When to plant grape cuttings: the best time for planting, features of cultivation, recommendations for cultivation and care

With the advent of winter-hardy varieties, it became possible to grow grapes in regions of Russia with a cold climate. Berries can ripen within 100 days if the average daily temperature is +18 degrees. This thermophilic plant is able to produce crops when the summer is cold and rainy, and the soil is loamy or sandy and poorly warmed by the sun. In this article we will try to figure out how to plant grapes with cuttings in the fall.

Why are grapes cultivated by cuttings?

The vine is planted in three ways:

  • Seed, but this method is not used, because the seedling loses many properties belonging to the mother plant.
  • Using rootstock - is of great difficulty for an amateur gardener.
  • Cuttings (aka Chubuki) - most often used for growing grapes. The advantages of this method are that the process of their procurement is not particularly difficult. The young bush retains all the properties of the mother plant, and the cuttings are well received, and the vine quickly begins to bear fruit.
Grape bushes

When planting, it is necessary to decide when to plant grape cuttings - in spring or autumn, carefully treat the soil and prepare the planting material in advance.

The best time for planting grapes

Propagation of grapes by cuttings can be carried out both in autumn and spring. Each of these options has its advantages and disadvantages. Gardeners did not agree on the time of planting Chubuk in the ground. But most of them believe that it is best to plant them in the spring. And autumn planting should only be done when it is impossible to do this in the spring for some reason. Cuttings are harvested at different times. Some believe that this is best done in the spring, when the plant overwinter and it will be seen which chubuk is better to take. And others cut them in the fall and immediately plant or store them until spring.

Selection of cuttings in spring for planting and soil preparation

How to plant grapes with cuttings in spring? Many cut Chubuki in the fall and keep them until spring, and some make harvesting material for spring pruning of the vine. For propagation, shoots of medium thickness with often located buds are selected, and thick wen are not suitable for this purpose. Up to six buds are left on the handle, about 50 cm long. It is better to plant them immediately in the grape row without further transplantation. To do this, make grooves with a width of 25 cm and a depth of up to 40 cm. The distance between the forelocks should be at least a meter. To warm the land, a bucket of boiling water is poured into the landing site. After absorbing water, a little sand is put on the bottom, thus making drainage, and then a layer of fertile soil 5 cm thick.

How to plant grape cuttings without roots in spring?

To land in the ground you need:

  • Break off all but two kidneys that remain above the surface of the earth.
  • Split the lower end of the forelock slightly to better absorb moisture and nutrients from the ground.
  • Stick it into the ground at an angle of 45 degrees.
  • Pour a bucket of warm water and wait until it is absorbed.
  • Fill the stalk with earth, starting from the bottom, leaving only two buds on the surface.
  • Tamp the ground on top and make a recess for irrigation.
  • Mulch with sawdust.

Planted shoot should be watered abundantly once a week until the roots grow. After rooting and the appearance of new shoots, the trellis is pulled.

Planting cuttings

Harvesting cuttings for autumn planting

How to plant grapes in autumn with cuttings? To do this, the first thing you need to prepare them. The best planting material is considered to be a shank that has at least three eyes and a thickness of 8-12 mm, but thinner specimens are also suitable. Freezing affects the timing of harvesting, so pruning of the vines begins in early autumn. For this:

  • Material for planting is taken from a healthy uterine bush.
  • The shoot is chosen ripened, without mechanical damage.
  • At least three buds are left on each handle, the lower edge is cut 3 cm below the last node.
  • Optimum length 45 cm.

The shoots are ready for planting.

Preparing the soil for planting

Itโ€™s not enough to know how to plant grapes in autumn with cuttings. Success largely depends on careful soil preparation. The vine does not like soil with high acidity. Therefore, when treating the site, lime is added to acidic soil. It should be noted that solonchak soil containing a large amount of readily soluble salts is also not suitable for planting grape shoots. Manure is added to sandy soils, and sand to peat soils. With a close location of groundwater, drainage is done. Before planting, the earth is dug up, fertilizer applied and well watered.

