Technological connection to electric networks: application submission, connection

Any newly built business, production, public or housing facilities are primarily connected to electrical networks. A lot of questions for consumers are caused by the sequence of actions that determine accession. The technological rationale for the complex process is set forth in government regulations and guidelines, where the general connection procedure is divided into appropriate sections to simplify the work.

Types of facilities allowed for technological connection

technological connection

The regulatory documents spell out a list of consumers that connect to common electrical networks:

  • buildings that are being commissioned for the first time;
  • buildings that were previously operated, but for various reasons requiring an increase in capacity;
  • objects without increasing capacity, but changing the category of reliability due to the transition to another type of production or activity.

The rules of technological connection stipulate that a repeated connection procedure is not carried out with a property change of ownership of an object. Any complaints from the owner of the network regarding the re-payment of the procedure are not logical.

Procedure for connecting to electric networks

Connections are carried out in a strictly defined order and includes the steps of:

  • the consumer, according to the standard model, submits an application for technological connection to electric networks;
  • an agreement is signed between the owner of the facility and the owner of the network;
  • the organization that owns the power grid prepares technical specifications according to existing standards, they are approved by the system operator and neighboring network owners;
  • engineers and technicians of the network service produce design documents in accordance with the technical specifications;
  • the consumer orders the project at the institute at his own expense; all the requirements of the technical conditions are necessarily fulfilled there;
  • in some cases, Russian legislation on the construction of cities abolishes the development of connection projects;
  • the parties fulfill the terms of the contract in terms of connection;
  • the owner of the network organizes a control check of the performance by the consumer of the technical specifications;
  • legal offices and entrepreneurs working with a power consumption of more than 100 kW and individuals with the same indicator of more than 15 kW undergo a mandatory inspection of electrical installations in the presence of a representative of Rostekhnadzor;
  • after verification, the network workers make the actual connection to the consumer and supply electricity.

Dates of technological connection to electric networks

technological connection rules

For temporary connection of the owner of the building for a period of not more than six months, provided that the power lines are 300 meters from the point of consumption, the work time is 15 working days. Law firms and industries that require less than 100 kW of power for their activities and individuals connecting to networks with voltages of up to 20 kW, wait for connection up to six months if the source of electricity is in the city no further than 300 m, in the village - 500 m.

Up to a year, facilities with a capacity of not more than 750 kW are connected to the power grids. If the consumer needs a quick connection, the time periods are set in the agreement between the owner of the building and the network administration. For more than two years, connections have been made to production facilities whose equipment requires a voltage of over 750 kW for operation. Terms can be stretched by agreement of the parties up to 4 years, but no more.

Choosing a Network Organization

Near the territory of a business entity there may be several power lines, cable wires, transformer substations to which you are connecting. To begin work, the consumer determines which organization he will work with, taking into account the following factors:

  • range of location of the power source from the receiving device;
  • voltage level in nearby networks.

The distance from the boundaries of the site is determined by a straight line to the nearest electric facility or network. The technological connection rules provide that the consumer connects the equipment to the electric networks of the class indicated in the application. If the owner of the production wants to connect the site to the lines of higher power, then he is waiting for expensive work on the device of the lowering substation.

If near the borders of a private trader there are several lines equivalent in terms of connection, then an application for technological connection is submitted to any of the network organizations. The absence of closer than 300 m of power sources from the site gives the consumer the right to cooperate with any nearby owner.

In response to his application, within 15 days the owner of the connection source sends to the consumer, the connection power of which is determined in the range from 100 to 750 kW, the contract signed on its part and the required technical conditions. If the private trader does not indicate all the required information in the application or the necessary documents are missing, then the network owners will notify him of this fact and explain the list of necessary securities.

Application Rules

technological connection to electric networks

An application for connection to electric networks is made in duplicate and sent by mail to the address of the network organization by registered mail with a return notification. A list is added to the envelope - an inventory of all sent documents. The statement of consumers connecting electricity for domestic needs (not more than 15 kW), indicates the following information:

  • address and place of residence of the applicant;
  • name and address of the site, house, building, which are being prepared for connection;
  • deadlines for the project and the turn of putting into operation energy-receiving equipment indicating the time for each stage;
  • the size of the maximum required power for which the connection is made, the technological justification of the energy load.

Application from legal persons and entrepreneurs

The application for the connection of electricity to law firms or entrepreneurs whose production level requires a capacity of not more than 100 kW contains four additional information points to the above list of information:

  • the name of the company and the details of the owner of the production facilities, law firms indicate the number in the register, individual entrepreneurs indicate the number in the Unified State Register of Enterprises and the term for placing it in the register, individuals indicate their surname, name, middle name and data from the passport;
  • distribution of power across all phases of commissioning and indicating the reliability category separately for all power devices and devices;
  • type of future energy load indicating the planned type of economic activity;
  • the owner’s proposals regarding cash settlements and the conditions for granting installment payments for work done by the network organization.

Application Documents

electrical connection

Without fail consumers of all categories enclose the following information papers:

  • a drawing or schematic diagram of the location of equipment that is connected to a power source;
  • scheme of laying private consumer networks, with the help of which technological connection to the networks is carried out;
  • list and technical indicators of all devices that can be connected to emergency control devices;
  • copies of papers confirming the right to own property or other legal grounds for consumer objects;
  • if, instead of the owner, another person is involved in the connection, then a power of attorney to conduct business by the representative of the customer.

