Compote "Agusha": the taste comes from childhood!

When the baby grows up a bit, mom tries to diversify his daily menu as much as possible. How else? Vitamins and other useful elements must enter the body of the child. And here you can relate not only to solid food, but also to drink: healthy compotes, juices, decoctions. What is Agusha compote, what are its advantages and disadvantages? Let's try to figure it out.

Forgotten Taste of Childhood

For their child, mothers try to cook everything themselves, because nothing is better, tastier and healthier than home-made food. The same applies to decoctions and compotes.

But there are some circumstances when a baby simply cannot do without a purchased product. For example, an ordinary walk. Yes, many parents don’t buy juices for babies because of the large amount of sugar, as well as possible dyes. The child’s body will definitely not benefit from this. Such parents prefer fruit drinks and compotes. One of these drinks is Agusha compote. Dried apricots in it are combined with raisins and apples, which gives an excellent taste and “addict” vitamins to the baby’s body.

Kid playing with compote

Before buying any children's products, parents need to study its composition. This compote consists of only natural ingredients. What can confuse moms and dads? So this is a regulator of citric acid, which is not necessary to give to children under the age of three to avoid negative effects on the gastrointestinal tract of the peanut.

Before giving a child a new drink, caring parents usually test it for themselves. Considered compote "Agusha" will appeal to, perhaps, every adult. Its taste will return adults to childhood. It was such compotes that my grandmothers cooked. Kids drank the same in kindergartens, schools and pioneer camps.

If we talk about color, then it resembles a weakly brewed tea, in addition, there is a small precipitate.

This product can be recommended for children and adults for its natural composition, the uniqueness of home taste and inexpensive cost - about 40-50 rubles per half liter.

Bag assistant

Truly tasty "Agusha" - compote. Dried apricots, raisins and an apple as its components give it a very simple taste, similar to an uzvar. But mothers are only happy about this - they consider the absence of sugar a “gift”, because with its addition, the baby’s teeth are destroyed. In addition, such a drink has a very beneficial effect on the functioning of the children's intestines: “Agusha” - dried fruit compote - is useful for the normal functioning of the baby’s stomach, and is also safe for the smallest consumers, since the components do not cause allergies.

Compote from Agusha

Especially pleased are mothers whose children do not eat fruit, except, for example, tangerines or bananas. Such kompotik for them is a real lifesaver. You can offer it to your child immediately after eating. Digestion will work better, and dessert for the sweet tooth will wait. Tasty and healthy at the same time!

Unexpected utility

Compote "Agusha", which was mentioned just above, has not only the advantages already listed. You can stay on some more, although they are perhaps more for parents.

So, if mom does not have enough time to cook homemade compote, you can buy in a bag. In addition, when you have a trip somewhere, it’s convenient to pour the purchased compote into a bottle (you can also dilute it with water to prevent the baby from feeling so sweet). You just need to remember that a truly natural drink is the one that mom made herself.

Kid drinks compote

Compotik consists of water, concentrated apple juice and dried fruit filler (raisins, dried apricots). There are still few preservatives in a packaged one, so it is best to purchase it as needed.

So the advantages include convenience - the package is always at hand. But also remember about preservatives.

Good word about compote

There is a category of parents who do not give any juices to their little children - only compotes. They can be understood: at an early age they do not want to introduce sugar into the baby’s diet. Agusha compote such parents choose because there is no sugar in it. There is only one that is contained in the dried fruits themselves, from which it was cooked. When you drink it, there is not the slightest sensation that the manufacturer deliberately “sweetened” it in order to improve the taste.

By the way, some babies have digestive problems decreased only thanks to this compote. Perhaps this is due to dried apricots, which is part of it.

About changing age and taste

Such kompotik was intended for babies earlier, starting from 8 months of age. And let it not be completely identical to homemade (you can’t confuse a cooked house with anything!), But it is very similar in taste. Kids always drank it with great pleasure. And parents often chose this particular brand as a credible one.

Dried fruits compote

But recently there have been reviews of discouraged mothers who are upset that this compote has a different taste: it has become more acidic - possibly due to apple juice or some other acid. With a more detailed study of the packaging, it turned out that the age of use had also changed - from 8 months to three years. And many kids now drink this kompotik with less enthusiasm.

In any case, the packaging with the tube attached to the back wall remained unchanged. So the baby is much easier and more convenient to drink compote. Yes, and it’s simply impossible to shower them.


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