Money Books: Review, Features and Reviews

Books about money in recent years have become no less popular than fiction. In our world, financial success largely determines the life of a person, so many are concerned about how to get rich. In this article, we will present several works that can help in this.

"Money. An Unofficial History of Money"

One of the most popular money books in recent years has been written by Felix Martin. This is a detailed excursion into the history of money, the financial world in general, with what it all began, how we came to a state in which we cannot think of ourselves without banknotes and trifles.

Felix Martin is a skilled promoter of knowledge. He skillfully and flashily draws a real biography of money, starting with our most distant ancestors. The author rejects economic theories that claim that either a commodity was first allocated as the initial equivalent of money, or gold was allocated as a commodity when people realized that it was both a valuable and rare metal. Martin considers such theories speculative. In his book about money, he believes that money was originally invented just like money. In his opinion, they were born as a kind of material expression of credit, with their help it became easier to remember who, whom and how much.

How to let in money

Further, the writer proves with illustrative examples that money is neither a commodity nor a thing, but exclusively debt obligations of people, establish a connection between them.

Testimonials suggest that the book should not be taken as a textbook on the fundamentals of economics, but it can help withstand philistine myths. Martin cites the opinions and statements of leading economists who, in the pages of his book about money, are arguing in absentia among themselves. Adam Smith, John Locke, Karl Marx - everyone has the opportunity to express their point of view, and the reader will have to determine which of them is right and who is wrong.

"Money is within us"

money inside us

Another entertaining book about money was written by Alexander Sviyash. It is called "Money within us. Remove the barriers to money." Its author is a psychologist and a candidate of technical sciences, who admits that in the 80s he became interested in the theory of inventive problems. When the thesis was successfully defended, interest arose in the search for new ideas. He became interested in superpowers. When in the 90s his acquaintances opened banks and traded oil, he created the "Center for Children's Invention" and began to take out young talents out of town to participate in educational games.

Over time, he created an economic simulator, on the example of which people could observe the real fluctuations of the stock market. As a result, he developed his own methodology, based solely on the internal mood, which determines the economic behavior of a person in this world. The author of this book about money is a hard-core pragmatist who invites each person to create ideal conditions for living and earning large amounts of money.

According to reviews, the book helps get rid of the internal barriers that seriously hinder many from earning money.

"Big book to attract money"

How to get a lot of money

How to attract money? Books that provide answers to this question have recently appeared more and more. We will tell you in detail about one of them. This is the so-called Big Book of Money.

The book was written by Natalia Pravdina. Its full name is The Big Book of Raising Money. The author is convinced that the ability to earn and be rich is a real art that can be learned if it was not possible to obtain the treasured knowledge from birth. According to Pravdina, this conclusion is confirmed by thousands of people who have passed through her seminars and practices. She is considered a recognized specialist in the transformation of consciousness, about 30 books that have gained immense popularity among readers belong to her.

The Big Book on Raising Money describes its main practices for raising cash into your life. Here you can find really working methods that Natalya regularly talks about at her seminars and lectures, as well as techniques that she had not previously revealed to almost anyone, but is now ready to share them with a wide range of readers.

Reviews say that by reading this book, tomorrow you can begin your journey to wealth.

"How to let big money into your life"

Piggy bank for money

Another book is devoted to material enrichment. How to let big money into your life, explains Daria Trutneva, creator of a unique innovative technology for working with her own subconscious. This work is called "How to Let Big Money Into Your Life."

Those who have already read this book assure that it will help any person, without exception, to understand what has prevented him from earning money up to this point, in what relations he is with money, which affects his financial well-being, and most importantly, how does it all can be corrected.

According to this book, each reader has the opportunity to get acquainted with the methodology developed and used by Trutneva long ago; she has already helped many to make their dreams come true. The method, which is described in detail and scrupulously in the book, allows you to set up your own subconscious mind so that money, very big money, easily and naturally enters our life.

"Personal condition"

How to calculate your family budget

The work of Stuart Lucas, entitled "Personal Status: Multiply, Protect, Dispose" will allow many to learn how to make money. The book will help to cope with uncertainty and bad luck, make you believe in yourself.

The author notes that each of us has heard about people who received a lot of money for almost nothing. For example, they won the lottery. True, few of them in the future remained a successful and wealthy person. Most almost without looking squandered most of the money, leaving almost nothing.

All this, according to Lucas, is due to the lack of a long-term strategy, as well as the ability to correctly manage the funds that you currently have. This problem is familiar to many, if not almost everyone.

Lucas himself is a financial consultant who runs a large family-owned company. He claims that all his advice is tested in practice. He readily tells readers how to increase his capital, and then maintain and increase his fortune, invest without losses and risks, choose a business consultant so that he will never regret it later. You will learn by reading this book how to make money, and you can avoid many mistakes for the future.

"Financial diary"

financial diary

The author of the book on money, Alexei Gerasimov, is ready to tell everyone in practice how to track his financial situation, plan savings, carefully keep track of expenses and income, do not forget to analyze them. His work is called "Financial diary. How to put money in order."

The author in practice intelligibly helps to calculate the financial plan for the next three months. During this time, a person gets used to writing down information that relates to his personal finances and his family’s finances, and then continues to do this automatically, simply choosing which way of keeping records is more convenient for him.

The essence of the method that Gerasimov proposes to use is to record all expenses and receipts daily. So it will be possible to better see and understand your financial goals, and then systematically move towards them.

"Where does the money go?"

where does the money go

Another manual that will help you manage your finances wisely is Yulia Sakharovskaya’s book “Where does the money go? How to manage the family budget wisely”.

It is simply necessary for those who every month are surprised at where all the money went again. Sakharovskaya is a successful financial consultant and investor who helps to understand the current state of finance, optimize costs as much as possible and draw up a plan for the near future.

According to reviews, the information presented is available, with examples from real life, a detailed analysis of possible errors.

"Trick or treat?"

Vicky Robin's book "Trick or Treat?" helps to understand the eternal dilemma with which more than one family suffers. What to do: live to work or work to live?

The answer only at first glance may seem obvious, in fact, many devote an unforgivably long time and spend energy in the eternal pursuit of additional earnings, big money. This book of the American author will help such people to radically revise their attitude to material values, but at the same time not to remain with nothing but to gain real financial independence. Living fully without worrying about the fact that money can suddenly end. If you believe the reviews, many made this book truly happy and self-sufficient.


So, we talked about the most famous books about money. They will increase your financial literacy and help achieve material prosperity.


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