The procedure for concluding a contract

The network administration sends the unilaterally signed agreement on connection to the consumer within 15 days from the receipt of his application for connection. The technological justification and conditions are sent to legal entities and entrepreneurs, the connection power of which is up to 100 kW, or to physical entities connecting to networks with a voltage of up to 15 kW (for domestic consumption).

If we are talking about other consumers that do not fall under this description, they are sent technical documents within 30 days from the date of application. Having received the conditions and the contract, the applicant studies the documents and, if agreed, signs the agreement and sends the paper in one copy to the office of the owner of the network, and leaves the second selection to himself.

If the future consumer does not agree with certain clauses of the contract, or considers it to be inconsistent with the standards, then he has the right to send a reasonable refusal to sign to the organization and demand that the provisions of the contract be corrected in accordance with the law. In order to prevent conflict, such documents are sent by registered mail with a return notification of delivery.

illegal power connection

The network administration is obliged to conduct a study of the received papers, and send a response to the consumer within 5 days from the receipt of the rejection letter. To sign the contract or a reasoned refusal to this, the consumer is given a period of one month. If after this time there are no actions on his part, then the application for connection is canceled.

Important clauses of the contract

Any agreement contains the following conditions that are important for the connection:

  • a list of measures to be taken if the technological connection of energy devices is carried out;
  • obligations of the two parties to fulfill the contract;
  • expiration date of each stage of technological connection;
  • determination of liability in case of violation of each clause of the contract, established in accordance with the provisions of the law;
  • the measure of operational responsibility of the parties and the measure of the boundaries of the balance sheet ownership of electric networks are indicated;
  • payment for technological connection in accordance with the standards;
  • payment procedure for work and method of transferring finances.

The administration of the network organization cannot force the consumer to perform actions that are not prescribed in the technological conditions of the connection. The company does not have the right to require the consumer to sign contracts with third parties, for example, with organizations for the development of the project, with contractors for the installation of structures and networks, and others. The contract of interaction with the network administration comes into force from the day it is received, signed by the consumer.

Network Connection Fee

For subscribers who connect to a network with a capacity of up to 15 kW, taking into account already existing equipment, the cost is 550 rubles for each kilowatt of energy that determines the connection. Technological justification and technical specifications are included in the price. The price for connecting large and medium-sized businesses is much higher.

Citizens who are members of non-profit associations, the supply of electricity is carried out on a common meter and calculated as the product of the number of members of the team and the amount of 550 rubles, provided that each of them consumes no more than 15 kW.

The remaining categories of users pay for connection at tariffs established by local authorities in the amount of state price regulation. The fee can be calculated on the basis of standardized prices for the construction of power plants or typical connection rates. Technological connection at standard rates means that the network organization calculates the fee using the rates of the electrical profile approved by the REC.

connecting electricity to the house from the pillar

The consumer has the right to independently build networks with the condition that all technical conditions are met, if he considers that such an option is more beneficial to him. In this case, the charge is taken from him only for the power he needs, the act of technological connection is drawn up by the network organization without making claims in this regard.

Unauthorized connection to electric networks

Some unscrupulous consumers join the sources of electric energy, using it for their own benefit or domestic use, while not paying the cost of current consumption. Serious fines are provided for such unauthorized violation of the law.

For selfish use of electricity bypassing the meter, financial sanctions are applied, which are calculated separately for each individual violator. Illegal connection to power grids is determined by the formula, the main components of which include the duration of an unauthorized connection and the bandwidth of the line at the connection point. This calculation rule applies the same for a multi-story building and for the private sector. The determination of the size of the fine is performed:

  • taking into account consumer tariffs for this group and in accordance with the voltage class;
  • the estimated daily electricity consumption at a given point is taken;
  • the number of days during which a violation occurred when using electricity is considered.

Connecting electricity to the house from the pillar

Electrification issues are dealt with, respectively, by network companies that issue special permits for independent connection to a voltage source, they themselves make such inserts. To connect electricity to a residential building, they apply for permission to connect and use electric current according to the conditions provided by the company.

After obtaining permission, you can connect electricity to the house with your own hands. It does not take much time, but first you need to decide how to lay the cable to connect the house to the mains:

  • laying by air;
  • hidden wiring (underground).

Through the pillar, an air line is applied. This is the most common way to bring electricity to the house, it is performed using a cable with a supporting cable or reinforced wire is used. A robust metal wire with a cross-section of at least 3 mm is manually attached to a simple cable of the desired cross-section using fastening clamps.

technological connection act

The finished reinforced cable is a self-supporting insulated wire, which is composed of conductive wires, insulation, and inside there is a cable that gives the cable the necessary strength against wind gusts and icing in winter. For a private house, a cable of the SIP-4 brand is used, in which the cores are made of aluminum or steel. The choice of cable is carried out depending on how much the wiring costs and how it will affect the financial position of the consumer.

For fastening the wire, special clamps are used, such as anchors, which are placed one on each core. Air branching is done using double anchors. Through the wall, wiring is passed in a pipe, then connected to the meter. If the installation of a stabilizer is provided outside the house, then a shield is made for its fastening.

In conclusion, it should be noted that all the rules and norms by which the technological connection of power receiving devices is carried out are described in the SNiP documents, guided by which, the consumer will easily make the connection from the pole by air. After inspecting the work, the representative of the controlling organization draws up the relevant acceptance certificate, and the connection of electricity to the residential building is considered complete.


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