Autumn planting of cuttings

Is it possible to plant grape cuttings in autumn? Adherents of this method claim that it is possible. Moreover, the autumn planting saves gardeners from storing Chubuk in the winter. Planting material is planted on a specially designated plot of land for growing grape seedlings, which is called a school. To do this, proceed as follows:

  • Digging a trench, the width of a shovel and a depth of one bayonet.
  • For fertilizer, they take a bucket of humus for one meter of the landing strip, cover it with earth and loosen it.
  • Cuttings are stuck into the ground, tilting them to the south, 10-12 cm from one another so that one kidney remains above the ground.
  • The distance between the rows is not less than 30-40 cm for the convenience of caring for seedlings.
  • Plantings are watered with warm water.
Growing cuttings

How to plant grape cuttings without roots in the fall? Sometimes they are immediately planted in a permanent place. To do this, pits are made in the prepared soil and two cuttings are placed in each of them in case of the death of one of them. When both are rooted, one of them is dug up and transplanted to a new place. For the winter they are covered with spruce branches or sprinkled with soil on the ground and a layer of foliage is made from above. In the spring they are cleaned, and a greenhouse is made over the chubs. Periodically, it is aired, accustoming young shoots to fresh air. The shelter is completely removed when the threat of frost has passed. Experts believe that grape cuttings can be planted in the fall. With proper planting and protection, shoots are formed on them earlier in spring than during spring planting.

Preparing cuttings for planting during autumn pruning

Most often, planting material for spring planting is harvested in the fall, when autumn pruning of bushes is carried out. This procedure at the same time helps to prepare the vine for shelter for the winter period, the less excess shoots, the more convenient. How to prepare cuttings for planting:

  • It should be borne in mind that not every shoot is suitable for reproduction. Do not take the weak and sick, as well as strong, but not fruiting shoots. Healthy branches are suitable for planting, which already bore fruit this season.
  • The thickness of the workpiece is selected no more than a centimeter in diameter, having at least four kidneys, a length of 10-15 cm.
  • Foliage, stepsons and mustaches are completely removed from all cut shoots, only the bark and buds remain.
  • The upper inclined section is made by stepping back from the top of the shoot 2 cm, the lower - 5 cm from the kidney and at right angles.
  • Beneath the cuttings, several longitudinal sections of the bark are made up to 3 cm long for accelerated root growth.
Grape cuttings

Prepared shoots:

  • They are laid out by grades and labeled.
  • They are placed for a day in a jar of warm water, adding growth stimulants to it, which positively affect the germination of roots in the spring.
  • Processed with a solution of copper sulfate.
  • Dry on paper napkins.
  • Carefully packaged in plastic, bandaged and stored in the refrigerator until spring.

Check the condition of the cuttings once a month, when dried again placed in water, dried and packaged. If mold appears, then wipe it with a solution of potassium permanganate. When to plant grape cuttings prepared in the autumn and winter? The best landing time is spring.

Care of cuttings after winter

At the end of the winter rest period, the Chubuki take it out of the refrigerator and unpack it. After that, perform the following procedures:

  • Dipped for disinfection in a solution of potassium permanganate.
  • Washed in clean running water.
  • Cut the lower tip straight, and the upper one with an oblique cut to 1 cm.
  • For two days they are placed in a steeping solution of a growth stimulator. To do this, use a solution of honey, aloe juice or "Kornevin." The process of root formation is stimulated by rubbing the heteroassin into vertical incisions at the lower end of the petiole.
  • Top cuttings are treated with special paraffin or garden var.


At home, on the cuttings, the buds usually bloom earlier than the root growth begins. Without a root system, leaves die off due to lack of nutrients. Therefore, to slow down the appearance of leaves and accelerate the growth of roots, they use wilderness. To do this, the root part of the plant is placed in a warm environment, and the apical part is placed in a cool environment. You can do this as follows:

  • wrap the bottom of the handle with a cloth dampened in warm water, and cover with a film on top;
  • take two plastic bottles: fill one with water heated to 30 degrees, and freeze the water in the other;
  • in the box, put the shoots with the root part on a warm bottle, and the apical on the cold;
  • top up with sawdust and cover;
  • periodically change a bottle of warm water to maintain the temperature within 26 degrees;
  • after three days, inspect the lower part of the petioles. Discard all that have root tubercles, leave the rest for wilderness.

