Lefortovo Prison. History and decor

Many colonies are not as far away as it might seem at first glance. One of these places is Lefortovo prison, which is located in Moscow. Its walls were erected back in 1881. There were 14 cells in each wing of the prison, and if you look at the building itself from above, it resembles the letter “K”. What is the mystery of this prison? What did she frighten in Soviet times of every opposing government or simply declared an enemy of the people?

Lefortovo prison

Who was Lefortovo Prison for?

In the past, the colony was used to conclude lower military ranks. There were only three analogues of Lefortovo prison at that time - they were in St. Petersburg, Riga, and also in Warsaw. In Soviet times, this colony was one of the worst. Then the prison belonged to the Chekists, and torture and interrogation were carried out in it. According to prisoners in the forties of the last century, the so-called psychic cells are in prison. In them, the walls are painted black, and the lamp burns around the clock. Near them also a wind tunnel constantly worked. It caused a vibration so that even the plates on the table were trembling.

Over time, new premises were completed on the territory of the prison. The temple of the great saint Nicholas the Wonderworker was also erected. In Soviet times, it was converted for various events - here began to organize concerts, as well as training sessions for prisoners.

Lefortovo prison

The atmosphere inside

Outside, the prison is completely invisible. Every day, hundreds of Muscovites walk around the streets of Lefortovo district, not even suspecting that the most mysterious colony of Russia is nearby. If someone manages to get into the territory of the colony, then the first thing that catches your eye is the terraces along the walls of the prison. Guards are constantly walking along these balconies, and at any second can look into the cameras. They also say that inside the corridors of the prison there are carpet paths everywhere . Perhaps they are part of some dark tradition from the past. But according to other versions, they are needed to absorb sound and maintain silence.

There is always terrible silence in prison. All sounds seem to disappear. Although you can sometimes hear the TV working somewhere, even this sound disappears. How this happens is unknown to anyone. Most likely, this is a mystery known only to the architect who built the Lefortovo colony. The prison accepts everyone - both the poor and wealthy prisoners detained at the border or at the airport. Each chamber has an area of ​​8 square meters. m, the prisoners are sitting in two.

Lefortovo prison photo

The history of the prison in Soviet times

In Soviet times, many political prisoners were shot directly on the territory of the colony. In fact, no facts are carried beyond the walls surrounding the Lefortovo prison. All that is known about this correctional facility is that it is possible to learn from former prisoners. They say that the rules in this place have been maintained for many decades.

After the death of Stalin

After Joseph Vissarionovich died, Lefortovo prison became the most famous place of imprisonment for enemies of the people. It was here that those political representatives who for some reason were objectionable to the then authorities were exiled.

Nowadays, it’s almost impossible for journalists to go to Lefortovo prison . Only once, in 1993, a press conference was held, and media representatives managed to visit the territory of the most terrible and mysterious colony Lefortovo. The prison has been shrouded in mystery for decades. Even in the historical museum of the Moscow district of Lefortovo there is no information about it. The reason for this is simple - no one tried to write about it. After all, everyone knew that this was a working prison, and in addition to prisoners and their relatives, they preferred to remain silent about it.

Lefortovo prison story

Known facts about Lefortovo

On the account of the correctional institution there are several shoots. For example, in 1920, convicts Grigory Kletkin and Sergey Drozhennikov fled from here. During the repair of the heating system, they made a hole right in the floor. There were some prisoners who managed to bribe the guards.

Of the famous prisoners, one can mention Alexander Mikhailovich Krasnoshchekov. In 1922, he had an affair with Lily Brik. This connection almost led to the separation of the girl from Mayakovsky. It was said that Krasnoshchekov used public funds for his own purposes, often ugly. As a punishment for abuse of power, he was sentenced to six years in solitary confinement.

In 1922, the prison became a haven for many street children, as well as poor families with children. In 1923, baths were built in the colony, and later a pharmacy was equipped. A year later, the prison begins to play the role of a pre-trial detention center.

Moscow prison Lefortovo

Lefortovo - a prison in the city

However, some features of the colony are still known. For example, a prison is famous for its order, the courtesy of the administration. Lefortovo is a prison whose history is filled with rules that have been followed for many years. Drugs never come here, there is no “rope telegraph” system that is popular with prisoners. The guard notifies each other with a knock if he brings the prisoner out of the cell. Lefortovo is a prison, the photo of which will not cause any interest. Indeed, from the side of the street this is an ordinary building - the one with which Moscow is full. Lefortovo prison fits into the usual city landscape, and you can not even suspect that you are near such a place. The windows of the prisoners overlook the well-yard. They cannot see anything from their cameras. Despite this they say that in the rooms of the investigators the windows are hung with paper.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F32902/

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