention of cataracts, as well as degenerative age-related changes in the cornea and retina.

drops diamond eyes for cats

The drug is used in courses of twenty days. Dosage - no more than two drops, with a mandatory ten-day interval.

Side effects

At the recommended doses, Diamond Eyes do not cause irritating or allergic reactions. The use of the drug according to the instructions does not give complications and side effects. With the individual sensitivity of the animal to the individual components of the drug, the use of drops should be discontinued.

Storage conditions

In a dry and cool place, “Diamond Eyes” is stored 24 months from the date of manufacture. Expired eye drops are prohibited.


The Diamond Eyes are manufactured by the Russian company NEC Agrovetzashchita (AVZ), a well-known animal lover. For many years, she has been developing and producing medicines for agricultural poultry and animals.

"Agrovetzashchita" produces more than three hundred kinds of medicines in fifteen forms - granules and tablets, oil and water solutions, suspensions and injectables, gels and sprays, eye drops, shampoos and ointments, balms, etc. All this diverse product is manufactured on the basis of advanced technologies on modern equipment. All Agrovetzashchita preparations are certified and registered in Russia and in neighboring countries.

The company has its own research center. Five professors and doctors of sciences, sixteen candidates of sciences work in the department for the development and research of new drugs of the company's drugs. The company is the “guardian” of the world-famous Hermitage cats.

diamond eyes reviews

When should you use drops?

In conclusion, a tip for novice pet owners. Remember that the eyes of the cat / dog should always be clean, bright, not squinted. If you find clouding, redness, tears (or other secretions), then first of all you need to clean the animal’s eyes, and only after that you can use drops.

Diamond Eyes: reviews

Veterinarians unanimously declare that this is a truly effective and completely safe tool. Diamond Eyes successfully cope with many eye diseases in dogs and cats. It is important that they can be used not only for adult animals, but also for kittens and puppies. Owners emphasize that their pets tolerate treatment well. Drops are easy to use and affordable.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F32890/

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