Selected Chubuki are subject to further rooting, the methods of which are several.

Rooting by the method of R. P. Radchevsky

When to plant grape cuttings prepared in this way? The best period is spring. For rooting, take cuttings with two or three buds, with a larger number of them, the vine is divided into parts. This will require:

  • Ready shoots put in a transparent container to watch how the roots grow. Pour the settled water into the container about 4 cm, add as the level decreases.
  • Change the water once a week, adding activated carbon from acidification.
  • Put the jar on the window, where there is good sunlight.

In two weeks, the shoots will begin to grow, and a little later or at the same time roots will appear. If there are two shoots on the chubuk, but no roots are formed, then one of them is removed so as not to deplete the chubuk. When the roots grow, the handle is carefully transplanted into the ground for growing.

Rooting by the method of N. L. Puzenko

With this method of rooting, a piece of cloth or an old, better terry towel is used. It is moistened with water and the bottom of each cuttings is wrapped in turns, leaving the top free. When all the chubuki are wrapped, they put on a plastic bag on top of the fabric and put the parcel on a cabinet or refrigerator with the tops towards the light. The fabric is moistened every few days. After about two to three weeks, the roots will appear and you will need to transplant them into the ground.

Rooting in the filler

When to plant grape cuttings rooted using sawdust? In this case, spring is also the most favorable time. Pre-Filler:

  • pour from a boiling kettle;
  • cool down;
  • squeeze out excess water.

Ready sawdust is poured with a layer of a few centimeters into a container or pot and the cuttings are set there. Then, another layer of sawdust is poured, and the container is closed with a film. Airing is done daily, and the filler is moistened every three days. Two weeks later, the cuttings are checked for roots. Those in which they appeared are transplanted into the ground, the rest are returned back.

Dates and features of landing

How to plant grape cuttings? The final stage of propagation of grapes by propagation by cuttings is the planting of rooted chubucks in open ground. It is carried out as follows:

  • Chubuki planted in the spring, in early May.
  • The place for the vine is selected well-lit, protected from strong winds and without close occurrence of groundwater.
  • The site is thoroughly cleaned of weeds, digged and loosened.
  • A nutrient soil mixture is poured into pre-prepared landing pits, into which basic fertilizers are added depending on the characteristics of the soil on the site.
Potted cuttings

Healthy cuttings are planted in the ground without damage to the bark and roots. After planting, do abundant watering, and mulch. If necessary, seedlings are shaded.

Recommendations for further care

Now you know how to plant grapes in autumn with cuttings in the ground. The following are tips for the proper care of the young vine. It is very important, since it positively affects the survival rate of plants, the time of entry into fruiting and the taste of berries. In the first year after planting young seedlings in the ground, the main tasks of an amateur gardener are as follows:

  • Moisten the soil in time, preventing its overdrying.
  • To enrich the soil with nutrients, use ready-made biological concentrates "Optimum-humus", "Biovit", "Vermistim".
  • Permanently remove stepchildren from young bushes so that they do not pick up the nutrients necessary for the active growth of the plant.
  • Regularly weeding and loosening the soil, improving the air supply to the root system.
  • Make katarovka (trimming of the surface roots) of the grapes to deepen the root system of the bushes, which will improve the winter hardiness of plants.
  • For prophylactic purposes of combating fungal infection, treat the plant in the phase of five leaves using "Bordeaux fluid".
Germination of cuttings

For the winter period, plants must be sheltered in order to save them from frost.


Grapes are propagated in various ways. But even with such a popular Chubuk cultivation, many have developed conflicting opinions about when it is better to plant grape cuttings - in spring or autumn. And also about the need to germinate them or immediately place them in the ground. Growing grapes is a rather painstaking process that requires certain knowledge, skills and adherence to technology. In order to understand all issues, experience is needed, and it is acquired during work. Therefore, we must try all methods of growing and choose the best. And how to plant grapes with cuttings in autumn and spring, you read it by reading the article.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F32901/

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